Gladstone Fish Health Investigation 2011 - 2012 - Western Basin ...

Gladstone Fish Health Investigation 2011 - 2012 - Western Basin ...

Gladstone Fish Health Investigation 2011 - 2012 - Western Basin ...


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April: Mullet samples were collected from all proposed sites with a total of 63 caught andexamined for signs of ill health. The species of mullet sampled at each site varied, with seamullet dominating the catch in Bundaberg and the Calliope River. The catch in the FitzroyRiver and the upper and lower reaches of the Boyne River were almost exclusively goldspotmullet, while bluespot mullet dominated the catch at Rodds Bay. A single diamond scalemullet was also caught at Rodds Bay. No significant signs of abnormalities were observed inany mullet caught during the April sampling events. Minor redness was observed on samplescollected from both the Fitzroy River (100% of samples) and Bundaberg (25%) referencesites, but was not observed in samples collected in <strong>Gladstone</strong>.The conditions observed in the Fitzroy River and Bundaberg consisted of minor redness andsmall pin point marks on the body and fins, as illustrated in Figure 29.Figure 29. Minor redness and pinpoint marks observed on fins and the body surface of mullet sampledfrom the Fitzroy River (a) and (b), and Bundaberg (c) and (d).A single mullet was captured in the lower reaches of the Boyne River with a fresh bite mark.It was most likely that the bite mark occurred while the fish was in the net. Given the type andrecent nature of the wound, this fish was recorded as being in good health for analysis(Figure 30).Figure 30. A mullet captured in the lower reaches of the Boyne River with a fresh bite mark51

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