Celebrating Hanukkah In The Florida Keys - SnapPages

Celebrating Hanukkah In The Florida Keys - SnapPages Celebrating Hanukkah In The Florida Keys - SnapPages

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CONCHCOLORf l o r i d a k e y s p h o t o g r a p h i c c h r o n i c l eedi(305) 294-7566 office (305) 292-9955 faXpUBlisher/editorTom oosTerhoudT ooster@conchcolor.comdirector of operationsLee hines (305) 849-3473 lee@conchcolor.comPHOTOGRAPHERKrisTen Livengood kristen.livengood@gmail.comad salesKaren Lee hirsT (305) 304-7609 karen@conchcolor.com, senior sale personsTeven Kramer (305) 304-2192 kramerofkeyWest@aol.com, salesraqueL CrummiTT (305) 414-8949 raqUelc@jsapromos.comKristen Livengood kristen.livengood@gmail.com, photographer & salesJanet Wood (305) 395-0241 – fldesignerjW@aol.com, ad sales Upper keysandy & Jodi Kerby (305) 509-0009 – ajkWf@aol.com , delivery & salescreative designdina CoyLe, dina designs, int’L (305) 741-7272 dinadesigns@BellsoUth.netWeB master: david a.Cox (774) 772-8434 imonamac@me.comPROOFREADER: Maxine Lopez-Keough314 simonton street key West fl 33040pUBlished Weekly and distriBUted every friday from key West to key largo.copyright 2010. all rights reserved.DEADLINE 5 p.m. Friday for advertising and community news<strong>The</strong> Positive VoiceTHE FLORIDA KEYS NEED A POSITIVE VOICE to counteract negativity promoted by other localpapers. Conch Color greatly appreciates positive comments about the community you live in. Ifyou love your community and have something positive to say about it, email ooster@bellsouth.net.<strong>The</strong>re are so many great Samaritans in the <strong>Keys</strong> and wonderful things happen every day. It’s time togive a voice to those who have great comments to say about the <strong>Keys</strong>.conch color the florida keys 4 photographic chronicleTORIALDiversity Thrives <strong>In</strong> Key Westfor the HolidaysIt’s beginning to looka lot like Christmas, as well as<strong>Hanukkah</strong>, Kwanza, and the WinterSolstice in Key West. <strong>The</strong> City’sannual Holiday Parade did a greatjob of combining all the best partsof the season. It was so good to seeso many folks I knew as I rode inthis magnificent Holiday Paradelast Saturday night. I even sawmy old friend Rob O’Neal takingphotos, like me, with a crutch inhand. We are both going through along recovery process and learningto walk again. But the holidays fillone’s heart with joy in the happiestof seasons.I loved once again sittingat the head table with Rabbi Dudaiand his wife Nadia at the annual<strong>Hanukkah</strong> dinner at CongregationB’nai Zion. Had my fill of thedelicious potato latkes that makethat meal so special. And it’s alwaysgreat to see all my Jewish pals. Iwas able to give them the scoopon my operation and recovery (sofar). I am so thankful that B’naiZion allows me to be part of theircelebration each year.I also had the privilege ofjoining Bahama Village’s Circleof Elders organization for theirannual dinner tribute to the seniorsof their community who paved theway for today’s generation. I wasthrilled to see my friend CoffeeButler, who is now 84, as well as mygood friend Roosevelt Sands, now82. <strong>The</strong>y were both looking great.I also shared notes with my OneHuman Family brother, ClaytonLopez, who tells me he is about toundergo back surgery. I was ableto assure him of the success of mysurgery and that my recovery iswell underway as I am slowly butsurely learning to walk again. Iknow that we will all keep Claytonin our prayers this holiday.I was also happy to see somany in the local arts communityat Bonnie Piceu’s Holiday Party forthe <strong>Keys</strong> Council of the Arts. LizYoung was on hand along withso many of the local artists andarts organizations. And of course,Bonnie went all out as the hostesswith the mostest.<strong>The</strong>atre season is in fullswing as both the Red Barn <strong>The</strong>atreand Waterfront Playhouse willsoon present their first shows, OilCity Symphony and 39 Steps. <strong>The</strong>irartistic directors, Joy Hawkinsand Danny Weathers both tell methat they have fabulous seasonsplanned. <strong>The</strong> live theater is justamazing in this small island town.This weekend Joyce Stahlpremiers the 2012 Key WestNutcracker at the TennesseeWilliams <strong>The</strong>ater. This may be themost incredible holiday offeringyou have ever seen. <strong>The</strong> show willjust blow you away.Finally, I hope everyone isplanning on attending our annualConch Color Holiday Party here athistoric Casa Antigua. We alwayspull out all the stops to make itan unforgettable event. Fromour huge tree suspended over thepool to the Blessed CommunityGospel Choir singing carols, andClayton and his band adding theMotown Christmas touch, not tomention all the local politcos onhand, it is always quite an evening.Veronica Stafford will be servingher delicious special Caribbeanflavoredeggnog. And the WestinResort will be serving one of thebest holiday buffets anywhere.Casa Antigua is located at314 Simonton Street and the partywill run from 7 to 11 pm. Hope tosee you all here.TOM OOSTERHOUDTeditor&publisher

conch color the florida keys 5 photographic chronicle

First State Bank CelebratesEmployeesFirst State Bankof the <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>Keys</strong>congratulates JanaKosova on her promotionto CreditAnalyst II and announcesthe additionof Joyce Loparoas Residential LoanCloser.Kosova joinedthe Bank in 2006 as a Loan Receptionist,was promoted to LoanProcessor, and to Credit Analyst in2010. Kosova was named the Bank’semployee of the quarter in 2007.Kosova has a degree in Economics.“We are pleased to have someoneof Jana’s caliber on our team andare proud to recognize her with thiswell-deserved promotion,” said GaryCarney, EVP/Chief Credit Officer.Loparo hasjoined First StateBank as ResidentialLoan Closer.Originally fromOhio, Loparobrings 27 yearsof experiencein banking, realestate, and insurance.“We areconfident that Joyce’s extensivebackground will be an asset to ourcustomers and our Bank,” said GaryCarney.VNA/Hospice WelcomesNew Chief Operating OfficerVisiting Nurse Association & Hospiceof the <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>Keys</strong> is pleased towelcome Kathleen Ryzoc, RN, BSN,as their new Chief Operating Officer.Ryzoc has 24 years of experience inhome health care as a field nurse, adirector of nursing, and most recentlyas an administrator. Ryzoc comes toVNA/Hospice from the Miami-Dadearea. “We are very fortunate to haveKathleen joining our team,” said JodyGross, President & CEO of VNA/Hospice. “She bring the skills andexperience needed to lead our clinicaloperations in our mission of carefor the <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>Keys</strong>.” Ryzoc lives inKey Largo and will be located in theTavernier branch office.Key West Wreckers Club Donates ToMARC “Grow A New Roof” Campaign<strong>The</strong> Key West Wreckers Clubdonated $1000 to the MARC PlantStores “Grow A New Roof” campaign.<strong>The</strong> roof needed to be replacedimmediately after heavy rains a fewmonths back created real problemsfor the store. <strong>The</strong> unexpected $20,000expenditure hit the local charity hardafter years of budgets cuts. Locatedat 1401 SeminaryStreet, the MARCPlant store is partof the Adult DayTraining (ADT)program offeredby the MonroeAssociation for Re-MARCable Citizens(MARC). Providinglife services for adultdevelopmentallydisable residents ofMonroe County.“<strong>The</strong> Key WestWreckers club hassupport our MARC family with manydonations over the years. <strong>The</strong>y haveconsistently come to our aid over theyears and we sincerely appreciate andthank the club for their support anddonations.” Stated MARC ExecutiveDirector, Diana Flenard.Other organizations, local businessesor residents that would liketo contribute to this “Grow A NewRoof” campaign can contact GordonRoss at 305-294-9526 ext. 25.Key West Wreckers Treasurer Ed Barr givesa $1000 check to MARC Executive DirectorDiana Flenard and MARC Plant Store ManagerMike Roth.JoeyWrightCatchesHugeLionFishconch color the florida keys 6 photographic chronicle

DISCOVER A WORLD OF TASTEIN YOUR OWN BACKYARD.Experience SHOR - the island’s most exciting restaurant,located at Hyatt Key West Resort and Spa. We combinethe freshest ingredients with a million dollar view tocreate the perfect backdrop for your meal. For specialoccasions and entertaining, our patio seating providesa spectacular vantage point with the perfect sunsetview. Receive validated self parking based on availabilitywith reservations, call 305 809 4000 or visitwww.keywest.shorgrill.com. At Hyatt You Are MoreThan Welcome.Locals and military personnel enjoy a20% discount on F&B outlets excludinghappy hour, special events and holidays.Chad Salinero Is DeployedChad is away for 9 months in Afghanistan. He’s a specialist in the 3rd <strong>In</strong>fantryDivision.305 809 4000KEYWEST.HYATT.COMCALL ME TO GET AGREAT MORTGAGE RATEQUICK AND EASY!❛❛❜❜❛❛❜❜Chad Salineroand his sonJarred Salinero.★ ★ ★ ★ MEMBERFDICKEY WEST • SUMMERLAND • BIG PINE • MARATHON • DUCK KEY • ISLAMORADA • KEY LARGOconch color the florida keys 7 photographic chronicle

BP Claims Specialist - William Becker ConsultingPhotos and Story by Kristen LivengoodWith over $13,000,000 awarded through their offices since 2010(over 5,000,000 since changing to Deepwater Horizon) and over1000 claims processed, it’s a no brainer that William A. BeckerConsulting, LLC is working smart to get cash into their client’shands. Working on an exclusive specialty-made Deepwater HorizonClaim Calculator, Bill Becker and his team of associates havesimplified the process for helping <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>Keys</strong> companies andindividuals receive their earned money from the BP Oil Spill inApril 2010. “Ninety percent of our paid clients were turned awayfrom other BP claims specialists, and we took them on and gotthem money,” Bill Becker said. “So, even if you were turned downby someone else, come in and see us with your W2s and let’s see ifwe can get you some money.”Required paperwork for an individual claim includes a letterexplaining what kind of work you were doing in April 2010, taxreturns, W2s or 1099s from 2007-2010 and a driver’s license. Additionalhelpful, but not required, paperwork could be a letterfrom your employer explaining reduction in hours, pay, or lay-offresulting from lack of business in 2010 due to the oil spill andpayroll records showing a difference.Businesses require a little more paperwork including sales recordsand a business license. <strong>The</strong> associates at William Beckercan walk you through everything you will need to get money.<strong>The</strong> most important part about William Becker Consulting isthat everyone on the staff live, work, and spend money in the<strong>Keys</strong>, just like you. When you go into one of their 5 offices locatedthroughout the <strong>Keys</strong> from Key Largo to Key West, your claimand paperwork and the people who you talk to are <strong>Keys</strong> people,too. No claim is sent out of Monroe County and you will neverhave to talk to someone in Texas who doesn’t have your personalbest interest in mind. Stop on in, give them a call, and keep theseBP dollars in the <strong>Keys</strong>.<strong>The</strong> Associates at William Becker Consulting are Annie, Rodney, Leah,Mathew, Jen, Jim, Erin, Julie, Hubie, and Lisa.Jim Mahley, the sales manager at William Becker Consulting, shows Conch Color andowner Bill Becker just how easy filing a claim can be.Hubie, the bilingual associate takes a phone call regarding a claim.Attorney Bernadette Restivo, along with Attorney JessicaReilly, are the experts who give a second look to all the claimsthat come through.William Becker, who goes by Bill, started out helping a fewbuddies file their Gulf Coast Claims after the oil spill in 2010with success, and with the help of Rainmaker softwaresimplified the process of filing the claims.<strong>The</strong> Rainmaker Cash Cart, the easiest way to get your money.William Becker Consulting has 5 locations thoughout the<strong>Keys</strong>. This is Kelsey Miller from the Islamorada office.conch color the florida keys 8 photographic chronicle

Deck <strong>The</strong> Hulls!!!!Schooner Wharf Bar is once againproud to present the 22nd AnnualSchooner Wharf Bar/Cruzan RumsLighted Boat Parade. This favoriteholiday maritime event will takeplace on Saturday, December 15th at8:00 p.m. in the Key West Bight andHarbor. As part of the “Bight BeforeChristmas Holiday Celebration”Schooner Wharf and the HistoricSeaport have been transformed intoa tropical winter wonderland. <strong>The</strong>parade begins at 8 p.m. on Saturday,Dec. 15, but the festivities start earlyon the Harbor Walk of Lights. <strong>The</strong>Gerald Adams Elementary SchoolSteel Your Heart Band will tap outcalypso Christmas music starting at 6p.m. followed by classic holiday tunesmixed with country, rock and gospelby the popular Doerfels at SchoonerWharf Bar. <strong>The</strong> boats comevery close to the docks at SchoonerWharf to give the viewers and thejudges a good look at all the creative,imaginative holiday decorations. <strong>The</strong>Boys and Girls Club of the <strong>Keys</strong> willhave an exciting prize booth alongthe Harbor Walk, with handmadeornaments and holiday beveragesto raise money for their club. Thisyear’s cash awards and prizes totalover $24,500 in value, with a FreeRaffle! <strong>The</strong>re is plenty of incentivefor our island’s creative mariners.IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO ENTER!!!<strong>The</strong> Captains’ Meeting will be heldFriday, December 14th at 8:00 p.m.on the upper deck of the SchoonerWharf Bar, with complimentary horsd’oeuvres, Pinnacle Vodka punch andicy cold Yuengling to celebrate theseason. For more parade informationcall 305-292-3302 or visit Schooner-Wharf.comThis is yourchance to beon Duval StreetorMallory Squareevery dayduring 2013.USCG Station Key West ANT group in last year’s Schooner Wharf Bar/Cruzan Rums LightedBoat Parade.Vessels decked out in holiday finery for the Schooner Wharf Bar/Cruzan Rums Lighted Boat Parade.THEPORTER-ALLENCOMPANYINSURANCESince 1891ELIZABETH M.FREEMANPresident513 SOUTHARD ST., KEYWEST, FL 33040PHONE305-294-2542Sponsor a street lightbanner highlightingour history andheritage for thecommunity and 2.5million tourists.<strong>In</strong>ternet exposure atHistoricKeyWest.orgOnly a few taxdeductibledollars a day.<strong>The</strong> Banner Project brought toyou by Historic Markers <strong>In</strong>c.in partnership withVisit <strong>Florida</strong> &Viva <strong>Florida</strong> 500Captain Andy Fortin on Mangrove Misstress in the Schooner Wharf Bar/Cruzan Rums LightedBoat Parade.FAX305-296-7985Contact:Director@HistoricKeyWest.org305-294-9009conch color the florida keys 9 photographic chronicle

entertainmentBOTTLECAP LOUNGEDJ DANCE MUSIC AND TOP VIDEOSNIGHTLYSCHOONER WHARF BARTHURS. 13MICHAEL McCLOUDNoon—5:00 p.m.COOL DUO 7:00-11 p.m.FRI. 14MICHAEL McCLOUD & FRIENDSNoon—5:00 p.m.THE DOERFELS7:00—MidnightSAT. 15MICHAEL McCLOUD & FRIENDSNoon—5:00 p.m.STEEL YOUR HEART BAND-6 P.M.THE DOERFELS8:00 P.M.—1:00 A.M.LIGHTED BOAT PARADE 8 P.M.SUN. 16MICHAEL McCLOUD & FRIENDSNoon—5:00 p.m.LATIN CALYPSOPARTY6:30—11:00 p.m.MON. 17RAVEN COOPER & BUBBA “LOWNOTES” Noon—5:00 p.m.THE REAL MALLOYS7:00—11:00 p.m.TUES. 18MICHAEL McCLOUDNoon—5:00 p.m.RAVON COOPER7:00—11:00 p.mWEDS. 19MICHAEL McCLOUDNoon—5:00 p.m.GARY HEMPSEY3:30 p.m.-MidnightAQUAWednesdays:Every Night:Aquanettes perform ‘Reality is aDrag’, 9pmFriday and SaturdayAquanettes, 9 & 11pm<strong>The</strong> Guilt Trip (PG-13)Wed & Thu: (2:00), 4:30, 6:00, 8:30<strong>The</strong> Fitzgerald Family Christmas(NR) Fri - Sun: (1:45), 6:15Mon: (1:45 PM)Tue - Thu: (1:45), 6:15Anna Karenina (R)Fri - Thu: (1:30), 4:00, 6:30, 9:00Lincoln (PG-13)Fri - Thu: (2:15), 5:45, 8:45Cloud Atlas (R)Fri - Tue: 7:45 PM<strong>The</strong> Flat (Ha-dira) (NR)Fri - Sun: (4:15), 8:15Mon: (4:15), 9:00Tue - Thu: (4:15), 8:15Argo (R)Fri - Tue: (2:00), 5:30A Christmas Story (PG)Mon: 6:30 PMRegal CinemaKey West 63338 N. Roosevelt BlvdAccommodations for the disabled<strong>The</strong> Metropolitan Opera: AidaNR, 4 hr, 12:55p<strong>The</strong> Hobbit: An UnexpectedJourney 3DPG-13, 2 hr 49 min11:30a 12:30p 4:45p 7:00p8:30p 10:50p<strong>The</strong> Hobbit: An UnexpectedJourneyPG-13, 2 hr 49 min12:00p 3:45p 7:45p 10:00pPlaying for KeepsPG-13, 1 hr 35 min4:00pLife of Pi 3DPG, 2 hr 5 min 7:15p 10:15pRise of the GuardiansPG, 1 hr 37 min11:45a 2:10p 4:30p 7:30pSkyfallPG-13, 2 hr 23 min12:15p 3:15p 6:45p 10:30pVisit www.keysarts.com for details.Thursday, December 13Y’sale, Joanne Jarzombek & Joan WaltersExhibits, 10 AM. Artists in ParadiseGallery, Winn-Dixie Shopping Ctr, BigPine Key. 872-1828. artistsinparadise.com. Daily thru December 24 & 31.Key West High School Choir & BandWinter Holiday Concert, 7 PM. Key WestHigh School Auditorium, 2100 FlaglerAve.Oil City Symphony Opening Night, 8PM. Red Barn <strong>The</strong>atre, 319 Duval St.296-9911. redbarntheatre.com. Tuesdays-Saturdays thru January 12.Thursday & Friday, December 13, 14Key West Burlesque Holiday Show, 8 PMKelly’s Caribbean Bar, Grill & Brewery,301 Whitehead. <strong>Keys</strong>tix.com.Friday, December 14Fridays on Front, 5:30 PM. Exhibitions& receptions at museums & shops alongFront & Whitehead. <strong>In</strong>cludes CustomHouse, Audubon House, Truman LittleWhite House, Key West Art Center, KeyWest Aquarium & Agave 308. <strong>In</strong>cludeslive music & holiday treats. My Plein-AirKey West Novel Opening & Reception,5:30 PM. <strong>The</strong> Custom House Museum,281 Front St. 296-6616. kwahs.org. ThruMarch 16. Stephen LaPierre’s latest seriesof paintings depicting Key West’s historicarchitecture & vibrant street life.Holiday Historic <strong>In</strong>n Tour, 6 PMwww.keystix.com.<strong>In</strong> <strong>The</strong> Cabaret – Michael Robinson onthe Piano, 6 PM. <strong>The</strong> Gardens Hotel, 526Angela St. 294-2661. gardenshotel.comFriday & Saturday, December 14 & 15Nana’s Naughty Knickers, 8 PMMarathon Community <strong>The</strong>ater, 5101Overseas Hwy. 743-0994. marathontheater.org.Saturday matinee, 3 PM.Friday - Sunday, December 14-16Jim Warren Art Exhibit, 10 AM. WylandGallery, 102 Duval St. 294-5240. wylandkeywest.com.Artist in Residence willbe on hand daily & by appointment toshowcase his latest surrealistic & fantasycanvases.Saturday, December 15Shows of Unusual Art Opening &Reception, 5 PM. Guild Hall Gallery, 614Duval St. 296-6076. guildhallgallerykw.com. Artists Joan Walters & JoanneJarzombek New Art Show. Thru January12.<strong>In</strong> <strong>The</strong> Cabaret – Jimmy Olson on thePiano, 5 PM. <strong>The</strong> Gardens Hotel, 526Angela St. 294-2661. gardenshotel.comNutcracker Key West 2012 OpeningNight, 6 PMSunday – Saturday, December 16-22Various times.Tennessee Williams<strong>The</strong>atre, 5901 College Rd. 295-7676.keystix.com. Various times. Spectacularcrafted production of a beloved classicconch color the florida keys 10 photographic chroniclewith local children and national corpsde ballet.<strong>The</strong> Schooner Wharf Lighted BoatParade, 8 PM. 202 William St. 292-3302.schoonerwharf.com. 7 PM performanceby Gerald Adams Elementary Steel YourHeart Band.Sunday, December 16KWAHS Community Day - CustomHouse Museum, 9:30 AM. 281 Front St.295-6616. kwahs.com. Free admission tolocal residents.<strong>Keys</strong> Chamber Orchestra Rehearsal, 2PM. Dallas McDonald Senior Center,380 Key Deer Blvd, Big Pine Key. 304-7544.Eco Discovery Documentary Film, 2 PM<strong>Florida</strong> <strong>Keys</strong> Eco-Discovery Center,809-4755. 35 East Quay Road, TrumanWaterfront. floridakeys.noaa.gov. Publicinvited for free environmentally-themeddocumentary films.Jazz in the Gardens – Peter Diamond &Friends, 5 PM. <strong>The</strong> Gardens Hotel, 526Angela St. 294-2661. gardenshotel.comHandel’s Messiah, 7 PM. St. ColumbaChurch, 451 52nd St, Marathon. TerryWalters, Terry.Walters@Century 21.comMonday, December 17Classic Movie Series: A Christmas Story,7 PM. Tropic Cinema, 416 Eaton St. 295-4393. tropiccinema.com.Tuesday, December 18Painting Bootcamp with Rick Worth -Session 1 at 2 PM & Session 2 at 6 PM<strong>The</strong> Studios of Key West, 600 White St.296-0458. tskw.org.Aqua Idol, 6:30 PM. Aqua Nightclub,711 Duval. 294-5505. Aquakeywest.com. Come in & vote your favoritecontestant. Proceeds to benefitWaterfront Playhouse. Sanctuary FriendsFoundation’s Film Series, 6:30 PManctuary Friends Foundation of the<strong>Florida</strong> <strong>Keys</strong>. 289-2288. sanctuaryfriends.org.Marathon Power SquadronBldg, 52nd St., Gulf, 2011 LoggerheadLn.Tuesday & Wednesday, December 18, 19Alfred Hitchcock - <strong>The</strong> 39 Steps, Previewnights 8 PM. Waterfront Playhouse, 310Wall St. 294-5015. waterfrontplayhouse.org. Thursday, December 20, OpeningNight. Tuesdays-Saturdays thru January12.Wednesday, December 19Wednesday Morning Artists’ Coffee,10 AM. Lois Giffen, 2000 Manor Lane,Marathon. 743-3546. <strong>Keys</strong> WritersMeeting, 1 PM. Big Pine Library, 213Key Deer Blvd. joan@vestaastrology.comkeyslibraries.org.ONGOING ART EXHIBITSSculpture Key West ExhibitsFt. Zachary Taylor & Key West GardenClub at West Martello Tower. 295-3800.sculpturekeywest.org. Thru March 23.Irene Stanton & Jennifer Martin ExhibitsFrangipani Gallery, 1102A Duval St. FranDecker, 849-1581. frangipanigallery.com.Thru December 31.

CORDIALLY INVITES YOUTO OUR DELECTABLEChristmasCelebrationDecember 24, 2012Dinner 5 pm - 10:30 pmLIVE ENTERTAINMENTDecember 25, 2012Brunch 11 am - 2 pmCOMPLIMENTARY CHAMPAGNEDinner 5 pm - 10:30 pmLIVE ENTERTAINMENT<strong>The</strong> Waterfront PlayhouseConch Train in City Holiday ParadePhoto by Larry BlackburnReservations (305) 296-81003841 N. Roosevelt Blvd.

<strong>Celebrating</strong> <strong>Hanukkah</strong> at Congregation B’nai Zion in Key WestPhotos by Tom OosterhoudtEditor’s note: I have been a guest at the annual <strong>Hanukkah</strong> dinner at CongregationB’nai Zion for over ten years now, and I always enjoy sitting with RabbiDudai and his wife, Nadia, who always does such a wonderful job of preparingthe food for the occasion. I want to thank the entire congregation for alwaysmaking me feel welcome. I wish each of you a very Happy <strong>Hanukkah</strong>!<strong>Celebrating</strong> <strong>Hanukkah</strong> at Congregation B’nai Zion, standing: Larry Abramovitz, RabbiDudai embracing Fred and Linda Greenberg, Peter Rysman and Carol Abramovitz.Seated: Deacon Sarah Fowler.L’chaim! Rabbi Shimon Dudai and hiswife, Nadia, lead a toast to the celebrationof <strong>Hanukkah</strong>.<strong>The</strong> Klitenick clan at <strong>Hanukkah</strong>: Richard and Kelly Klitenicj, Lauren Klitenick, Sara Klitenick and friendJustin, Judy and Dr. Michael Klitenick.Maxine Makover, Vera Schiff, and Deacon Sarah Fowler celebrating <strong>Hanukkah</strong>.Standing: Mae Mcmahan, Rebetzin Nadia Dudai, Jacqueline, Liz Young, Sheldon Davidson, Barbara andCreighton Webb, Bernie Kaplan. Seated: Deacon Sara Fowler and Maxine Makover.Peter Rysman with Tom Nitti, his wife Jane, son TJ, and daughter at the <strong>Hanukkah</strong>dinner.

First State Bank RewardsVolunteersFirst State Bank of the <strong>Florida</strong><strong>Keys</strong> continues their ongoing commitmentof honoring employees fortheir outstanding community volunteerefforts to local civic causes.<strong>The</strong> Bank honored three volunteerswith over 60 hours of combinedcommunity service through the thirdquarter. First State Bank Credit AnalystII Jana Kosova, Customer ServiceRepresentative/Teller James Todd, and<strong>In</strong>ternet Banking Coordinator BrianStadler each received special recognitionfor their exemplary volunteerservice.Since 1955, First State Bank hasactively supported school, civic, and<strong>Keys</strong> community causes throughsponsorships, donations, scholarshipsand, in-kind donations such as thecommunity service volunteer time oftheir employees.First State Bank has sponsored275 civic and community events,and provided 441 volunteers, representingover 882 hours of service,to community and local non-profitorganizations so far in 2012.www.ZontaKeyWest.com<strong>The</strong> Zonta Club of Key West came together to completetheir Christmas Projects for 2012<strong>Keys</strong> Academy is one of the ongoingservice projects for the Zonta Club ofKey West from mentoring the girls,being guest speakers, throwing aThanksgiving dinner and now Stockingsfor each girl. Pictured are theZontians after they made stockingsfor each of the <strong>Keys</strong> Center GirlsTop Row, Dolly Garlo, Carolyn Daly,Marilyn Douthett, Mae McMahan,and Cheryl Cates. Bottom Row - LisaBenfield, Cindi Chatman, TangelaLusain, Betsy Langan, Bonnie Helms,and Beth EliotTangela Lusain volunteered toput this Toy Bin together to bedonated to Christina’s Courage.<strong>In</strong>side the bin are bagsthat the Zontains made forthe children that might needChristina’s Courage Services.Zonta also donated suppliesfor the Organization to helpin the every day running ofthe organization from vacuumcleaners to paper towels.Gratuities Will Benefit <strong>The</strong> Boys andGirls Club at Friday Happy HourJoin your friends and family fora very special holiday themed happyhour at BottleCap Groove Loungethis Friday, December 14th from 5 to8 PM with gratuities to benefit <strong>The</strong>Boys and Girls Club. Take a chance at<strong>The</strong> Wheel of Fortune and HolidayTrivia games with the infamous wheelspinner, “<strong>The</strong> D’Animal” - Dan Dombroski.All game proceeds benefit<strong>The</strong> Boys and Girls club as they assistfamilies during the holiday season.<strong>The</strong> Boys and Girls Clubs of the<strong>Keys</strong> Area offers after school care,summer care, winter break andspring break care. Club programsand services promote and enhancethe development of boys and girlsby instilling a sense of competence,usefulness, belonging, and influence.For more information on their servicesvisit the website at http://bngkeysclub.com.<strong>The</strong> BottleCap GrooveLounge is located at 1128 SimontonStreet.Front Row Sides - Betsy Langan and Tangela LusainBack Row - Mae McMahan, Dolly Garlo, Bonnie Helms, CherylCates, Beth Eliot, Marilyn Douthett, Carolyn Daly, Cindi Chatman,and Lisa BenfieldSave the Date:Friday December 28, 2012Lilly Pulizter’s 16th anniversaryShop and Share event10 a – 8 PM 10% of the sales of the daywill be donated to Zonta Club of Key WestAt the 2011 Shop &Share program at LillyPulizter, a check for$2000 was presentedto the club for ServiceProjects like Christina’sCourage and <strong>Keys</strong>Academy. Thank youLilly Pulizter.conch color the florida keys 15 photographic chronicle

Preceptor Gamma’s New MemberPreceptor Gamma’s newestmember, RoseAnne McKillip,rings Red Kettle bells at KeyPlaza Publix for the SalvationArmy. Has your club ororganization signed up to ringthis holiday season? If not,it’s not too late! Call AdvisoryBoard Member, Cookie Sellers,at (305)294-3392, to scheduleyour group!Music Room Presents “Joyful Joyful”<strong>The</strong> Music Room, under thedirection of Robin Kaplan,proudly presents “Joyful Joyful,”a winter concert to be heldat St. Paul’s Episcopal Churchon Sunday, December 16th at4pm. <strong>The</strong> concert will showcasethe talent of 50 of Key West’sup-and-coming musicians, whowill perform holiday inspiredsolos and duets. This familyfriendly concert will be sure todelight and inspire the holidayspirit. Admission is free. Formore information, please call(305) 304-6960Christmas at St.Pauls<strong>In</strong> Memory of Dr. Larry Harvey<strong>The</strong> 29th AnnualSt. Paul’s ChristmasConcert, 410 Duval St.,Sunday night, December23, 7pm is dedicatedto the memoryof Dr. Larry Harveywho performed in theconcert for 28 straightyears. Join a spiritedgroup of 50 performersin a memorableKey West tradition.Tickets available atSt. Paul’s EpiscopalChurch and MacArthurMusic.

KEYS’ COMMUNITY CHARITIES . . .<strong>In</strong> Praise of <strong>Keys</strong>’ Community VolunteersBy Dennis Hopps“ . . .We build better communities together throughvolunteerism . . . in devoting time and energy to meetlocal needs our volunteers provide a model for fellowcitizens. . . volunteers fill critical voids in our community’sinfrastructure.” -- Rosi Ware, Chairwomanof the Board of Directors of <strong>The</strong> Studios of Key West,President and Board Chair of the Key West GardenClub, part-time trainer and volunteer for MARCHouse, recently proclaimed as the 2013 FlorenceSpottswood Humanitarian of the Year to be awardedin Key West in February , 2013.Tina Turner said it worst when she sang, “WeDon’t Need Another Hero.” Perhaps she was on tosomething in 1985, but in these fiscally-constraineddays of 2012 we need all the heroes we can get.This reference to heroes is not referring to capes,tights or superhuman abilities. <strong>The</strong>se local modernday heroes are the everyday unsung heroes who volunteertheir time, energy and passion to make KeyWest and Monroe County a better place to live.Sure, some of these volunteers occasionally alsowear tights and even capes. And yes, their abilitiesdo seem out of this world from time to time.But the biggest difference between our heroes andthose in comic books is that our heroes actually liveamongst us. It may be you who is a volunteer hero,your neighbor, a friend or a colleague. Regardless,there is no denying that every day, every hour, manyin our community are volunteering to improve thequality of life for others.Whether you subscribe to this volunteer hero labelor not, answer this: Who are the game-changingheroes in your world? Or more specifically, who doyou know that lives and breathes the arts and drivesculture in our community? Who is that volunteercoach who goes more than the extra mile? Who isthe most compassionate volunteer caregiver whoeases the pain of others and advocates for accessibility?And who in your circle of relatives and friendsacts for the betterment of the environment and encouragesothers to take notice of our environmentalfootprint?Simple, but these questions inevitably lead tosome of the best stories in our community. Everyday there are local examples of adversity tackledwith perseverance, suffering met with thoughtfulnessand optimism, and seemingly insurmountablechallenges overcome by selfless leadership.<strong>The</strong> Corporation for National and CommunityService hosts the most comprehensive collection ofinformation on volunteering in the U.S. <strong>The</strong>y providea clear picture of the ways and means ordinaryAmericans are doing extraordinary things and tothe extent volunteers represent a powerful economicand social benefit to communities across the nation.Results of their most recent research based on 2010data for people 16 years of age and older include thefollowing: volunteer service volunteered tutoring and teaching fundraising activities or sold items to raise moneyfor an organization hours through general labor or providing transportation<strong>The</strong>se national volunteer rates reflect an observablepattern in volunteering among differentage groups that holds true, year after year. <strong>The</strong>volunteer rate tends to be higher in teen yearscompared to early adulthood when the volunteeringrate is typically at its second lowest pointafter very old age. <strong>In</strong> the mid-to-late twenties,volunteering rates begin to pick up again. <strong>The</strong>peak years for volunteering generally tend tooccur between the mid-thirties and early forties.After middle age, volunteering rates begin todrop as age increases.Perhaps most notable is that over the past twodecades we have seen a growing body of researchthat indicates volunteering provides individualhealth benefits in addition to social benefits.This research has established a strong relationshipbetween volunteering and health. Thosewho volunteer have lower mortality rates, greaterfunctional ability and lower rates of depressionlater in life than those who do not volunteer.CONCHCOLOR is on the hunt for thewonderful stories of heroism lived through localvolunteering here in Monroe County. <strong>The</strong>re aremany organizations throughout Monroe Countywhich annually recognize the incredible work ofvolunteers. Working in partnership with theseorganizations and others, CONCHCOLORintends to highlight your examples, nominatewilling volunteers to the local award programs,and share your stories in CONCHCOLOR andwith other local media.Heroic and giving volunteerism is everywherearound us. And these stories are about sharingcommunity experiences, celebrating the hardwork of others and being moved and motivatedto volunteer in their own unique ways.So, if you have a story or example of a friend,colleague, family member or perfect stranger whohas risen to a local community challenge in aninnovative, dedicated and effective way, we wouldlove to hear about it! Please contact our offices at . . . the opportunities for citizens wishing tovolunteer are endless . . . an exceptionally helpfulsource of identifying volunteer opportunitiesis the entire list of local Nonprofit Services andOrganizations located on the Community Foundationof the <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>Keys</strong> website, http://www.cffk.org . . . be a hero to others . . . choose a publiccharity that best suits you, your time and talentsand give back by improving lives, strengtheningyour community and fostering civic engagement.conch color the florida keys 17 photographic chronicle

Cottage Key WestPhotos by Kristen LivengoodDiscover the secret ofCottage Key West, a lovelyboutique gracing SouthardStreet in Key West.With special items toenhance your home andgarden, from unique tablelinens to one-of-kinditems created by local artisians,or exciting holidayand hostess gifts to puta smile on anyone’s face,Cottage is the place to go.Above:Doug and Dominique invite youto swing in, say hello and sign upfor their special Cottage PointsProgram which allows you tostack up points to use toward afuture purchase.<strong>The</strong> Gynecology Practice of Sharon Ward, M.D.would like to announce to everyone that LisaBenfield, ARNP has been with this practicefor over 3 years and continues to take newpatients.We provide complete well-woman care inan all female practice, including GYN surgery,infertility, menopause and hormonereplacement.Most insurances accepted.Obstetrics & Gynecology3224 N. Roosevelt Blvd.Key West, FL 33040305-294-8441Lisa Benfield, ARNPFlu shots availableEar piercing performedAbove:Key West locals Erin and Carolinalook through Cottage’s one-of-a-kinditems like Presto Buckets, beautifulscent-infused soaps and washes,an exciting array of wall hooks andexclusive Pick Up Sticks charms.CONCHCOLORf l o r i d a k e y s p h o t o g r a p h i c c h r o n i c l eVisit usonline atconchcolor.comconch color the florida keys 18 photographic chroicle

AstrologicallyYoursAries: Your thoughts are on firming uppartnership details concerning jointly heldresources and business commitments, you shouldfeel freer and yet more grounded and motivatedto succeed than ever. <strong>The</strong>re is a sense of stabilityin everything that you do and a feeling of havingcome into your own, accepting your limitationsand utilizing them to their fullest capacity.~ Gift Certificates Available ~Taurus: <strong>The</strong>re seem to be at least three areas ofyour life that need some adjustment, your basicgenerosity of spirit seems to be restricted bysomeone else’s need to control and insecuritywithin the relationship which can either causeyou to talk about either ending it or transformingit before it destroys you both. Your need to beopen handed at this time is your basic nature.Gemini: You need to ground yourself the water isa good place even if its in the bathtub or showeryou can get too carried away with everythingthat you are trying to do and really over looksome major considerations as well as damageyou health and well being if you don’t takesome time to really “see” where you are actuallydirecting your energies and focus.Cancer: <strong>The</strong>re is something to be said for havingsomeone to talk to who loves and understandsyou without having to worry, sensor your words,or explain the way you feel. <strong>The</strong>se people aregifts that no amount of money in the world canprovide. You are spending way too much time inyour mind and dwelling on the past, learn fromyour past, cherish it and then move on.Leo: “Due to power struggles within, the lightat the end of the tunnel is temporarily out oforder.” Your world can feel like a war zone withabsolutely no warmth or tenderness and youmay feel as if the weight and responsibility ofthe world is upon your shoulders. What is yourlesson here? Perhaps you need to evaluate howyou weld and share power and control.Virgo: You need to find someone who is aprofessional councilor to talk to the reasoningis that there are way too many different areasof partnership that you do not feel comfortablediscussing with your usual contacts and youmay feel as if when you do talk about it the air istinged with hostile unstable electricity and if thisis the case do not doubt that this is true becauseit is.Libra: “Come here, come here, go away, goaway.” Aw, ain’t love grand? It pulls you in somany different directions, molds you to itsown personal shape, spits you out and formsyou according to its needs and expectationsand makes you feel so excited, venerable,helpless, and generous at the same time, such anaddiction, such a gift. Stop trying to control theway you feel and just go with the flow will ‘ya? Itis after all the holidays enjoy them!Scorpio: Don’t be too hard on yourself, insteadwrite down your accomplishments over the lastyear, ask yourself where you are headed andwhere you want to be and figure out the bestplan for you to get there. Consider all of yourassets include those of your most intimateothers and don’t use force here compromiseand consideration need to be your key inestablishing a game plan that works for allconcerned no impulse please.Sagittarius: Pay close attention to your dreamsand your thought sequences there is a majormessage coming to you about personalissues and partnerships and how you needto deal with them in the immediate futureas you know some changes must be madeand are probably ongoing in your home andbasic base it is exciting but can be a littlehectic nothing you can’t handle of course socelebrate wisely and enjoy the holidays withfriends.Capricorn: You have taken on too muchonce again. You are supposed to transformyourself and the way you do things notexpand your horizons in the same directions.I know you “feel” good but please considerthe consequences of your actions in the futureand do not allow yourself to be misguided bytemporary “Aha” moments in your decisionsabout the future.Aquarius: You must change the way you thinkabout assets, work, and money, it is to yourbenefit to do this as you have restrictionsand maybe even some legal difficulties fromunwise decisions in the past, this can causeyou some concern and it should, so do notignore the early warning signs and continueto keep on doing what you have been doing,remember the old saying “You will probablywind up exactly where you are headed.”Pisces: You can probably talk yourself into orout of anything that you wish to at this time,just remember one thing the piper will haveto be paid at the end of the play. Will you beable to do that if you hire them now on a wingand a prayer? If the answer is no then youmust rethink your strategy and decide anotherdirection that won’t leave you stranded andempty handed.sylviabogart@yahoo.com contact me fora reading, chart/consultation, your bridalshower or girls night out party, ask me aboutrates or how to set one up. Happy Holidaysgift certificates available. Blessings to you all.Office Surgery for Carpal tunnel,Trigger finger, Dupuytren’sOrthopedic Surgery1111 12th St.#212, Key West “ WE WANT YOUR CRACKSA Concrete Restoration Company,specializing in concrete repair and painting. “

<strong>The</strong> Sacred Circle of Elders Holiday DinnerHonoring the Elders of Bahama VillagePhotos by Tom Oosterhoudt and Brittiny BurgohyLeft:Two of Bahama Village’samazing senioricons, RooseveltsSands at 82 yearsyoung, and Lofton“Coffee” Butler at84. <strong>The</strong>y both lookfabulous.Steering Team Members of <strong>The</strong> Frederick Douglass School Black Educators’ Memorial Project: John Wilson Smith, CarrieDavis-Groomes, Virginia Irving, Mechelle Burgohy, Gwendolyn Sommers, James Rock Poitier, Carla Tynes, Detra Fisherand Barbara Ashe. Not pictured is Paulette Rivas.Roxanne Rahming and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. RubinCampbell.Darlene Bennett and her daughter with Com. Clayton Lopez.Rebecca Mitchell & Roxanne Rahming.conch color the florida keys 20 photographic chronicle

Cassandra Butler, Beverly Watson, Tangela Thurston and Linda Freeman.Barbara Sanderson, Ernestine Curry, Rosemary Rahming, Kenneth Rahming, Sarah Baker and Abraham Baker. ROBERTA MIRA, PAYOUR PROPERTY COULD BE NEXT!Las Salinas N212 SOLDLas Salinas W206 SOLD22 Spoonbill Pending1127 Washington SOLDSanta Clara 204 SOLD78 Key Haven SOLD21 Beachwood Pending44 Seaside South PendingVacant Lots Driftwood PendingSanta Clara #612 Pending1420 Washington PendingCall me to list your property…305-797-5263REALTY EXECUTIVES FLORIDA KEYSROBERTAKW@AOL.COM <strong>The</strong> event attracted a full house at the historic Douglass Gym for the annual holidaydinner honoring the community elders.Darlene Bennett, Glenwood Lopez, Com. Clayton Lopez, with Conch Color publisher Tom Oosterhoudt.Dorothy and Roosevelt Sands Jr. with Lofton “Coffee Butler”.conch color the florida keys 21 photographic chronicle

Bonnie Piceu Hosts Council of the ArtsHoliday PartyPhotos by Kristen LivengoodMichael Shields, Lynn Sherman, hostess Bonnie Piceu, Martha Barnes, Liz Young, and Jean Carper.Sherry Phillips, Karen Leonard, and Greg Charleston.Lois Giffen, Joy Rodriguez, Dee Johnson, Vicky Shields, Norma Gilmore, Connor Boyd, ShirleyFreeman, and hostess Bonnie Piceu.Bert Bender, Ken Weschler, Michael Philip, and Liz Young.Greg Charleston, Susann D’Antonio, Liz Young, Lucy Carleton, Sherry Phillips, Michael Shields, Lois Giffen, Gail Lima,Darlene LaVelle, and Jodell Roberts.Gordon Keiser, Diane May, Dianna Sutton, and Liz Young.

Apply Now:Call 305-293-6000Go to <strong>Keys</strong>FCU.orgVisit any BranchBellaPlease feel free to contact us formore information at:305 296-8297

SilverlinersPhotos by Kristen LivengoodJane and Mark Porter, Superintendent of Schools, with KWHSteacher Mary Maxwell.Denise Rohner, Silverliners Prez Joyce Benavides, and Caroline Cotton pose with some of the studentswho just arrived to see Santa in the North Pole.Howard Livingston played tropical holiday music for the kidsaround the Christmas tree.While waiting for Santa, these students are entertained by a book at one of the many stations.Jeanne Selander and Mo the Sloth prepare for thekids at the North Pole.conch color the florida keys 24 photographic chronicle

Santa’s helpers: Michael Walker, Evan Kidwell, Riley & Morgan Kidwell, all middle schoolstudents from Sugarloaf, Glenn Archer, HOB and Sigsbee, give out the sweet goodies to thekindergarteners.<strong>The</strong> Silverliners, Amber Levinson, Crissy Gallagher, Lynn (manager Conch Flyer), and DonnaCarpenter, pause for a photo op while serving hundreds of students lunch.<strong>The</strong> Silverliners, Amy Cunnigham, Nan Ramsdale, Bindy Blatt, Crissy Gallagher,Cindy Livingston, and MJ Webster, join Santa and Mrs. Claus, Moe and MarinaMosher, and hand out presents.conch color the florida keys 25 photographic chronicle

Sunset Social Drinking Club (SSDC)KW Chapter’s 1st annual POSH PartyAt <strong>The</strong> Audabon HouseLeft:Girls GoneWildRight:Robert Sharp, Hannia Rivera, AJ, Harry Sody and Jessica Rutterat the SSDC POSH Party at <strong>The</strong>Audubon for the FKSPCA.Left:Jessica, Hanniaand Steve fromShots & Giggles.Right:<strong>The</strong> Sawyer’s.Left:Clayton and Val from Vino’s.conch color the florida keys 26 photographic chronicle

YukataPhotos by Kristen LivengoodHabitat for Humanity’s Operations Director Susan K. Miller and Volunteer Coordinator Anna Symington are gratefulYukata Designs is supporting this event, where a portion of sales will help fund homes for local Lower <strong>Keys</strong> families.“You gotta Yukata,” as Mikey Mo would say.Enjoying <strong>The</strong> Game!Bill and Billy Kight At HomeMikey Mo, owner of Yukata Designs, and his assistant Sabryah Alghrary getthe studio ready for this weekend’s party at 618 Catholic Lane in Key West.Please park on Frances or Grinnell Streets and swing by to support this greatcause, as well as see some of the amazingly bright and <strong>Keys</strong>-y clothing!Edward Knight WithEdith Amsterdamconch color the florida keys 27 photographic chronicle

Out and About With Tom OosterhoudtAt Arts Council Holiday PartyPhotos by Kristen LivengoodFrom left, Tom Oosterhoudt, Rosi Ware, and Liz Young.Tom Oosterhoudt with Queen Kathleen Greer.Tom Oosterhoudt with Conch Color’s own Maxine Keough and her partner, Noah Singh, the artist.Jacob Decker, Tom Oosterhoudt, and State Board of Education Commissioner John Padget.South <strong>Florida</strong> Symphony CEO Jacqueline Lorber, Tom Oosterhoudt, and First State Bank MarketingVP Don Lanman.Ed Krane, Lynda Frechette, Tom Oosterhoudt, and Bob Frechette.conch color the florida keys 28 photographic chronicle

Sacred Circle of Elders DayPhoto by Alyson CreanMayor Craig Cates and CommissionerClayton Lopez, duringTuesday’s City Commission meeting,proclaimed Friday December 8thas Sacred Circle of Elders Day. <strong>The</strong>proclamation, part of the FrederickDouglass School Black Educators’Memorial Project, honors communityelders, celebrating them as“wisdom keepers of our communityand the guardians of our culture andtraditions.” <strong>The</strong> program was begunin 2010 by members of the communityof African, Bahamian and Cubandescent who were concerned aboutthe continuation of the legacy of theFrederick Douglass School, whichwas founded in Key West in 1871.<strong>The</strong> project looks to continue communitypride, passing the knowledgeof the elders to the young people ofthe community. <strong>The</strong> Sacred Circle ofElders is committed to standing asthe guardians of this local culture andtradition and passing it on to futuregenerations.Critter ofthe Week:BiscuitGrandmaMimi andLittle LillyPhoto by Tom OosterhoudtDr. Matt ReidACCEPTING NEW PATIENTSM-F 3:30 - 8:30 AND SAT/SUN 2 - 6(305)-295-2944BusinessCents.If you own a business, it onlymakes sense to talk to theprofessionals at H&R Block. Small Business Corporations BookkeepingWe’ve got the experienceand the tools to answeryour questions, prepareyour taxes and provideaccounting services.H&R BLOCK305.294.3525925 Toppino Drive374605conch color the florida keys 29 photographic chronicle

Key West High School Conch Swim Team2012 Awards BanquetPhotos by Kristen LivengoodLeft:Most ValuablePlayers: DerrickAllen and DevinOsterhoudt.Right:Scholar Athletes.Regional Participants, front row: Jadene Olsen, Kristen Reed, Trevor Helms, Story Magidson, &Jordan Henry. Back Row: Marcus Brisson, Chris Bujak, Kai Murphy, Devin Osterhoudt, DerrickAllen, and Kimberlee Reed.Regional <strong>In</strong>dividual Qualifiers: Devin Osterhoudt, Jordan Henry, Michelle Konik and Kim Reed.Senior Class- KWHS swim team with their KWHS swim towels and key chains - Trevor Helms, AliceTallmadge, Griffin Saunders, Rachael Norquoy, Alice Palay, Devin Osterhoudt, Kai Murphy, Sean Lefere,Michelle Konik, Sonny Knowles, and Jacquelyn KnowlesTeam Captains with their pictures: Griffin Saunders, Kai Murphy, Alice Tallmadge,Michelle Konik, Devin Osterhoudt.conch color the florida keys 30 photographic chronicle

Coach Lori Bosco and Coach Judd Wise.Broke the 200 Free Relay School Record: Marcus Brishson, Derrick Allen, Chris Bujak and Trevor Helms.Left:<strong>The</strong> Junior Class swimmers receivetheir pins and letters: Nick Narwold,Hunter Lubin, Derrick Allen, KatieReed, Shaun Buchman, JadeneOlsen, Jase Owens, Henry Fairbank,and Meric Edge. Front Row:Ashley Cowan, Alli Griffiths, LexiGalvan and TJ Acevedo.Right:Jackie Knowles and Sonny Knowleslooking at their “Senior Jump”pictures.Left:<strong>The</strong> Sophomore swimmers. FrontRow: Daniel Krasnow, BrittanyHenson, Clementine Girard,and Jake Graziano. Middle Row:Carli Malone, Taylor Barrios,Mikayla Schlegel-Boraas, AlexLichtl, Chris Bujak, Marcus Brisson,and TJ Bradshaw. BackRow: Sebastian Palay, DevinCarsonChef Holly Bell and the KWHS Culinary Class catered the banquet.Freshmen Swimmers. Standing: Klara Woznicova, Kimberlee Reed, Olivia Maliki, Kristen reed, JordanHenry, Story Magidson, Savana Hardin, and Caitlin Ford. Kneeling: Dylan Slaunwhite, Jason Beede,TJ Carbone, Samir Mendoza, Jacob Dale, and Chase Rodriquez.<strong>The</strong> Swim Team stood up to thank their biggest supporters – their parents!conch color the florida keys 31 photographic chronicle

<strong>The</strong> City of Key West Annual Holiday ParadePhotos by Larry BlackburnKey WestMayor CraigCates and hiswife, Cheryl,with theirgranddaughter,Riley Canalejo<strong>The</strong> MCCconch color the florida keys 32 photographic chronicle

Sigsbee Schoolconch color the florida keys 33 photographic chronicle

Left:Conch Color’s carincluded Raquel Crummitt,Tom Oosterhoudt,Fat Tuesday’s TroyAnderson, SymphonyCEO JacquelineLorber, and Computerwiz Ed Guerry.Right:Conch Color’s LeeHines also made aparade appearance inhis new electric mobile.<strong>The</strong> Community Is <strong>In</strong>vitedToConch Color’sUltimate Holiday PartyAt Historic Casa Antigua314 Simonton StreetChristmas, Chanukah, and KwanzaMARC PLANT STOREOpen Seven Days A Week!Get all of your garden plants and suppliesat our MARC Plant StoreWe have all of your plant and garden needs!Fertilizers, flowering plants, trees, clay,glazed pottery, fountains,home and garden accessories.We also carry:Gift Card, orchids and hybrid plants, air plants,tropical foliage, bushes and bedding plants.conch color the florida keys 34 photographic chronicleSpecial Orders AvailableFree delivery within Key west1401 Seminary Street, Key West, <strong>Florida</strong> 33040Accepting: Amex/Visa/MasterCard/Discoverwww.marchouse.orgVisit us on Facebook under:MARC and MARC Plant Store!305-296-9556Helen Garcia

ancy 3. HomaHOLIDAY PARTY MUSIC!“Nancy 3. gets the whole worldsmiling and singing.”Billl and Jenny Mead, Key WestPhone: 207-939-0301email: 3Nancy3@gmail.comLocals CALL for 10% discount!appointment email Office@ConchColor.comconch color the florida keys 35 photographic chronicle

<strong>The</strong> Sixth Annual Gingerbread House Making Party at <strong>The</strong> Oldest HousePhotos by Kristen Livengood.Left:Dan Skahen with <strong>The</strong>Oldest House helps thesetwo student volunteersfrom Key West Collegiatehand out the goodies tothe kids.Right:Hundreds of localyoungsters came out totry their hand at makinggingerbread houses atthe annual event.Left:Summer Livengood poseswith Santa’s helpers at <strong>The</strong>Oldest House GingerbreadHouse Building Party.Right:<strong>The</strong> students from Key WestCollegiate were on hand tohelp kids build their dreamgingerbread houses.Right:Betty and Katelyn Diaz,Janet and JenaleeWickers and Shannon,Sophia and IsabelleVeach show off theirgingerbread creations.Left:Brandon Campos, withmom and dad Miriamand Victor, proudlydisplays his well-builthouse of sweets.Right:Kids Michael andJanelle work on theirholiday houses.conch color the florida keys 36 photographic chronicle

Weddings atHistoric Casa AntiguaFrom the minute youwalk into the historicgardens of Casa Antigua,you know you have steppedinto a very special time andplace. <strong>The</strong> perfect place toplan your wedding or specialevent.Casa Antigua has beenfeatured on numeroustelevision shows on theHome & Garden channel.Casa Antigua is featured in17 different books and isalso featured on the TravelChannel. BBC even filmedan episode of its AlistairCooke show about Hemingwayin the building.For the memory of a lifetime,book your wedding atCasa Antigua by calling LeeHines, General Manager at(305)292-9955.MyKeyWestEvents.comYOURBUSINESSACCEPTSCREDIT CARDS,RIGHT?Process withWholesale Merchant Group: ® ® , ® ® ®THANK YOU!<strong>The</strong> 9th Annual <strong>Keys</strong> Federal ReMARCableTable Top Christmas Tree AuctionWe could not have done this without everyone’s support!Our MARC family sincerely thanks:2 Cents RestaurantBesame MuchoBill BennettBrewster ChamberlainCape AirCayo Hueso CottagesCindy & Howard LivingstonDiane YoungFriendly Cab CompanyGardens of EdenKevin DonavonKey West High <strong>In</strong>teract ClubWestin Resort & MarinaKey West Woman’s ClubLynn SmithLiz LoveRainbow CafeSouthernmost Foot & AnkleLittle Switzerland / Glee HigginsMango Season JewelryMARC BoardMARC Plant StoreMARC Staff<strong>Keys</strong> Marine Services & SalvageMr. Ed ScalesOropeza & Parks CPARainbow CafeSalt Water AnglersSharon McCullumSkin of Key West<strong>The</strong> Westin Concierges<strong>The</strong> Westin StaffWet Paint GalleryWilson, Washburn & ForesterWilliam Kirkwood<strong>Keys</strong> Federal Credit UnionWe thank everyone who contributed and helped with thissuccessful fundraiser. We wish you and yours and very MerryChristmas, Wonderful Holidays and a Happy New Years!www.marchouse.orgWe sincerely apologize if we have mistakenly forgotten anyone that supported our event in thisthank you.CALL YOUR LOCALREPRESENTATIVE,RICHARD SOTIS,TO LEARN MORETODAY!RICHARD SOTISRichard Sotis of <strong>Keys</strong> Office Equipment305-304-3356Cost EFFECTIVE credit card processingconcerned with YOUR bottom line.conch color the florida keys 37 photographic chronicle

AQUA IDOL BENEFITS WATERFRONT PLAYHOUSELOTS OF CONTESTANTS PARTICIPATE!Photos by Larry BlackburnKaren Leonard Matt Hulsey Queen Kathleen GreerQuincy PerkinsHeather Potter-MayAleax Ockinczyck Ben Teague Reuben Navarro Perry Arnoldconch color the florida keys 38 photographic chronicle

STONEDTHEAT THE IBIS BAY RESORTHappy Septuagenarian Birthday, Lucy Gage!Photos by Kristen LivengoodRon Gage, Jill Cranney-Gage, Lilee Gage, Lucy Gage, Rick Gage, Toni Michelle Gage, RikkiShea Gage, Maciee Gage, and (in front) Ryan Star Gage and Maciee Gage.Lucy with her two beloved sons, Ron Gage and Rick Gage.Pam and Bob Soucy swing by the Grand Key to help Lucy celebrate her 70th Birthday.Joe and Wendy Caffrey, Alita Heineman, Molly Gleason, and Karla Gleason wereon hand to celebrate.Left:Lucy Gage celebrates with theDavila Family.conch color the florida keys 39 photographic chronicle

conch color the florida keys 40 photographic chronicle

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