Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz


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<strong>SMIQ</strong> SOURce:WCDMa Subsystem (NTT DoCoMo/ARIB 0.0)[:SOURce]:WCDMa:LDIStortion[:STATe] ON | OFFThe command sets the reduced level for the low-distortion mode.ON Low-distortion modeOFF Normal levelExample: :SOUR:WCDM:LDIS ON *RST value is OFF[:SOURce]:WCDMa:SEQuence AUTO | RETRigger | AAUTo | ARETriggerThe command selects the trigger mode for the W-CDMA sequence.AUTO Continuously repeatedRETRigger Continuously repeated; new start after a triggerAAUTo ARMED AUTO; waits for trigger, then switches over to AUTO and can no longer betriggeredARETrigger ARMED RETRIG; a trigger event is required to start, each new trigger causes arestartExample: :SOUR:WCDM:SEQ AAUT *RST value is RETR[:SOURce]:WCDMa:TRIGger:SOURce EXTernal | INTernalThe command selects the trigger source. With INT selected, triggering is via remote control usingthe trigger command or via EXECUTE TRIGGER in case of manual control.EXT The trigger signal is fed in via input TRIGININT A start is only possible manually or via the remote control command TRIG:DM:IMMExample: :SOUR:WCDM:TRIG:SOUR EXT *RST value is INT[:SOURce]:WCDMa:TRIGger:INHibit 0 to 67108863The command sets the retrigger inhibit duration (in number of chips).Example: :SOUR:WCDM:TRIG:INH 1000 *RST value is 0[:SOURce]:WCDMa:TRIGger:DELay 0 to 40959The command defines the trigger delay (in number of chips).Example: :SOUR:WCDM:TRIG:DEL 200 *RST value is 0[:SOURce]:WCDMa:TRIGger:OUTPut[1]|2 SLOT | RFRame | CSPeriodThe command defines the output signal at trigger output 1 or 2. The following times can be selected:SLOTTime slot clockRFRame Radio Frame (frame clock)CSPeriod Chip Sequence PeriodExample: :SOUR:WCDM:TRIG:OUTP1 RFR *RST value is: for OUTPut 1: RFRfor OUTPut 2: CSP[:SOURce]:WCDMa:TRIGger:OUTPut[1]|2:POLarity POSitive | NEGativeThe commands defines the polarity of the signals at the trigger outputs.Example: :SOUR:WCDM:TRIG:OUTP2:POL NEG *RST value is POS1125.5555.03 3.155 E-9

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