Professional Learning Flagship Program: Leading Curriculum Change

Professional Learning Flagship Program: Leading Curriculum Change

Professional Learning Flagship Program: Leading Curriculum Change


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• Include both theory and content and provide information about alternative practicesWhile this conclusion is drawn mainly from research into changing classroom teaching practicethrough subject-related PL, it also applies more broadly. The key principle is that teachers need tounderstand the theory underlying recommendations for practice, since successful practice requiresa clear purpose and an integrated understanding of the various aspects of any initiative.• Ensure continuous evaluation of the PLThe process of PL should be monitored and its impact needs to be evaluated. As Bubb and Earley(2008, p. 37) note in their UK study:Evaluating the impact of staff development was found to be the weakest link in the trainingand development cycle; how outcomes had been improved and the quality of teaching andlearning enhanced in our case study schools were not made clear. In part this was becauseCPD is usually conceived in terms of activities to be engaged in (inputs) rather than as theactual development of knowledge and expertise (outcomes).Similarly, the UK Training and Development Agency (2007, p. 2) states that quality PL requiresthat, ‘Each activity is part of a coherent long-term plan that gives the participants opportunities toapply what they have learned, evaluate the effect on their practice, and develop their practice.• Be a long-term processIntegrating innovations into normal practice is in most cases a long-term process, requiringcontinuing help in the cycle of resolving problems and dealing with new issues and problemsthat will inevitably arise. As Penuel et al. (2007, p. 928) point out, ‘<strong>Professional</strong> development thatis of longer duration and time span is more likely to contain the kinds of learning opportunitiesnecessary for teachers to integrate new knowledge into practice’. This should include ‘follow-upand support for further learning—including support from sources external to the school that canprovide necessary resources and new perspectives’ (Meiers et al. 2005, p. 16). An analysis byYoon et al. (2007) found that identifiable effects on learning occurred only with PL programs of over50 hours.• Ensure high-quality design and deliveryThis requires that PL is based on the best available evidence about the field which it is promoting,including the input of expert knowledge, but also modelling effective strategies through activelearning.Successful PL which incorporates these principles uses a range of strategies, including discussing,coaching, mentoring, observing others/lesson study, networking, collaboration, modelling strategies,creating a learning community, action research, case discussions, critical friends groups, data teams/assessment development, examining student work, portfolios and professional learning communities/study groups. The importance of collaboration in these strategies is obvious.Finally, research has identified a range of conditions in which PL should operate if it is to be effective.• ResourcesWhile this is an obvious need, it is an essential consideration. Staffing levels must be sufficientto provide for time for PL. Special provision may be needed for tools and support to assist withanalysis, evaluation and planning.• Organisational supportThis is largely a matter of the leadership and management of staff development. School leadersneed to support PL initiatives in the ways listed above but also in vision-building and providingindividual support through such strategies as coaching or mentoring from experienced colleagues.As mentioned above, the degree of participants’ control over tasks is relevant to quality PL,so contexts which encourage and provide for staff initiative will lead to more successful PL.<strong>Professional</strong> learning works best if the school operates as a community:11 <strong>Professional</strong> <strong>Learning</strong> <strong>Flagship</strong> <strong>Program</strong>: <strong>Leading</strong> <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Change</strong>: Literature Review

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