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DECEMBER 2006 ■ EDUCATION UPDATE ■ COLLEGES & GRADuate Schools 15In Quest for Democracy, Former Pakistan Prime MinisterBhutto Addresses Oxonian SocietyBy Emily Sherwood, Ph.D.Urging an end to the “clash of civilizations”between the West and Islam, former PrimeMinister Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan, who servedintermittently from 1988 to 1996 and was ultimatelysucceeded by the military regime ofGeneral Musharraf, called for a return to democracyin her country at the Oxonian Society lastmonth.“A democratic Pakistan, freed of the repressionof the military dictatorship, would cease to be thepetri dish of the pandemic of national terrorism,”said Bhutto to a capacity crowd at the PrincetonClub. “The military dictator of today plays thewest like a fiddle over the war of terror. He dolesout one spoonful of cooperation, as needed, tokeep America and Britain off his back, whilethe Taliban and Al Qaeda run wild through largeMaking a difference together throughstudent directed learningBachelor of Arts in<strong>Education</strong>Master of Arts in<strong>Education</strong>-Study at home-Short intensive residenciesin VermontJoin an engaged learning community with a richhistory in adult and progressive education.Community <strong>Education</strong>, Licensure, School Guidance, Partnership<strong>Education</strong>, Elementary <strong>Education</strong>,Early Childhood, Art, Social Studies, Middle Grades, Math, Science,Individually Designed <strong>Education</strong> StudyThe winter semester begins January 15, 2007The summer semester begins July 9-16, 2007Begin with an eight-day intensive residency in Vermont3/4 time study available-no required winter residencyGODDARD COLLEGE123 Pitkin Road, Plainfield, Vermont 05667NEASC ACCREDITED1-800-906-8312www.goddard.edu admissions@goddard.eduart_ed_ad 10/31/06 10:28 AM Page 1tracts of Pakistan’s tribal border areas,” she addedominously. Bhutto credited Pakistan’s militaryregime with a rise in global terrorism (2001 shoebomber Richard Reid, the 2005 London subwaybombing, and the 2006 transatlantic bomb plotuncovered in London this past summer “all havefootprints going back to my country,” revealedBhutto.)The former Prime Minister argued that militarydictatorships in Pakistan have persuadedyoung men into believing that “power flowsfrom the gun, rather than from the majesty oflaw.” Political “madrasas” (schools providingfree religious education to the poor) are furtherexploiting indigent families by marketing militantliterature and spreading a message of hateagainst all non-Muslims, she said. Religiousparties that have publicly avowed their supportof Bin Laden currently control the two statesbordering Afghanistan: “Like the Hydra-headedmonster, militant groups, when banned, reemergeunder another name…Extremism has replacedmoderation in an increasingly despotic Pakistan,”concluded Bhutto, urging the international communityto tie forthcoming financial aid to ademocratically run Pakistan.The first woman ever to lead a modern Muslimnation, Prime Minister Bhutto also talked abouther own path to leadership. As a student atHarvard in the seventies, she witnessed firsthandthe feminist and civil rights movementsin America as well as “the awesome power ofthe people…to change the direction of history”during the Watergate crisis. During her graduatestudies at Oxford, she saw Britain’s conservativeparty choose Margaret Thatcher to be their firstfemale Prime Minister. Bhutto herself became thefirst female foreigner to be elected president ofthe prestigious Oxford union (“I was told that asa woman I could not win…But I did run and I didwin, and I gave up my fear of losing.”)Despite being born into a political family,Bhutto never sought a political role. “It cameCompiled by Chris RowanQuiz CornerPrime Minister Benazir Bhuttoto me through an accident of fate,” she recalled,describing how only a week after she returned toPakistan in 1977 after her schooling abroad, themilitary seized power, ousting her father, the latePakistani Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, andlater executing him. “When he was murdered,my life changed forever,” explained Bhutto, whogave up her dream of joining the foreign service(“I had dreamt of becoming ambassador andserving in Washington and throwing better partiesthan any other ambassador”) and instead foundherself in prison for almost six years. “But I nevergame up my struggle and my commitment for ademocratic Pakistan,” she added, and in 1988 shewas sworn in as Prime Minister in the first openelection in more than a decade.Coming back from behind to do the seeminglyimpossible is what Benazir Bhutto does best.She is awaiting a return to Pakistan to run yetagain for Prime Minister in the upcoming generalelections scheduled for November 2007, and shecalled upon the US to send official observersto insure that those elections are free and fair.“Democracy is important to the empowerment ofthe people in Pakistan,” summed up the indomitablePrime Minister Bhutto to the impassionedapplause of the audience. “But democracy is alsoimportant to the message we want to send morethan one million Muslims across the world whohave to choose between the politics of the pastand the politics of the future.”#1. Who was the first U.S. President born afterJuly 4, 1776? 2. Who said: “Thomas Jefferson11461 survives.” Ed <strong>Update</strong>s_1-6 When 11461 did he Ed say <strong>Update</strong>s_1-6 Pg it? 11461 3. v2 Which Ed 9/28/06 President <strong>Update</strong>s_1-6 11461 Pg v2 Ed 5:30 9/28/06 <strong>Update</strong>s_1-6 Pg PM v2 Page 5:30 9/28/06 1Pg PM v2 Page 5:30 9/28/06 1 PM Page 5:301Pdied because he ate too much at a Fourth of Julycelebration? When did he die? 4. How manyPresidents died on the Fourth of July? 5. WhichPresident 11461 Ed was <strong>Update</strong>s_1-6 born on the Fourth Pg of v2 July? 9/28/06 In what 5:30 PM Page 111461 Ed <strong>Update</strong>s_1-6 11461 Pg Ed v2 <strong>Update</strong>s_1-6 9/28/06 11461 Pg Ed 5:30 v2 <strong>Update</strong>s_1-6 9/28/06 Pg 5:30 v2 PM 9/28/06 Page 15:30 PM Page 1year? Where? 11461 PM Ed Page <strong>Update</strong>s_1-6 11461 1 Ed <strong>Update</strong>s_1-6 11461 Pg v2 Ed 11461 9/28/06 <strong>Update</strong>s_1-6 Pg Ed v2 <strong>Update</strong>s_1-6 5:30 9/28/06 Pg PM v2 Page 5:30 Pg 9/28/06 v2 1PM 9/28/06 Page 5:30 1PM5Dafna Tal9, 1850. (4) Three. Adams and Jefferson in 1826and James Monroe in 1831. (5) Calvin Coolidge,1872, in Plymouth Notch, Vermont.Answers:Martin Van Buren, in 1782 in Kinderhook,New York. (2) John Adams, as he lay dying onJuly 4, 1826. Jefferson had actually died a fewhours earlier. (3) Zachary Taylor. He died on JulyFOR ARTISTS WHO WANTTO BECOME TEACHERSThe School of Visual Arts offers a Master of Arts in Teaching in Art <strong>Education</strong>.This 36 credit, three-semester program, leads to a New York State InitialCertification in Art. The MAT curriculum centers on a community-orientedapproach to art education. 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