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Standards for accomplished teachers and principals - Australian ...

Standards for accomplished teachers and principals - Australian ...


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AGTCPTA ALAPPA ASLATA ASPA ASMEEPA ATEA BEA CaSPA CaSPA ECA HTAA HEIAA HTAA HEIA MYSA SEAA VSEAA VETnetwork AEA AAEE Ak AEA AAEE AATE AAMT AASE ACAMT AASE ACE ACCE ACDE ACELE ACDE ACEL ACHPER ACTA AFMER ACTA AFMLTA AFSSSE AGTA ASSSE AGTA AHISA AJCPTA ALIA AAJCPTA ALIA ALEA APPA ASLA ASPPA ASLA ASTA ASPA ASME ASEPPA ASME ASEPA ATEA BEA CaSPATEA BEA CaSPA ECA HTAA HEIA MHTAA HEIA MYSA SEAA VETnetwoA SEAA VETnetwork AEA AAEE AAEA AAEE AATE AAMT AASE ACE AAASE ACE ACCE ACDE ACEL ACCDE ACEL ACHPER ACTA AFMLTAACTA AFMLTA AFSSSE AGTA AHISAE AGTA AHISA AJCPTA ALIA ALEATA ALIA ALEA APPA ASLA ASTA AASLA ASTA ASPA ASME ASEPA ASME ASEPA ATEA BEA CaSPA ECAEA CaSPA ECA HTAA HEIA MYSAHEIA MYSA SEAA VETnetwork AEAVETnetwork AEA AAEE AATE AAMA AAEE AATE AAMT AASE ACE SE ACE ACCE ACDE ACEL ACHPERACEL ACHPER ACTA AFMLTA AFSAFMLTA AFSSSE AGTA AHISA AJCGTA AHISA AJCPTA ALIA ALEA APALIA ALEA APPA ASLA ASTA ASPAA ASTA ASPA ASME ASEPA ATEAE ASEPA ATEA BEA CaSPA ECA HTaSPA ECA HTAA HEIA MYSA SEAAEIA MYSA SEAA VETnetwork AETnetwork AEA AAEE AATEAATE AAMT AASE ACEE ACE ACCE ACDEEL ACHPER ACTMLTA AFSSAHISAALProfessional excellenceunderpins quality educationWide public recognition of dedicated, <strong>accomplished</strong> <strong>teachers</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>principals</strong> as exemplary professionals is central to high quality education<strong>and</strong> a respected teaching profession.Professional status <strong>and</strong> respect stem from many sources – <strong>for</strong>malqualifi cations, professional preparation <strong>and</strong> income, <strong>and</strong> transparent,rigorous st<strong>and</strong>ards that set out what <strong>accomplished</strong> professionalsshould know <strong>and</strong> be able to do. Other hallmarks of a highly regardedprofession are a commitment to the welfare of clients, a signifi cantmeasure of professional autonomy in practice, a valued knowledge base<strong>and</strong> collegial behaviour.In fields such asaccountancy, medicine<strong>and</strong> engineering,practitioners are highlyregarded in part becausethey are certifi ed by their peers as <strong>accomplished</strong> according to agreedst<strong>and</strong>ards of practice. In contrast, the history of teaching has meant thatthe work of the teaching profession is comparatively undervalued. This hasimplications <strong>for</strong> attracting <strong>and</strong> retaining the best <strong>teachers</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>principals</strong>.“…st<strong>and</strong>ards are but one part of the repertoireof policy strategies that can make a differenceto student achievement…”Research has clearly <strong>and</strong> convincingly established that good <strong>teachers</strong>make a difference to students’ life chances <strong>and</strong> the best <strong>teachers</strong> makethe most difference. As a result, governments have given high priorityto raising the quality of teaching. Separately <strong>and</strong> jointly, they havesupported a broad range of initiatives to raise the quality of teaching<strong>and</strong> school leadership.Teaching <strong>and</strong> principal st<strong>and</strong>ards are but one part of the repertoire ofpolicy strategies that can make a difference to student achievementby influencing teacher <strong>and</strong> principal quality. In the current climateof accountability, st<strong>and</strong>ards sit alongside <strong>and</strong> rein<strong>for</strong>ce other policy<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ards</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>accomplished</strong> <strong>teachers</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>principals</strong>a foundation <strong>for</strong> public confi dence <strong>and</strong> respect1

SCaSPA HEIA H MEAA EAA VETnetwAEA AEA AAEE AAEE AATETE AAMT AAMT AASE AASE ACE A ACE ACCE ACDE ACDE ACEL ACHACEL ACHPER ACTA ACTA AFMLTAACTA AFMLTA AFSSSE AFSSSE AGTA AHE AGTA AHISA AJCPTA AJCPTA ALIA ALIA ALECPTA ALIA ALEA ALEA APPA APPA ASLA ASA ASLA ASTA ASPA ASPA ASME ASME ASEPAAASME ASEPA ATEA ATEA BEA BEA CaSPA EEA CaSPA ECA HTAA HTAA HEIA HEIA MYSAA HEIA MYSA A SEAA SEAA VETnetworkVETnetwork AEA AEA AAEE AAEE AATE AAEE AATE AAMT AASE AASE ACE ACE ACCE AE ACE ACCE ACDE ACDE ACEL ACEL ACHPEACEL ACHPER R ACTA ACTA AFMLTA AFMLTA AFSAFMLTA AFSSSE AGTA AGTA AHISA AJAGTA AHISA AJCPTA AJCPTA ALIA ALIA ALEA ALIA ALEA APPA ASLA ASLA ASTA ASTA ASPASLA ASTA ASPA ASPA ASME ASME ASEPA AE ASEPA ATEA A BEA BEA CaSPA CaSPA ECA E HCaSPA ECA HTAA HTAA HEIA HEIA MYSA SEA MYSA SEAA VETnetwork VETnetwork AEAetwork AEA AAEE AAEE AATE AATE AAMTATE AAMT AASE AASE ACE ACE ACCE ACCE ACDE ACCE ACDE E ACEL ACEL ACHPER ACACHPER ACTA AFMLTA AFMLTA AFSSSELTA AFSSSE AGTA AGTA AHISA A AJCPTAAHISA AJCPTA A ALIA ALEA APPAA ALEA APPASTA ASPAASEPPA ASLA ASTA ASPASME ASEPA ATEA BEBEA CaSPA ECA HTA HEIA MYSA SEAAVETnetwork AEA AAEE AATE AAMT AASE ACE ACCE ACDE ACEL ACHPER ACTAAFMLTA AFSSSEAHISA AJA ALEAA AS<strong>and</strong> contexts. It includes the ability to select the best pedagogicalstrategies to maximise learning outcomes <strong>for</strong> all students.Through involvement inst<strong>and</strong>ards development,<strong>teachers</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>principals</strong>deepen their underst<strong>and</strong>ingof their craft <strong>and</strong> improvetheir practice. The process of drafting, consultation <strong>and</strong> amendment ofst<strong>and</strong>ards gives the profession the opportunity to refl ect on its beliefs<strong>and</strong> practices, to test aspirational expectations against real-life contexts<strong>and</strong> to create a shared <strong>and</strong> public conversation about practice.“…profession-wide st<strong>and</strong>ards complementexisting <strong>and</strong> planned generic government<strong>and</strong> system st<strong>and</strong>ards…”Profession-wide st<strong>and</strong>ards complement existing <strong>and</strong> planned genericgovernment <strong>and</strong> system st<strong>and</strong>ards. They are not dependent on jurisdiction,system or school, <strong>and</strong> add value to <strong>teachers</strong>, <strong>principals</strong> <strong>and</strong> school systemsby focusing on professional responsibility <strong>and</strong> specialist skills.These st<strong>and</strong>ards can serve a number of purposes. They:~ enable the profession to make public its values, beliefs, knowledge<strong>and</strong> practices~ guide members of the profession in refl ecting on <strong>and</strong> improvingtheir practice~ provide a framework <strong>for</strong> teacher <strong>and</strong> principal professional learning~ articulate distinctive attributes <strong>and</strong> aspects of specialised practice asa complement to generic st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong> competencies~ in<strong>for</strong>m assessment <strong>and</strong> promotional procedures~ recognise <strong>and</strong> reward degrees of accomplishment~ raise self esteem within the profession <strong>and</strong> affi rm a public professionalcommitment to accountability.4<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ards</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>accomplished</strong> <strong>teachers</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>principals</strong>a foundation <strong>for</strong> public confi dence <strong>and</strong> respect

AGTCPTA ALAPPA ASLATA ASPA ASMEEPA ATEA BEA CaSPA CaSPA ECA HTAA HEIAA HTAA HEIA MYSA SEAA VSEAA VETnetwork AEA AAEE Ak AEA AAEE AATE AAMT AASE ACAMT AASE ACE ACCE ACDE ACELE ACDE ACEL ACHPER ACTA AFMER ACTA AFMLTA AFSSSE AGTA ASSSE AGTA AHISA AJCPTA ALIA AAJCPTA ALIA ALEA APPA ASLA ASPPA ASLA ASTA ASPA ASME ASEPPA ASME ASEPA ATEA BEA CaSPATEA BEA CaSPA ECA HTAA HEIA MHTAA HEIA MYSA SEAA VETnetwoA SEAA VETnetwork AEA AAEE AASpecialist st<strong>and</strong>ardsA ASTA ASPA ASME ASEPA ATEAE ASEPA ATEA BEA CaSPA ECA HTaSPA ECA HTAA HEIA MYSA SEAAEA AAEE AATE AAMT AASE ACE AAASE ACE ACCE ACDE ACEL ACCDE ACEL ACHPER ACTA AFMLTAACTA AFMLTA AFSSSE AGTA AHISAE AGTA AHISA AJCPTA ALIA ALEATA ALIA ALEA APPA ASLA ASTA AASLA ASTA ASPA ASME ASEPA ASME ASEPA ATEA BEA CaSPA ECAEA CaSPA ECA HTAA HEIA MYSAHEIA MYSA SEAA VETnetwork AEAVETnetwork AEA AAEE AATE AAMA AAEE AATE AAMT AASE ACE ACSE ACE ACCE ACDE ACEL ACHPERACEL ACHPER ACTA AFMLTA AFSAFMLTA AFSSSE AGTA AHISA AJCGTA AHISA AJCPTA ALIA ALEA APALIA ALEA APPA ASLA ASTA ASPAThe deep knowledge <strong>and</strong> skills that are captured in specialist st<strong>and</strong>ardsare at the heart of highly <strong>accomplished</strong> practice.Through research <strong>and</strong>consultation across thenetwork of professionalassociations, the professionhas reached agreement on a model to move the development of<strong>accomplished</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>for</strong>ward.“…specialist st<strong>and</strong>ards are at the heartof highly <strong>accomplished</strong> practice….”EIA MYSA SEAA VETnetwork AETnetwork AEA AAEE AATEAATE AAMT AASE ACEE ACE ACCE ACDEEL ACHPER ACTMLTA AFSSAHISAALCHARTERADVANCED TEACHINGCAPABILITIESPRINCIPAL CAPABILITIESDESCRIPTORS OFACCOMPLISHMENTDESCRIPTORS OFACCOMPLISHMENTSubject eg mathematics,English, history, musicStage of schooling egearly childhood, primarySpecialst area egspecial education<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ards</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>accomplished</strong> <strong>teachers</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>principals</strong>a foundation <strong>for</strong> public confi dence <strong>and</strong> respect5

SCaSPA HEIA H MEAA EAA VETnetwAEA AEA AAEE AAEE AATETE AAMT AAMT AASE AASE ACE A ACE ACCE ACDE ACDE ACEL ACHACEL ACHPER ACTA ACTA AFMLTAACTA AFMLTA AFSSSE AFSSSE AGTA AHE AGTA AHISA AJCPTA AJCPTA ALIA ALIA ALECPTA ALIA ALEA ALEA APPA APPA ASLA ASA ASLA ASTA ASPA ASPA ASME ASME ASEPAAASME ASEPA ATEA ATEA BEA BEA CaSPA EEA CaSPA ECA HTAA HTAA HEIA HEIA MYSAA HEIA MYSA A SEAA SEAA VETnetworkVETnetwork AEA AEA AAEE AAEE AATE AAEE AATE AAMT AASE AASE ACE ACE ACCE AE ACE ACCE ACDE ACDE ACEL ACEL ACHPEACEL ACHPER R ACTA ACTA AFMLTA AFMLTA AFSAFMLTA AFSSSE AGTA AGTA AHISA AJAGTA AHISA AJCPTA AJCPTA ALIA ALIA ALEA ALIA ALEA APPA ASLA ASLA ASTA ASTA ASPASLA ASTA ASPA ASPA ASME ASME ASEPA AE ASEPA ATEA A BEA BEA CaSPA CaSPA ECA E HCaSPA ECA HTAA HTAA HEIA HEIA MYSA SEA MYSA SEAA VETnetwork VETnetwork AEAetwork AEA AAEE AAEE AATE AATE AAMTATE AAMT AASE AASE ACE ACE ACCE ACCE ACDE ACCE ACDE E ACEL ACEL ACHPER ACACHPER ACTA AFMLTA AFMLTA AFSSSELTA AFSSSE AGTA AGTA AHISA A AJCPTAAHISA AJCPTA A ALIA ALEA APPAA ALEA APPASTA ASPAASEPPA ASLA ASTA ASPASME ASEPA ATEA BEBEA CaSPA ECA HTA HEIA MYSA SEAAVETnetwork AEA AAEE AATE AAMT AASE ACE ACCE ACDE ACEL ACHPER ACTAAFMLTA AFSSSEAHISA AJA ALEAA ASThe st<strong>and</strong>ards model brings together three elements:~ the Charter <strong>for</strong> the <strong>Australian</strong> teaching profession, which affirms thehigh ideals <strong>and</strong> principles that underpin teaching <strong>and</strong> school leadership~ a set of generic capabilities that set out the knowledge <strong>and</strong> skills expectedof <strong>teachers</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>principals</strong> operating at an <strong>accomplished</strong> level~ specifi c descriptors of <strong>accomplished</strong> practice in specialised areas.What is common in <strong>accomplished</strong> teaching <strong>and</strong> school leadership isrefl ected in the capabilities; what is unique is refl ected in the moredetailed descriptors. Generic descriptions cannot do justice to thecomplex knowledge <strong>and</strong> skills that underpin <strong>accomplished</strong> practice infi elds as diverse as early childhood teaching <strong>and</strong> pre-tertiary physicalscience teaching. Expertise in one teaching area – whether a subjectarea or a particular stage of schooling – cannot simply be transferredto another. § Specialist st<strong>and</strong>ards also respectthe features that characterise eachcurriculum area <strong>and</strong> are distinctive<strong>for</strong> that speciality, wherever practised.For example, an <strong>accomplished</strong> mathsor chemistry teacher or early childhood professional brings specialisedknowledge, skill <strong>and</strong> experience to their successful teaching whereverthey are operating in the nation.“…curriculum st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong><strong>accomplished</strong> teaching st<strong>and</strong>ardsgo h<strong>and</strong> in h<strong>and</strong>…”National curriculum developments highlight the value of specialistst<strong>and</strong>ards. Successful implementation of the national curriculum will beunderpinned by the specialised skills <strong>and</strong> knowledge of <strong>accomplished</strong><strong>teachers</strong>. Curriculum st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong> <strong>accomplished</strong> teaching st<strong>and</strong>ardsgo h<strong>and</strong> in h<strong>and</strong>.§Ingvarson, L.C. (2009). A partnership whose time has come: National curriculum <strong>and</strong> nationalprofessional teaching st<strong>and</strong>ards. Melbourne: Centre <strong>for</strong> Strategic Education.6<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ards</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>accomplished</strong> <strong>teachers</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>principals</strong>a foundation <strong>for</strong> public confi dence <strong>and</strong> respect

AGTCPTA ALAPPA ASLATA ASPA ASMEEPA ATEA BEA CaSPA CaSPA ECA HTAA HEIAA HTAA HEIA MYSA SEAA VSEAA VETnetwork AEA AAEE Ak AEA AAEE AATE AAMT AASE ACAMT AASE ACE ACCE ACDE ACELE ACDE ACEL ACHPER ACTA AFMER ACTA AFMLTA AFSSSE AGTA ASSSE AGTA AHISA AJCPTA ALIA AAJCPTA ALIA ALEA APPA ASLA ASPPA ASLA ASTA ASPA ASME ASEPPA ASME ASEPA ATEA BEA CaSPATEA BEA CaSPA ECA HTAA HEIA MHTAA HEIA MYSA SEAA VETnetwoA SEAA VETnetwork AEA AAEE AAEA AAEE AATE AAMT AASE ACE AAASE ACE ACCE ACDE ACEL ACCDE ACEL ACHPER ACTA AFMLTAConclusionIn the Charter <strong>for</strong> the <strong>Australian</strong> Teaching Profession, <strong>teachers</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>principals</strong> commit to giving students the best education possible <strong>for</strong>them to lead fulfi lling, purposeful <strong>and</strong> productive lives.ACTA AFMLTA AFSSSE AGTA AHISAE AGTA AHISA AJCPTA ALIA ALEATA ALIA ALEA APPA ASLA ASTA AASLA ASTA ASPA ASME ASEPA ASME ASEPA ATEA BEA CaSPA ECAEA CaSPA ECA HTAA HEIA MYSAHEIA MYSA SEAA VETnetwork AEAVETnetwork AEA AAEE AATE AAMA AAEE AATE AAMT AASE ACE SE ACE ACCE ACDE ACEL ACHPERACEL ACHPER ACTA AFMLTA AFSAFMLTA AFSSSE AGTA AHISA AJCGTA AHISA AJCPTA ALIA ALEA APALIA ALEA APPA ASLA ASTA ASPAA ASTA ASPA ASME ASEPA ATEAE ASEPA ATEA BEA CaSPA ECA HTaSPA ECA HTAA HEIA MYSA SEAAEIA MYSA SEAA VETnetwork AETnetwork AEA AAEE AATEAATE AAMT AASE ACEE ACE ACCE ACDEEL ACHPER ACTMLTA AFSSAHISAALThe readiness of <strong>teachers</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>principals</strong> to take responsibility <strong>for</strong>articulating <strong>and</strong> promoting high st<strong>and</strong>ards of accomplishment is a signifi cantcontribution to the collective endeavours of governments, schools <strong>and</strong>parent groups to improving the quality of school education.<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ards</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>accomplished</strong> <strong>teachers</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>principals</strong>a foundation <strong>for</strong> public confi dence <strong>and</strong> respect7

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