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Issue 2January 2013avanti.org.ukAVANTI LIFEThe official newsletter of the avanti schools trustthis issueHappy days and festive cheer at avanti court primary schoolHomework - It's about quality not quantitynitesh gor introduces us to not just one mode, but three!

What is<strong>Avanti</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> <strong>Trust</strong>?<strong>Avanti</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> is a significant but focused multi-sponsor/proposer of high quality education for all with a growingnumber of schools, including VA schools, Academies and Free schools. The <strong>Trust</strong> now also welcomes convertoracademies to join the family and also offers services to third-party schools.The <strong>Trust</strong> is differentiated by having very strong community links, supported by grassroots parental demand, andpositive working partnerships with the local authorities where we work.Our <strong>Trust</strong> and each of our schools are all based on developing the ideals of Educational excellence, Character formationand Spiritual insight.contributorsMatthew WhitlockJames BiddulphNitesh GorDesign & LayoutMatthew Whitlockcover imageDiwali festival at <strong>Avanti</strong> Court Primary Schoolwww.avanti.org.uk/avanticourtpublished Half-termly by<strong>Avanti</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> <strong>Trust</strong>visit us atavanti.org.ukfacebook.com/avantischoolstrustgeneral enquiriesinfo@avanti.org.ukavanti life enquiriesmatthew@avanti.org.uk© 2013 <strong>Avanti</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> <strong>Trust</strong>. All rights reserved.<strong>Avanti</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales.Registered No: 07506598 • Registered Office: <strong>Avanti</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> <strong>Trust</strong>, Camrose Avenue, Edgware, Middlesex, HA8 6ES.

Contents4 Bright IdeasThe brightness of a James Biddulph shirt is second only to thebrightness of his thinking, but are his epiphanies panning out?7 Getting AcquaintedCan we ever REALLY KNOW a person? Knowing the importancethey place on a 'parsley garnish' is a start...8 A Courtly LifeEver wondered how the other half are living? <strong>Avanti</strong> Court staffand pupils were most delighted to divulge.12 Festival of LightThe talented children of <strong>Avanti</strong> Court take to the stage for the firsttime and show parents and local community how to celebrate!15 Reading CornerDesperate to learn more about India's diversely dazzling cultureand traditions? Well, you’ve come to the right reading corner.16 Home learning beats home workJames Biddulph looks at the evidence and concludes with anage-old truth: it's about quality not quantity.20 The Heart of the CurriculumWork to develop the Philosophy & Ethics curriculum for <strong>Avanti</strong><strong>Schools</strong> continues, with James Biddulph brainstorming in Belgium.21 Reasons to Celebrate!We all like to celebrate, but having a good reason to celebratemakes it all the more meaningful and memorable.22 Know Thy ModeWho are we - helpless victims of a cruel world or masters of ourown destiny? Nitesh Gor gives us a clue.412162118 Hungry for News?Like many things worth consuming, news is best when fresh, andwhere is it most abundant? Facebook of course.22

Bright IdeasThe brightness of a James Biddulph shirt issecond only to the brightness of his thinking,but how are his epiphanies panning out?You might notice that <strong>Avanti</strong> Court PrimarySchool in Redbridge, East London gets a lotof attention this issue, but we think you'llagree it's well deserved. This shiny new Voluntary-Aided, state-funded school of four Reception classesand one Year 1 class opened in September 2012,occupying part of the Ilford Jewish Primary Schoolbuilding. Renovation work began earlier in 2012,bringing massive improvements to the classroomsand offices used by <strong>Avanti</strong> Court in preparation for itsfirst academic year. Pupil intake will be phased oversix years, in co-ordination with plans to completelyrenovate the building and upgrade its facilities.Headteacher James Biddulph has taught in primaryschools since 2001 and is well suited to the needs of<strong>Avanti</strong> Court and to the vision and specialisms of <strong>Avanti</strong>"I want <strong>Avanti</strong> Court to become one ofthe most respected and admired coeducationalstate schools in the UK'<strong>Schools</strong>. In 2002 his creative and successful approachto teaching gained him Advanced Skills Teachers(AST) status in Music and in 2003 he was awarded‘Outstanding New Teacher of the Year for London’.He successfully develops creative partnerships with anumber of schools and enterprises, developing the Artsto enrich the curriculum and share good practice.His two Masters degrees focus on children’s andteachers’ perceptions of creative learning experiences.He is on the review board for the British Journal of MusicEducation and is a trustee of Stratford Circus (a theatreand arts space in East London). Since April 2010 hehas been working on his PhD at Cambridge Universityfocused on Creative Learning in multicultural contexts.4| JANUARY 2013

James has high aspirations for his new school,wishing to instil a real love of learning that extendsbeyond school and into each child’s life. "We wantchildren to feel excited about coming to school, engagedin their learning and able to articulate their views in politeand positive ways. I want learning to be irresistible." saysJames, who clearly takes his responsibility very seriously."We work to ensure that every child is preparedto meet their life challenges, with high standards inliteracy and mathematics, memorable experiencesin the performing arts, together with a reflective,compassionate understanding of themselvesand the communities around them. I want <strong>Avanti</strong>Court to become one of the most respectedand admired co-educational state schools inthe UK, not only for its place in league tablesbut because of the pioneering and transformingeducation it gives the children that come here."<strong>Avanti</strong> Court is only one term in, but James'mission is well on track. Parents express genuinesatisfaction with the school, seeing their children wellBELOW:Wellgate Community Farm bringthe farmyard to the playground"I have never worked in a schoolwhere there is such a positive andenthusiastic parent community"settled, building friendships and making impressiveprogress. This in turn is reflected by the willingnessof parents and community to support the school(see pages 12–14 for a colourful example of this!),even pledging grassroots cooperation in the openingof an <strong>Avanti</strong> secondary school in Redbridge, whichprovided support is unanimous could open in 2014.James has been moved by his experiences so far."I have never worked in a school where there is sucha positive and enthusiastic parent community. Theirflexibility and stalwart commitment to the school givesme courage that what we are doing is the right thingfor our young people." And there's a lot being done.Innovative curriculum development, campaignssuch as 'Read to Succeed' (see issue 1) and GoldenExpectations, open days, school trips, plays, dressingup days, even a visit from a local farm - all aim to enrichchildren’s learning experiences. After school clubs andclasses are on offer to the parents as well. A Januaryworkshop called " The Art of Teaching: The Joy ofLearning" will explore ways in which parents can supporta child's learning by gaining insight and practical skills.James' creative streak is put to good use at <strong>Avanti</strong> Court,with fresh ideas to inspire pupils emerging constantly.The future is bright for <strong>Avanti</strong> Court PrimarySchool and if you're in any doubt, jump to page12 for the review of their Diwali festival, an artfuldemonstration of the school's capacity and ongoingcommitment to not only brighten the livesof its pupils, but the local community as well.avanti schools trust | www.avanti.org 5

NoticeboardWorkshops for Parents at <strong>Avanti</strong> CourtThe Art of Teaching: The Joy of Learning16th, 23rd & 30thJanuary 2013Afternoon sessions: 2-3pmEvening sessions: 5.45-6.45pmIn this short course designed specifically for <strong>Avanti</strong>Court parents/carers, delegates will explore what weknow about learning and teaching. Through a balanceof practical activities, discussion and presentations,delegates will learn more about how children learn, howwe hope to teach and what progress we expect. The coursealso includes learning about the unique and distinctive<strong>Avanti</strong> Philosophy and Ethics curriculum.* Parents should commit to all three sessions** We will run this twice. Afternoon and evening sessionsare repeated*** Please sign up to the afternoon OR evening course.Please sign up to these in the school office next week.These will be on a first come first served basis.Do not forget...The <strong>Avanti</strong> Life publishing team isa small one, but it wants to grow.There’s actually lot’s of room foryou to contribute and have yoursay so please feel free to get intouch and get involved!Write to matthew@avanti.org.ukwith your ideas. Look forward tohearing from you.6| JANUARY 2013

Getting AcquaintedMeet Neel Sattani –Year 1 Teaching Assistantat <strong>Avanti</strong> CourtWhat’s your favourite book?Autobiography of a YogiWhat’s your favourite food?Indian – and also ThaiWhere’s your favourite holiday destination?Cuba – it brings happy memories of my weddingWho would play you in a movie about your life?This is too hard! I’m too young for a life story!!!What’s your most embarrassing moment?Tripping up in an interviewMeet Kelly Collins –Receptionist at <strong>Avanti</strong> CourtWhat’s your favourite book?To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper LeeWhat’s your favourite food?Spinach & buffalo ricotta canoloni (with parsleygarnish!)Where’s your favourite holiday destination?Aruba – a tiny Island in the CaribbeanWho would play you in a movie about your life?Greta GarboWhat’s your most embarrassing moment?I went to a posh ball once and I won a raffle ticket (soI thought) and I ran up on the stage for my prize andthey told me it was the wrong colour ticket.avanti schools trust | www.avanti.org 7

Ever wondered how theother half are living? <strong>Avanti</strong>Court staff and pupils weremost delighted to divulge8| JANUARY 2013

They certainly are a privelagedbunch. Children and staffpractically break into song whenasked about their day, which ismusic to one's ears when youconsider the school is only oneterm old. Let's hear it from thoselucky enough to spend theirtime in the halls, offices andclassrooms of <strong>Avanti</strong> Court.of my schedule is conducting aworkshop for parents together witha member of staff. This gives usthe opportunity to gain first-handknowledge of our parents and theirneeds and equally they becomeau fait with what we as a schoolwant to achieve. They go homefeeling empowered and valued.Lunch time at <strong>Avanti</strong> Courtis an experience. The aroma offreshly cooked food, the buzzingof the little ones followed by thewelcoming sound of cutlery istruly uplifting, but not before we"It's Monday morning. Already theweekend is far away! We get toschool, ready for a week - or sowe thought! It's like somethinghits you when you enter a school- your mind starts racing…“What did I put on the writingtable? What do I need to photocopy?NEED TO CHECK THE PLAN!” Wehurry down the corridor, checkingthe time, with so many questionsrunning through our minds: kidswill be in at 8.30; the outdoor areaneeds to be set up but it's pouringwith rain. Not forgetting we need“It all forms the rich tapestryof life at <strong>Avanti</strong> Court”ABOVE: Junaida Bana(Deputy Headteacher)"The smell of incense waftsthrough the corridors and asense of serenity descends uponme, but not for too long!After a quick check in with mypartner in crime (James Biddulph- HT), I run through my diary forthe day ahead and respond toemails before dashing over tothe teachers for a quick greet/everything alright kind of meet.Meeting parents in themorning as they bring in theirchildren is perhaps the highlightof my day. Everyone, includingchildren, buzz with excitement.The school day officially begins!I rotate between a couple of jobsat a time which may include meetingoutside professionals, namely theschool nurse, our EducationalPsychologist or a quick update withthe office team regarding admintasks or attendance. Then I headoff to cover a class to give someNQT time or PPA time. Dependingon the day, the monitoring of afocus area takes up my time and ifI am lucky I might even manage aquick cuppa to re-invigorate me.Another equally interesting aspectthank the Almighty for his bounty.Far too quickly it is time to wishthe little ones goodbye and reflecton the impact of what they havelearnt for the day. Then the nittygritty begins. Records, documents,systems and data, some emergingto be embedded and some indiscussion but all forming the richtapestry of life at <strong>Avanti</strong> Court."BELOW: Manisha Mistry& Deepa Patel(Reception teachers)to have a little chit chat with ourcolleagues, discussing how theirweekend was; what they got upto and who watched X-Factor lastnight. All of a sudden, it's timeto greet our wonderful kids witha beaming smile. We open thedoors ready for our day to begin.We have NQT afternoon todayso at least we can take a breathduring this busy day. We catchup with Profile Books and someplanning then realise we need to geta display up. Being an NQT at <strong>Avanti</strong>Court is a reallearning journeybut we knowthat by drawingupon each others’experience andgetting advice atthe right moments,we can getthrough this year.And oh my gosh,our Headteacherkeeps finding waysto make us dressup! First an Alien…what next?!?We honestlydon’t know whatto expect - all wedo know is thatevery day is anexciting adventurewhen you workin Early Years!"avanti schools trust | www.avanti.org 9

"On a cold dark morning as the lights inthe street slowly flicker on in CarltonDrive, the green gates open to welcomethe staff to work. One by one the carsenter the car park. It fills up quickly,leaving only one or two parking spacesempty for people visiting the school.'Welcome to <strong>Avanti</strong> Court!' shouts thesign as we walk into the warmth."ABOVE: Trish Johnson (Pupil Data and Admin Assistant)"Mr Biddulph our Headteacher, is avery well educated man. His officeis located on the second floor of thebuilding and is decorated quite tastefully,though he does tend to be a hoarderof papers, files and general clutter,for which he has to be reminded “aclear desk being an open mind!” He ishowever, a kind and inspirational youngman – although not that young!Opposite his office is Mrs Bana, theDeputy Headteacher, an approachable ladywhose caring attitude to life is well evidentas she sings around the school offeringpeace and tranquillity like a humming birdin song. Mr Koorrich the Business & FinanceManager: a loving chap, who works hardand has a deep passion above and beyondhis duties. Back downstairs to the mainreception office (where life here is oftendescribed as an 'adventure') sits Kelly Collinsfront of house – a rather happy, smileylady who’s motherly ways brings warmthand order to all who enter into the room.This is where hard work made of papercuts, deadlines and cheer are made.Finally me, I’m Trish – Trish JohnsonPupil Data/Attendance Officer. Notime to chat – got to meet my dailydeadlines. I have targets to meet andcalls to make. It doesn’t mean I amnot a kind person, I’m just so!8.20am fills up with our communityand the children. Our Teachers andTeaching Assistants, ever happy and jolly,open the doors to meet them all, in therain, snow, cold and sunshine – the happyfaces of <strong>Avanti</strong> Court Primary School.Children start the day with registrationat 8.30am then study time begins, theoffice team works hard and are greeted bysmiles and welcomes from Mr Biddulph,Mrs Bana and Mr Koorrich as they inturn greet each class as they work.10.45am break time we hear the childrenroar with laughter and are playing withjoy. Before we realise it, it’s lunchtime.1pm and it’s that time again – registers,learning, singing, and joy the childrenare happy. Often as I take a walk around,I see teachers enjoying their time withtheir classes and we smile together andwave, for this is, by mutual agreement,what we know as <strong>Avanti</strong> Court life!Lights off, alarm set, doors locked, thenit’s back to switching the car lights on as thegates open again and close behind us. Thestreet lights are on and with a final look inthe mirror <strong>Avanti</strong> Court fades away in theevening mist, as thoughts of our familiesand homes begin to fill our thoughts."10| JANUARY 2013

FESTIVAL OFLIGHTOn 12th November, <strong>Avanti</strong> Court opened its doors to host parents andcommunity for its first official event. The evening of entertainmentwas held in celebration of Diwali, the festival of lights.Dressed in spectacular costumes, pupils performeda play depicting the story of Rama and Sita as well assinging songs about the festival. Entertainment includedlive Kirtan music and dance performances by theSanskriti Dance Group.Special guests included Redbridge Mayor CouncillorMuhammed Javed, School Governor Edward Anobahand Mark Evans, the Education Director for <strong>Avanti</strong><strong>Schools</strong> <strong>Trust</strong>.Guests also enjoyed tucking into a hill made entirelyof Indian sweets, which signifies the sacred GovardhanHill. This custom originates from a Vaishnava festival,the dates of which coincide with the dates of Diwali.The colour and sparkle of the pupil's performanceswas matched by the final treat of the night - a fireworkdisplay in the school's grounds.12| JANUARY 2013

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ducationalxcellenceHome Learning:The <strong>Avanti</strong> Court WayWe aim for children to experience learning that is relevant to their lives,to develop learning and questioning skills and to deepen motivation,understanding and personal insight.Through a curriculum that isengaging, broad, flexible andchallenging so that they can buildon their own talents, aptitudes andskills. We want children to be:• Questioners• Debaters• Critical thinkers• Compassionate listeners• Thoughtful and responsible leaders• Interested and engaged readers• Confident performers• Keen lifelong learnersWe have drawn on researchabout how best to instil a love oflearning in children so that theyare positive and reflective, withan attitude that learning requireseffort and that through effortyou can achieve. Traditional‘worksheet’ homework does notraise standards. Two large workson homework are from ProfessorSusan Hallam (Institute of Education,Univeristy of London) and TheSutton <strong>Trust</strong> Research Group. Welooked at the research to see whathomework – which we call ‘HomeLearning’ – achieves… or not.Research questionsbenefit of homeworkExcerpt from a Guardian articleHomework can cause family friction,particularly when middle-classparents pressure their children tosucceed, according to a reportpublished by London University'sInstitute of Education. And thebenefits of homework are oftennegligible, concludes Susan Hallamin her review of 75 years' worth ofstudies into homework. The issuehas been causing controversy forgenerations in the US, Europe,Australia, the Far and Middle East,as well as the UK. Dr Hallam urges“At home, rows about homework candamage the parent-child relationship andoutweigh any educational advantage”schools to focus on the purposeand quality of homework, not theamount, and makes a case forhomework being done in out-ofhoursschool clubs rather thanat home. At home, rows abouthomework can damage the parentchildrelationship and outweigh anyeducational advantage, she says."Homework can also createanxiety, boredom, fatigue andemotional exhaustion in children,who resent the encroachment ontheir free-time, even though theythink homework helps them dowell at school," believes Dr Hallam.Her book, Homework: theEvidence, finds that family rows can16| JANUARY 2013

Home Learning: The <strong>Avanti</strong> Court Waylead to homework being deliberatelynot completed. "Parental helpmay also develop dependencyor helplessness in the child."She adds: "Parents have theHomework can boostachievement, but only when setin moderate amounts, argues DrHallam. She says the government'sguidance of one hour a week for“Homework can boost achievement, butonly when set in moderate amounts”most positive influence whenthey offer moral support, makeappropriate resources availableand discuss general issues. Theyshould only actually help withhomework when their childrenspecifically ask them to."Dr Hallam feels the evidencepoints to the effectiveness ofhomework clubs, which givechildren the benefits withoutthe rows at home: "Children feel[clubs] make homework moreenjoyable and give them a betterchance of passing exams."They provide a suitablelearning environment withappropriate resources and adulthelp if necessary, and they takethe pressure off the parents. Theymay assist in raising standards forthose who need extra support orwho find it difficult to do homeworkat home. As such they help tobridge the gap between the havesand the have nots," she says.five to seven-year-olds, rising totwo and a half hours a day for GCSEstudents, is untested. Dr Hallamasserts that the overall contributionthat homework makes to schoolachievement is small compared withprior knowledge, the time spent ontask, good attendance at school,motivation and self-confidence.More to read• Homework: The Evidence bySusan Hallam (available from theInstitute of Education, +44 (0)207612 6050, ioe@johnsmith.co.uk)• www.centerforpubliceducation.org/What-research-says-aboutthe-value-of-homework• http://www.suttontrust.com/research/toolkit-of-strategiesto-improve-learningavanti schools trust | www.avanti.org 17

ducational xcellence Home Learning: The <strong>Avanti</strong> Court WayHome Learning:The <strong>Avanti</strong> Court WayThis rigourous research data and statistics challengeour preconceived ideas and view about homeworkand that more homework is better. As a school weexpect teachers to spend time marking children’srecorded learning in books because this seems to havehigh impact on children’s progress and attainment.This takes between 1½ and 2 hours an evening.Marking homework is an ineffective use of time –because it seems that homework doesn’t help raisethe children’s standards in literacy and numeracy.Parents have stated that their children are moreengaged with these types of projects, that they enjoydoing this together as a family. Shivom’s parents saidthat “he was interviewing his Grandparents to find outwhen they came to India and were actually discussingwhat it was like…he’s never done this before”.Learning should be difficult and challengechildren. But it should inspire and engage childrento see themselves as constant researchers in a worldin which knowledge and information is growingexponentially – a world in which the problems andchallenges they will face have not yet been invented!What we do at <strong>Avanti</strong> Court123Home Learning projects are given out each half term. These include a variety of engaging activities includingresearch, number, writing, reading, model making, designing, being creative, asking questions and exploring.Home Learning is about the whole family coming together to be part of the learning experience. It shouldbe enjoyable because the learning is meaningful – it is not done TO the children but WITH them.It is all children’s learning – the criteria is (a) children’s writing and mark making, (b) families helpchildren but do not ‘do it for them’ (c) be presented in a creative and well thought out way4Site words and phonics repetition activities daily5Maths facts to be learnt daily (e.g. timestables and number bonds etc)6Reciting and memorising poetry and quotes to inspireBELOW: Examples of project outcomes RIGHT: 'Journeys' Project brief18| JANUARY 2013

Home Learning Project BriefTopicJourneysTERM YEAR GROUP HAND IN DATEAutumn 2 Year 1 Friday 14th December 2012ContextThis half term the year 1 Geography topic is based on journeys. We will be looking at the kinds ofjourneys we make, how we get there and how we could use a map or atlas to help us reach our journey.What I need to doYour task is to make a travel brochure which highlights all the journeys you have made in your life.The journeys could range from a simple car or train journey to exciting journeys abroad.You could include special photos taken on your journey and you could also write instructions on how toget to your special journey.You could also draw and label the types of transport used in your journeys.You may want to draw a map of your journey.You may want to look up your journey using googlemaps.You could also write an adventure story about an imaginary journey such as a space trip to the moon!As an extra, you may want to make a video diary of your journey.Finally you could measure the distance of your journey.Resources I will need Skills I will use Useful websites1. Paper and pencil2. Camera to take photos3. Train tickets/boarding passes4. Special items brought backfrom special journeys1. Questioning2. Drawing3. Writing4. Measuring5. Observing and recording6. Map readinghttp://www.googlemaps.comQuestions for me to think about1. What journeys have I been on?2. What type of transport is needed for myjourneys?3. Can I write a story about an exciting journey?4. Can I draw a map of a recent journey I havemade?How can an adult help meAdults can support me by reminding me what Ineed to remember when writing sentences.They can also help me to draw a map of myjourney and to draw and label the type oftransport used.Daily Home LearningRead for at least 20 minsLearn Number bonds to 10 or 20Practise 2, 5, and 10 times tablesLearn high frequency wordsRefer to Reading Recordavanti schools trust | www.avanti.org 19

KnowThy ModeWho are we - helpless victims of a cruel world or masters ofour own destiny? Nitesh Gor gives us a clue in the followingexcerpt from his book 'The Dharma of Capitalism - A Guideto Mindful Decision Making in the Business of Life'22| JANUARY 2013

ABOVE BEYOND Know Thy ModeHindu and Buddhist philosophies break down human behaviour into three basic instinctsor tendencies: creation, preservation and destruction. These three gunas, as they areknown by their Sanskrit name, describe a cycle of evolution that should sound familiar.In love, for example, relationships tend to begin withpassion, evolve into commitment and marriage, andtoo often end in boredom or rancor. In business, thecycle similarly begins with the passion required to inventthings, innovate processes, and build companies. Thesecond step is making those companies profitable,sustainable and responsible. Finally, when we aren’tmindful, they become casualties of complacencyand carelessness, as did Wall Street investmentbanks that bet heavily on risky credit vehicles.The response to the destructive phase is oftenfocused on blame, punishment and regulation aimed atkeeping it from happening again. These are passionatereactions that assume we can engineer better outcomesby isolating bad people and discouraging bad behaviour.But the history of business is built onfailure. The nature of capitalism is a ‘perennialgale of creative destruction’, observedeconomist Joseph Schumpeter in 1942.The Dharma of Capitalism explains the gunas asthree principal motives or modes of behaviour bywhich every decision can be assessed - the Modes ofIgnorance, Passion and Goodness. In ascending order,they also describe increasing levels of awareness.The process of good decision-making begins withevaluating the choices we face to determine whetherthe primary motivation is complacency, carelessnessor oversight (ignorance); greed, pride or someshort-term benefit or reaction (passion); or whetherthe motivation takes into account all stakeholdersand the decision is informed by knowledge ofand custodianship for outcomes (goodness).The Three Modes are by definition hierarchical:from the inaction of Ignorance we move up thescale to the activity of Passion and from there striveto achieve the balance and mindfulness of choicesmade primarily in the Mode of Goodness. There is nofinish line or mountain top in this process. All threeof the Modes are at work in almost every situationand in every person, to one degree or another.BELOW: If you accept the dharmic notion that there is a higher purpose to business and money than profit andpleasure, the Modes will help you stay on track by identifying which is dominant at any given time.The Mode of GoodnessOften the tough choice, to act mindfully, with knowledge, purpose and a desire for the long-termbenefit of all, characterized by fairness, transparency and trust. This is the mode in which we resistquick fixes and consider the lasting and unseen consequences of every action and choice.The Mode of PassionThe alluring choice, acting on the desire for short-term pleasure or results, characterized by pride,narcissism, extremes, unpredictability. This is the engine of greed, addiction and risk-taking, butalso of inspiration, innovation and entrepreneurial success.The Mode of IgnoranceThe lazy choice, acting out of carelessness or disregard for consequences, characterized by lethargy,cynicism, a desire for quick relief from suffering, taking the easy way out.avanti schools trust | www.avanti.org 23

ABOVEBEYONDKnow Thy ModeLike any skill, acting in the Mode ofGoodness can become second nature,but it takes practice, discipline and theoccasional short-term sacrifice.Going on the premise that we act our way into thinking(as opposed to the other way around), to figure outwhich mode you’re in at any given moment it’s helpful tokeep track of your actions and outcomes and be honestin identifying your real motivations.In the following pages you will find some specificcharacteristics of each of the Three Modes in differentareas of life and work. Once you’ve obtained a sense ofthe behaviour that tends to define each mode, take afew minutes at the end of each day to jot down somenotes about decisions you’ve faced or made, evaluatingthem in the context of the Modes, for example:Worldview in the ModesState of Mind in the Modes• What was my true motivation?• What mode was I in?• Did I consider all the consequences of my actions?In some situations you may be primarily in theMode of Ignorance. In others you may be in Passion orGoodness. In still others the dominant mode may beunclear.Thinking about the difference will help develop athought process for approaching future choices.Do this for a few weeks, noting any changes in yourbehaviour. Give yourself permission to backslide and tobe bewildered at times. If it was easy, you wouldn’t bereading this book.Communication in the ModesPersonal Choices in the ModesCareers in the Modes24| JANUARY 2013

Know Thy ModeIgnorance Passion Goodness• Interest limited to immediatesphere of existence• Disinterested in globalor social issues• Defeatist, no value seenin striving for change• Bitter, negative, pessimistic• Narcissistic• Self-perceived as special,unique, better than others• Living only for today• Feeling connected to the world• Aware of a higher purpose• Aware of consequences• Tying personal benefitto benefit of others• Disinterested in knowledgeand growth• Lacking goals or desire to achieve• Life feeling out of balance• Confused, helpless,depressed, jaded, angry• Highly motivated to succeed• Mentally agitated or anxious• Preoccupied with profitor advantage• Desires, emotions hard to control• Perplexed by moral dilemmas• Mind is peaceful, calm• Sense of control overdesires and thoughts• Detachment from baseinstincts of mind and body• Lacking personal agendas• Instinctively knowingthe right thing to do• Aggressive, argumentative,defensive, profane• Unconcerned for feelings of others• Critical, sarcastic, ridiculing• Cynical, suspicious• Rash, impulsive• Interrupting, reactive• Self-involved, narcissistic• Manipulative• Listening well• Curious, desiring to learn• Honest about motivations, feelings• Empathic• Inviting, non-confrontational• Avoiding and ignoring gossip• Seeking the easy way out• Avoiding choices• Disinterested in moral issues• Unconcerned aboutconsequences or benefits• Unconcerned about violenceor distress to others• Prone to laziness• Motivated by prospect ofreward or pleasure• Crave personal creditor recognition• Ignoring sound advice• Exploiting knowledge solelyfor personal gain or status• Acting in a calm, regulated way• Motivated by responsibility• Desiring to serve a greater cause• Sacrificing short-term gainto do the right thing• Poorly managed work space• Workers treated disrespectfully• Motivated only by a salary• Disinterested in personaldevelopment• Disinterested in organization• Work performed mechanically• Avoiding responsibility• Desiring personalaccomplishment, wealth, power• Ambitious, determined,workaholic• Self-identifying as heroicor courageous• Money and status trumpethics and work quality• Life-long learning• Motivated by betterment of self• Aspiring to provide qualityproducts or services• Attracted to work that involvesimproving the lives of othersavanti schools trust | www.avanti.org 25

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