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56<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sahave plunged themselves heedlessly into the sea. TheProphet sa took counsel. But he had no doubt at all as tothe devotion <strong>of</strong> his following. He took counsel in order tosift the weaklings and send them away. But he foundthat the Meccan and the Medinite Muslims vied with oneanother in the expression <strong>of</strong> their devotion. Both weredetermined that they would not turn their backs to theenemy, even though the enemy was three times theirnumber and far better equipped, armed andexperienced. They would rather put their faith in thepromises <strong>of</strong> God, show their regard for Islam, and laydown their lives in its defence.Assured <strong>of</strong> this devotion by both Meccan andMedinite Muslims, the Prophet sa advanced. When hereached a place called Badr, he accepted the suggestion<strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> his followers and ordered his men to settle nearthe brook <strong>of</strong> Badr. The Muslims took possession <strong>of</strong> thissource <strong>of</strong> water, but the land on which they took uptheir positions was all sand, and therefore unsuitable forthe manoeuvres <strong>of</strong> fighting men. The followers <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa showed natural anxiety over thisdisadvantage. The Prophet sa himself shared the anxiety<strong>of</strong> his followers and spent the whole night praying. Againand again he said:My God, over the entire face <strong>of</strong> the earth just now, thereare only these three hundred men who are devoted to Theeand determined to establish Thy worship. My God, if thesethree hundred men die today at the hands <strong>of</strong> their enemyin this battle, who will be left behind to glorify Thy name?(Tabari).God heard the supplication <strong>of</strong> His Prophet sa . Raincame over-night. The sandy part <strong>of</strong> the field which theMuslims occupied became wet and solid. The dry part <strong>of</strong>the field occupied by the enemy became muddy andslippery. Maybe the Meccan enemy chose this part <strong>of</strong> thefield and left the other for the Muslims because theirexperienced eye preferred dry ground to facilitate themovements <strong>of</strong> their soldiers and cavalry. But the tables

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