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62<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saransom, were set free after they had paid it. By settingthe prisoners free in this way, the Prophet sa put an endto the cruel practice <strong>of</strong> converting prisoners <strong>of</strong> war intoslaves.BATTLE OF UHUDWhen the Meccan army fled from Badr theyannounced that they would attack Medina again andavenge upon the Muslims for what the Meccans hadsuffered in the battle; and only a year later they didattack Medina again in full force. They felt so humiliatedand disgraced at their defeat that the Meccan chiefsforbade surviving relations to weep over those who haddied in the battle. They also laid down that pr<strong>of</strong>its fromcommercial caravans would be constituted into a warfund. With full preparations, therefore, an army <strong>of</strong> threethousand under the command <strong>of</strong> Abu Sufyan ra attackedMedina. The Prophet sa held a council and asked hisfollowers whether they would meet the enemy in Medinaor outside. He himself favoured the former alternative.He preferred to let the Muslims stay in Medina and letthe enemy come and attack them in their homes. This,he thought, would place the responsibility for aggressionand attack on the enemy. But at the council were manyMuslims who had not had the chance to take part in theBattle <strong>of</strong> Badr, and who now longed to fight for God.They insisted on having a straight and open fight and onhaving the chance to die fighting. The Prophet sa acceptedthe general advice (Tabaqat).While this was being debated, the Prophet sa related avision <strong>of</strong> his. He said, "I had a vision. I saw a cow, and Ialso saw my sword with its point broken. I saw the cowbeing butchered, and that I had put my hand inside acoat <strong>of</strong> armour. I also saw myself riding a ram." TheCompanions asked the Prophet sa how he interpreted thevision.

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