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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 57were turned upon them by a timely act <strong>of</strong> God. The rainwhich came overnight made the sandy part <strong>of</strong> the fieldwhich was in the possession <strong>of</strong> the Muslims hard andthe hard field where the Meccans had encampedslippery. During the night the Prophet sa had a clearintimation from God that important members <strong>of</strong> theenemy would meet with their death. He even hadindividual names revealed to him. The spots at whichthey were to drop dead were also revealed. They died asthey were named and dropped where it had beenforetold.In the battle itself this little party <strong>of</strong> Muslimsdisplayed wonderful daring and devotion. One incidentproves this. One <strong>of</strong> the few Generals which the Muslimforce included was ‘Abdur Rahman bin ‘Auf ra , one <strong>of</strong> thechiefs <strong>of</strong> Mecca and an experienced soldier in his ownway. When the battle began, he looked to his right andto his left to see what kind <strong>of</strong> support he had. He foundto his amazement, that he had only two lads fromMedina on his flanks. His heart sank and he said tohimself, "Every General needs support on his sides.More so I on this day. But I only have two raw boys.What can I do with them?" ‘Abdur Rahman bin ‘Auf rasays he had hardly finished saying this to himself whenone <strong>of</strong> the boys touched his side with his elbow. As hebent over to hear the boy, the latter said, "Uncle, wehave heard <strong>of</strong> one Abu Jahl, who used to harass andtorment the Prophet sa . Uncle, I want to fight him; tell mewhere he is." ‘Abdur Rahman bin ‘Auf ra had not yetreplied to this youthful inquiry, when his attention wassimilarly drawn by the boy on the other side, who askedhim the same question. ‘Abdur Rahman ra was not a littleamazed at the courage and determination <strong>of</strong> these twoboys. A seasoned soldier, he did not think that even hewould select the commander <strong>of</strong> the enemy for anindividual encounter. ‘Abdur Rahman ra raised his fingerto point at Abu Jahl—armed to the teeth and standingbehind the lines protected by two senior Generals, withdrawn swords. ‘Abdur Rahman ra had not dropped his

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