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*0715 Sidhu, A.S. ; Sandhu, A.S. 1971. Control of jassid infesting foong crop with new insecticides. IN: Proceedings [of the] fifth workshop on pulse crops. New Delhi : Indian Council of Agricultural Research. p.138-1 4 2. [EnJ [En Abst] (REP.MB-1032) MEETING: Workshop on Pulse Crops, 5th -- Hissar, India, Mar 18-20, 1971 Mungbean crop sown during the monsoon period in the Punjab was found to be heavily infested by Amrasca devastans (Distant). Field trials were conducted for its control using chlorfenvinphos, fenitorthion, tetrachlorvinphos, malathion as 0.075% sprays; carbofuran, mephosfolan, dioxacarb, endosulfan, monocrotophos, phosalone, vamidothion as 0.05%; dimethoate 0.03% and endrin 0.02% high volume sprays at 100 L/ha. All these insecticides were quite effective and caused significant reduction in the jassid population. Excepting monocrotophos, two sprayings of these insecticides done in the first and last week of September, 1969 resulted in significant increase in the yield of grains. [ASI *0716 Batala, S.R. ; Vyas, H.K. ; Baser, S.L. ; Sharma, S.K. 1972. Chemical control of gram pod borer, Helothis armlgera Hbn, in Rajasthan. IN: Proceedings [of the] seventh workshop (kharif pulses). New Delhi : Indian Council of Agricultural Research. p.121-123 [En] (REP.MB-1436) MEETING: Workshop [on] Kharif Pulses, 7th -- Bangalore, India, Jun 5-9, 1972 Heliothis armigera Hb. is one of the most injurious pests of mungbean pods. The damage caused to the pods ranged between 40 and bO%. A chemical control trial with Metasystox 0.1%, methyl parathion + DDT 0.1%, dimethoate 0.1% and formothion 0.1% was conducted at Government Agriculture Research Farm, Durgapura (Jaipur) in 1971. The insecticides were applied at the time of pod formation. The incidence of pod borer was recorded before and 24, 48 and 72 hours after spray and yield was recorded at harvest time. Results showed that methyl parathion + DDT 0.1% was effective against pod borer. Yields of all treatments were significantly better than non-treated check. [THH] *0717 Pramanik, L.M. ; Basu, A.C. 1973. Biology of the foong pod border, Euchrysops cnejus (Fabricius) (Lycaenidae:Lepidoptera). INDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, v.7(2):118-120. [EnJ (REP.MB-1678) Pod borer, Euchrysops cnejus Fabr., is the most destructive on kharif mungbean in West Bengal, India. The peak period of the pest activity is July to August. The larva bores into the pods of all stages. This paper describes the life history, host plants and distribution of the pest. [THH] *0718 Srivastava, K.M. ; Singh, L.N. ; Singh, R.P. 197b. Blue butterfly, Euchrysops sp. as pea pest in Uttar Pradesh. ENTOMOLOGISTS' NEWSLETTER, v.6(3):27-28. [Enj (REP.MB-2750) Euchrysops, a pest of kharif legumes such as pigeonpea, blackgram, mungbean, cowpea and beans, was recorded on pea during February - March 1975 at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. The infested pods were characterized by a small circular hole on one side at the middle portion of the pod. The larvae remained inside the pod and fed on the developing seeds causing considerable damage to the 187

crop. [THH] *0719 Chelliah, S. ; Balasubramanian, G. ; Surulivelu, T. ; Menon, P.P.V. 1977. Chemical control of blackgram pod borers. MADRAS AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL, v.64(9):628-629. [EnJ (REP.MB-1985) A field experiment was conducted to test certain insecticides in controlling pod borers of blackgram. A connon spray with monocrotophos 0.04% was given at the flowering stage except for the check. Pod borer infestation between treatments was significantly different and damage on a pod basis ranged from 9.6 to 15.1% in insecticide treated plots while it was 32.9% in the untreated. Among the insecticides tested, aldicarb was outstanding, followed by disulfoton and phorate. The seed treatment with carbofuran was next best to the three granular insecticides applied in soil. There were 65.2, 64.0 and 60.1% increases in grain yield in aldicarb, phorate and disulfoton treatments respectively over the check. Application of either aldicarb, phorate or disulfoton at 1 kg a.i./ha at seeding followed by spraying with monocrotophos 0.04% at flowering stage will he an effective schedule for pod borer control on blackgram. [THH] *0720 Litsinger, J.A. ; Bandong, J.P. ; Paragna, F. 1980. Field evaluation of foliar insecticides for postflowering mung bean insects, Pangasinan, Philippines 1977-78. INSECTICIDE AND ACARICIDE TESTS, v.5:137-138. [Enj (REP.MB-2662) Two trials on farmers' fields in Poo, Manaoag, Pangasinan evaluated 15 foliar insecticides against postflowering insects, predominantly Heliothis on mungbean. The impact of Heliothis on mungbean infestation was measured as % defoliation (visual estimate/plot), no. larvae (50 plants), % damaged green and dry pods (100 pods), and no. pods/plant (25 plants). Yield was based on 15 sq.m. Decis (0.05 kg a.i./ha) was outstanding for the control of Heliothis on mungbean applied either twice (30 and 42 DE) or three times (30, 40, and 55 DE). Also effective were fenvalerate, methomyl, acephate, monocrotophos, and carbaryl, but endosulfan, cartap, malathion, and diazinon did not control Heliothis on mungbean at 0.75 kg a.i./ha. [AS/NST] *0721 Yein, B.R. ; Singh, Harcharan 1980. Effects of pesticides and fertilizers on the population of jassids on greengram. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH (PUNJAB AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY), v.17(4):383-387. [EnJ [En AbstJ (REP.MB-2901) The sprays of endosulfan (0.12 kg a.i./ha) and seed treatment with captan (0.04 kg a.i./ha) were ineffective in controlling jassids (Amrasca biguttula Ishida and Batrachomorphus sp.) on mungbean. The soil application of aldicarb @ 1.5 kg a.i./ha, on the other hand, proved to be most promising in reducing the population of the pests as compared with that in the control. This treatment gave the maximum reduction (64 to 83% of the pests in the early stages, i.e., to 6 weeks after sowing the crop. The efficacy of the insecticide decreased with the lapse of time. The application of nitrogenous (12.5 kg of N/ha) and phosphatic (40 kg of P/ha) fertilizers in the absence of insecticides encouraged the build-up of the population of the pests. Thus the application of nitrogenous and phospihatic fertilizers without the use of pesticides gave nonsignificant marginal increases or even decreases in the yield as compared 188 5

*0715 Sidhu, A.S. ; Sandhu, A.S. 1971. Control of jassid infesting foong<br />

crop with new insecticides. IN: Proceedings [of the] fifth workshop on pulse<br />

crops. New Delhi : Indian Council of Agricultural Research. p.138-1 4 2. [EnJ<br />

[En Abst] (REP.MB-1032)<br />

MEETING: Workshop on Pulse Crops, 5th -- Hissar, India, Mar 18-20, 1971<br />

Mungbean crop sown during the monsoon period in the Punjab was found to be<br />

heavily infested by Amrasca devastans (Distant). Field trials were conducted<br />

for its control using chlorfenvinphos, fenitorthion, tetrachlorvinphos,<br />

malathion as 0.075% sprays; carbofuran, mephosfolan, dioxacarb, endosulfan,<br />

monocrotophos, phosalone, vamidothion as 0.05%; dimethoate 0.03% and endrin<br />

0.02% high volume sprays at 100 L/ha. All these insecticides were quite<br />

effective and caused significant reduction in the jassid population. Excepting<br />

monocrotophos, two sprayings of these insecticides done in the first and last<br />

week of September, 1969 resulted in significant increase in the yield of<br />

grains. [ASI<br />

*0716 Batala, S.R. ; Vyas, H.K. ; Baser, S.L. ; Sharma, S.K. 1972. Chemical<br />

control of gram pod borer, Helothis armlgera Hbn, in Rajasthan. IN:<br />

Proceedings [of the] seventh workshop (kharif pulses). New Delhi : Indian<br />

Council of Agricultural Research. p.121-123 [En] (REP.MB-1436)<br />

MEETING: Workshop [on] Kharif Pulses, 7th -- Bangalore, India, Jun 5-9, 1972<br />

Heliothis armigera Hb. is one of the most injurious pests of mungbean pods.<br />

The damage caused to the pods ranged between 40 and bO%. A chemical control<br />

trial with Metasystox 0.1%, methyl parathion + DDT 0.1%, dimethoate 0.1% and<br />

formothion 0.1% was conducted at Government Agriculture Research Farm,<br />

Durgapura (Jaipur) in 1971. The insecticides were applied at the time of pod<br />

formation. The incidence of pod borer was recorded before and 24, 48 and 72<br />

hours after spray and yield was recorded at harvest time. Results showed that<br />

methyl parathion + DDT 0.1% was effective against pod borer. Yields of all<br />

treatments were significantly better than non-treated check. [THH]<br />

*0717 Pramanik, L.M. ; Basu, A.C. 1973. Biology of the foong pod border,<br />

Euchrysops cnejus (Fabricius) (Lycaenidae:Lepidoptera). INDIAN JOURNAL OF<br />

AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, v.7(2):118-120. [EnJ (REP.MB-1678)<br />

Pod borer, Euchrysops cnejus Fabr., is the most destructive on kharif<br />

mungbean in West Bengal, India. The peak period of the pest activity is July to<br />

August. The larva bores into the pods of all stages. This paper describes the<br />

life history, host plants and distribution of the pest. [THH]<br />

*0718 Srivastava, K.M. ; Singh, L.N. ; Singh, R.P. 197b. Blue butterfly,<br />

Euchrysops sp. as pea pest in Uttar Pradesh. ENTOMOLOGISTS' NEWSLETTER,<br />

v.6(3):27-28. [Enj (REP.MB-2750)<br />

Euchrysops, a pest of kharif legumes such as pigeonpea, blackgram,<br />

mungbean, cowpea and beans, was recorded on pea during February - March 1975 at<br />

Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. The infested pods were characterized by a small circular<br />

hole on one side at the middle portion of the pod. The larvae remained inside<br />

the pod and fed on the developing seeds causing considerable damage to the<br />


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