Gladstone Fish Health Investigation 2011 - 2012 - Western Basin ...

Gladstone Fish Health Investigation 2011 - 2012 - Western Basin ...

Gladstone Fish Health Investigation 2011 - 2012 - Western Basin ...


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Figure 21. Examples of shell abnormalities (circled) observed in mud crabs during the <strong>Gladstone</strong> <strong>Fish</strong><strong>Health</strong> Monitoring Program.Observational findings Phase 1Of the 1435 mud crabs observed during Phase 1, 5.33% were identified as having shellabnormalities from sites within the <strong>Gladstone</strong> region and 2.14% from the Fitzroy River. Nosamples were collected from Bundaberg during Phase 1.The percentage of crabs showing abnormalities varied between sites within <strong>Gladstone</strong>, withnumbers of abnormal crabs ranging from 1.87% (Rodds Bay) to 9.26% (South Trees Inlet)(Figure 22).Percentage of mud crabs showing signs of shell abnormalities at each site, Phase 1.NormalAffectedPercentage100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0%Fitzroy River(n = 140)Narrows(n = 607)Port DevelopmentArea(n = 150)Calliope River(n = 108)South Trees Inlet(n = 55)Rodds Bay(n = 375)LocationFigure 22. The percentage of mud crabs with shell abnormalities observed at all sites during the<strong>Gladstone</strong> <strong>Fish</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Monitoring Program, Phase 1. Note, (n) refers to the total number of crabsexamined at each site.42

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