Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz

Operating Manual R&S SMIQ - Volume 1 - Rohde & Schwarz


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<strong>SMIQ</strong>SOURce:DM Subsystem[:SOURce]:DM:CLIStThe commands for processing the control list are under this node. The control list contains theswitching signals for the burst, the level, the modulation etc. The list index is with reference to thesymbols in the data list and the list only contains the status changes. Control lists are not affected by*RST.[:SOURce]:DM:CLISt:CONTrol[:STATe] ON | OFFThe command switches control on or off using the control list.Example: :SOUR:DM:CLIS:CONT ON *RST value is OFF[:SOURce]:DM:CLISt:DATA {,}...The command transmits the bit data to the selected control list which is then overwritten.struc>=:, , , , , , =: numeric value: 1 to 2^26 ( 67108864) =: numeric value: 0 | 1The data can also be transmitted as a binary block with being a 4 byte value in which the26 LSBs represent the symbol index and the remaining 6 bits the binary values (see also sectionparameter, block data). Each byte is interpreted as made up of 8 data bits. Here, the command:SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB:LTERminator EOI should be used to set the delimiter mode to'circuit message EOI only' so that an accidental LF within the data sequence is not first identifiedas a delimiter and thus momentarily interrupts the data transmission.The command ...LTER STANdard resets the delimiter mode.For the query, switchover between the two formats given above is possible by means of the:FORMat ASCii | PACKed command. The order of bytes is stipulated in the IEC/IEEE-busstandard (MSByte first).It should be noted that in the binary form the symbol index starts with 0. In the binary format thismeans that each symbol index is less by 1 than actually indicated on the screen and input/outputvia IEC/IEEE-bus in the ASCII format.Example::SOUR:DM:CLIS:DATA 12345678,0,1,1,0,0,0,23456789,1,0,0,1,0,0:SOUR:DM:CLIS:DATA #18aX-’y$?sThe first two positions of the list are filled with the examples (with different values).[:SOURce]:DM:CLISt:CATalog?The command returns a list of data list names separated by commas.Example: :SOUR:DM:CLIS:CAT?[:SOURce]:DM:CLISt:SELect ‘‘The command selects the indicated control list. This list only becomes effective as control list ifthe:DM:PRAMp:SOURce CLISt mode has been selected. The list can only be filled with valuesif it has been selected beforehand. If the indicated list does not exist, it will be generated. has to be put in brackets (< >) and may have up to 8 characters.Example: :SOUR:DM:CLIS:SEL ’TEST2’[:SOURce]:DM:CLISt:DELete ‘‘The command deletes the control list indicated by . This command triggers an event andhence has no *RST value and no queryExample: :SOUR:DM:CLIS:DEL ’TEST2’1125.5555.03 3.71 E-9

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