Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz


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SOURce:PDC Subsystem<strong>SMIQ</strong>[:SOURce]:PDC:STANdardThe commands sets all modulation parameters to the values of the PDC standard. I.e., all valuesthat have been selected by the :PDC:SLOT... commands described in the following are notvalid. This command triggers an event and hence has no *RST value and no query.Example: :SOUR:PDC:STAN[:SOURce]:PDC:SRATe 1kHz to 200 kHzThe command sets the symbol rate.Example: :SOUR:PDC:SRAT 21.1 kHz *RST value is 21.0 kHz[:SOURce]:PDC:FILTerThe commands for selecting a filter are under this node.[:SOURce]:PDC:FILTer:TYPE SCOSine | COSine | USERThe command selects the type of filter. A filter list should be selected with :PDC:FILT:SEL 'name'for the filter type USER.Example: :SOUR:PDC:FILT:TYPE COS *RST value is SCOS[:SOURce]:PDC:FILTer:SELect 'name'The command selects a named filter list. The list is used only if a user-defined filter is selectedwith :PDC:FILT:TYPE USER. To generate lists, cf. command [:SOURce]:DM:FLISt:SEL, to fill uplists, cf. command [:SOURce]:DM:FLISt:DATA.Example: :SOUR:PDC:FILT:SEL 'test' *RST value is NONE[:SOURce]:PDC:FILTer:PARameter 0.1 to 0.7The command sets the filter parameter entry (Roll Off factor).Example: :SOUR:PDC:FILT:PAR 0.51 *RST value is 0.5[:SOURce]:PDC:FILTer:MODE LACP | LEVMThis command selects one of the "L"ow filter modes.Example: :SOUR:PDC:FILT:MODE LEVM *RST value is LACP[:SOURce]:PDC:LDIStortion[:STATe] ON | OFFThe command sets the reduced level for the low-distortion mode.Example: :SOUR:PDC:LDIS ON *RST value is OFF[:SOURce]:PDC:SEQuence AUTO | RETRigger | AAUTo | ARETriggerThe command selects the trigger mode for the sequence.AAUTo is ARMED AUTOARETrigger is ARMED RETRIGExample: :SOUR:PDC:SEQ AAUT *RST value is AUTO[:SOURce]:PDC:TRIGger:SOURce EXTernal | INTernalThe command selects the trigger source. With INT selected, triggering is via IEC/IEEE bus or theExecute command in manual control.Example: :SOUR:PDC:TRIG:SOUR EXT *RST value is INT1125.5555.03 3.126E-9

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