Gladstone Fish Health Investigation 2011 - 2012 - Western Basin ...

Gladstone Fish Health Investigation 2011 - 2012 - Western Basin ...

Gladstone Fish Health Investigation 2011 - 2012 - Western Basin ...


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Commercial fishing effort for mullet in the <strong>Gladstone</strong> region (days fished with mullet catchrecorded) has varied since 2000, with a general downward trend. Effort in <strong>2012</strong> was thelowest recorded since 2000 (96 days) and is approximately a quarter of the effort recorded in2000 (451 days) (Figure 26). The number of fishers catching mullet during this period hasalso dropped from a peak in 2001 (30 fishers) to lows in <strong>2012</strong> (7 fishers). Although the catchand number of fishers has decreased, the catch per day fished (76.3kg/day) is aboveaverage for the period (62.3 kg/day) and is the fourth highest catch rate for the period.Days500450400350300250200150100500Commercial effort (days fished) for mullet in the <strong>Gladstone</strong> region2000 - <strong>2011</strong>2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 <strong>2011</strong> <strong>2012</strong>YearFigure 26. The number of days fishing where commercial fishers have reported mullet catch from the<strong>Gladstone</strong> region (C<strong>Fish</strong> grid S30), as reported in commercial fisher logbooks (calendar years 2000 –<strong>2012</strong>).Observational findings Phase 1Between September <strong>2011</strong> and January <strong>2012</strong>, approximately 149 mullet caught bycommercial fishers were examined for external signs of ill health both within <strong>Gladstone</strong> andat the reference sites. The majority of these fish were caught in Rodds Bay and theBundaberg area.All mullet caught at reference sites (37 fish) were observed to be in good condition, while 15of 112 fish caught within the <strong>Gladstone</strong> area were observed to have some abnormal skinconditions. These observations were made from a single catch each at Rodds Bay (13 of 40mullet) and Calliope River (2 of 2 mullet) (Figure 27).48

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