Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz


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<strong>SMIQ</strong>SOURce:POWer Subsystem[:SOURce]:POWer:ALC:SEARch ON | OFF | ONCEThis command is only valid with level control switched off.ON Level control is switched on briefly after a level or frequency change (SAMPLE & HOLD).OFF Level control is never switched on (TABLE mode).ONCE Level control is briefly switched on for calibration.Example: :SOUR:POW :ALC:SEAR ONCE *RST value: ON[:SOURce]:POWer[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] -144 to +16 dBmThe command sets the RF output level in operating mode CW. UP and DOWN can be indicatedin addition to numeric values. Then the level is increased or reduced by the value indicated under:SOURce:POWer:STEP.In this command, the OFFSet value is considered as with input value AMPLITUDE in theLEVEL-LEVEL menu. Thus the specified range indicated is only valid for :POWer:OFFSet = 0.The specified range with other OFFSet values can be calculated according to the followingformula (cf. Chapter 2, Section "Level Offset" as well):-144dBm+ OFFSet to +16dBm +OFFSetThe keywords of this command are optional to a large extent, thus the long as well as the shortform of the command is shown in the example.*RST value is -30 dBmExample: :SOUR:POW:LEV:IMM:AMPL 15 or:POW 15[:SOURce]:POWer[:LEVel][:IMMediate]:OFFSet -100 to +100 dBThe command enters the constant level offset of a series-connected attenuator/amplifier (cf.Chapter 2, Section "Level Offset"). If a level offset is entered, the level entered using:POWer:AMPLitude does no longer conform to the RF output level. The following connection istrue::POWer = RF output level + POWer:OFFSet.Entering a level offset does not change the RF output level but only the query value of:POWer:AMPLitude.Only dB is permissible as a unit here, linear units (V, W etc.) are not permitted.Caution: The level offset is also valid in the case of level sweeps!Example: :SOUR:POW:LEV:IMM:OFFS 0 or *RST value is 0:POW:OFFS 0[:SOURce]:POWer[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude]:RCL INCLude | EXCLudeThe command determines the effect of the recall function on the RF level.*RST value has noeffect to this setting.INCLude The saved RF level is loaded when instrument settings are loaded with the [RECALL]key or with a memory sequence.EXCLude The RF level is not loaded when instrument settings are loaded, the current settingsare maintained.Example: :SOUR:POW:RCL INCL[:SOURce]:POWer:LIMit[:AMPLitude] -144 to + 16 dBmThe command limits the maximum Rf output level in operating mode CW and SWEEP. It does notinfluence the display LEVEL and the answer to query POW?.Example: :SOUR:POW:LIM:AMPL 15 *RST value is +16 dBm1125.5555.03 3.145 E-9

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