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New York City • DECEMBER 2006For Parents, Educators & Students • 22Construction Begins OnDeBakey Library & MuseumBaylor College of Medicine (BCM) recentlyhonored Dr. Michael E. DeBakey and joinedhim in celebrating the construction start of theMichael E. DeBakey Library and Museum. Thelibrary and museum, which will be located onthe BCM campus, will chronicle the career of thepioneering heart surgeon who put the college onthe road to leadership in its missions of education,research and patient care.“A library has been defined as the soul of civilization,and, in some respects, I think that is whatit is,” he said. “And I am very grateful that theyare doing this and my name is associated with itbecause I think it’s a great honor to have yourname associated with a historical project.”DeBakey, 98, served as Baylor College ofMedicine’s first president and chancellor. He currentlyserves as chancellor emeritus. He was chairof surgery from 1948 until 1993.“Dr. Michael DeBakey has touched the lives ofcountless patients, families, physicians, scientistsand students, and his leadership has been valuedby government officials and world leaders,” saidBCM President Dr. Peter G. Traber. “His standardsof excellence have set an example for allof us. It is a great tribute, and very appropriate,that the library and museum that holds his nameis located in the medical school that he helpedshaped into one of the nation’s leading institutions.”Much of the memorabilia from DeBakey’s longcareer will be housed there, including all of hisawards and honors and 3,000 manuscripts chroniclinghis research. The permanent and rotatingdisplays will feature medical devices and implementsdevised by the pioneering vascular surgeonalong with the treadle sewing machine he used tostitch the first Dacron® artificial arteries.The museum also will serve as a resourcefor physicians and scholars who wish to studyadvances in a whole range of medical areas, fromcardiovascular surgery pioneered by DeBakeyto the present-day discoveries of new genes byresearchers in the college’s Human GenomeSequencing Center.#Additional resources available at http://www.bcm.edu/news/packages/medlibrary.cfmWho Gets <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Update</strong>? We’re often asked that question.It is MAILED to:Every public school in NYCEvery private school in NYCEvery Public library in NYCEvery HS guidance counselor in NYC170 schools in NJFoundation HeadsCorporate LeadersPhilanthropistsEvery member of the NYC CouncilEvery NYS RegentCollege presidents & professors throughoutthe U.S.Every medical school dean in NYCSeaverand NYAutismCenter ofExcellenceParticipation in themedication trials isfree and includescomprehensivediagnostic testing andfrequent visits withclinicians to closelymonitor participants.<strong>Education</strong> Leaders nationwideIt is Delivered By TRUCK to:Our streetcorner boxes all over Manhattanincluding 10 new ones on Madison Ave2000 apartment buildings.If you want <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Update</strong> in your building,email us.If you want to know the box closest to yourhome, just email us.We love our readers!! We welcome you as ourreader.Ednews1@aol.comResearch Studies for Children with AutismSpectrum DisordersDoes your child have:* Repetitive behaviors or narrow interests?* Language delay or communication difficulties?* Trouble making friends or maintaining relationships?* Motor skills delays?* Poor organizational skills?If yes, your child may qualify for one of the followingstudies:Medication Studies (ages 2-5; ages 5-18):Medication studies that target problem behaviors and symptoms ofautism. GCO #01-1295, IRB approved through 4/30/07.For more information please call # 212 241-2993 or #212 241-7098Imaging Studies (ages 7-17):Imaging studies that involve MRI scans to look at the chemistry ofthe brain in children and adolescents with autism. GCO#05-0847,IRB approved through 9/11/07.For more information please call #212-241-7098Social Skills Group (ages 6-8):Weekly class for children with strong verbal skills. Goals includeimproving relationships with peers and learning coping skills forsocial situations. GCO#03-1104, IRB approved through 12/15/06.For more information please call #212 241-3692Study Identifies EnzymeResponsible for BrainDeterioration in Alzheimer’sUniv. of Missouri-Columbia Researchers Hope Findings Lead To A Medical BreakthroughResearchers at the University of Missouri-Columbia identified an enzyme responsible forthe deterioration of brain function for people withAlzheimer’s disease, reported in the Journal ofNeuroscience.James Lee, assistant professor of biologicalengineering in the College of Engineering,and his former doctoral student Donghui Zhu,currently a post-doctoral research associate atColumbia University, conducted their research incollaboration with Grace Sun, professor of biochemistryand pathology and anatomical sciencesin the Missouri U (MU) School of Medicineand College of Agriculture, Food and NaturalResources. Sun also directs an Alzheimer’s projectat MU that is being funded by the NationalInstitutes of Health.The research team’s work focused on amyloidbetapeptide, a common neuron-killing toxinfound in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, andastrocytes, which supports neurons and is themajor cell in the brain. In lab tests, they studiedhow the toxin affects and interacts with the cellLasikNEARSIGHTEDNESS - FARSIGHTEDNESS - ASTIGMATISMBY DR. KEN MOADEL- NY’s Most Experienced Specialist- Personally performed over 37,000 laservision corrections- Dr. Moadel examines and treats every patient- NY’s Most Advanced Technology- BLADELESS LASIK W/CUSTOMVUE- Safer & more precise than ever- FLEX SPENDING $$$ ACCEPTEDFOR LASIK PAYMENT- Interest-Free Financing*-Most Insurance Acceptedwhere applicableNY TEACHERSSAVE $500In appreciation of your service to ourchildren & community, Dr. Moadel is pleasedto extend this offer. Not to be used inconjunction with any other offer or insuranceplan.DR. KEN MOADELNY EYE SPECIALISTSFREE CONSULTATION(212)490-EYES(3937)MIDTOWN MANHATTAN STAMFORD, CT NY2020.COM*Qualified candidates pay only $35 per month per eyeto activate a critical enzyme—phospholipase A2.Lab tests showed that with increased activity,phospholipase A2 negatively affected the mitochondria,which is responsible for energy production,resulting in increased oxidative stress. Zhuand Lee said an increase in oxidative stress furtherpromotes neuron death, worsens the diseaseand causes decreased energy levels.It’s an important aspect in the development ofAlzheimer’s disease,” Zhu said. An increase inoxidative stress, Lee said, is one of the characteristicsfound in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.Zhu and Lee hope their findings lead to a medicalbreakthrough and the design of effective drugsto treat people living with the brain disorder thatgradually destroys a person’s memory and abilityto communicate and carry out daily activities.“Alzheimer’s is a complicated disease,” Leesaid. “We know that phospholipase A2 is one ofthe key factors. If we can regulate phospholipaseA2, maybe it can become part of the therapeuticstrategy for treating Alzheimer’s.”#VISXW E M A K E T H I N G S C L E A RNY STARCENTER-FIELDERBERNIEWILLIAMSCOULD HAVECHOSEN ANYDOCTOR INTHE WORLD.HE CHOSEDR. KENMOADEL.

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