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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 55should injure the feelings <strong>of</strong> their Meccan brethren. Butwhen the Prophet sa insisted on more and more counsel,one <strong>of</strong> the Medinite Muslims stood up and said,"Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, you are having all the counsel youwant, but you continue to ask for more. Perhaps yourefer to us, the Muslims <strong>of</strong> Medina. Is that true?""Yes," said the Prophet sa ."You ask for our counsel," he said, "because youthink that when you came to us, we agreed to fight onyour side only in case you and your fellow emigrantsfrom Mecca were attacked in Medina. But now we seemto have come out <strong>of</strong> Medina, and you feel that ouragreement does not cover the conditions under which wefind ourselves today. But O Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, when weentered into that agreement we did not know you as wellas we do now. We know now what high spiritual stationyou hold. We care not for what we agreed to. We nowstand by you, whatever you ask us to do. We will notbehave like the followers <strong>of</strong> Moses as who said, ‘Go youand your God and fight the enemy, we remain herebehind.' If we must fight, we will and we will fight to theright <strong>of</strong> you, to the left <strong>of</strong> you, in front <strong>of</strong> you and behindyou. True, the enemy wants to get at you. But we assureyou that he will not do so, without stepping over ourdead bodies. Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, you invite us to fight. Weare prepared to do more. Not far from here is the sea. Ifyou command us to jump into it, we will hesitate not."(Bukhari, Kitab al-Maghazi, and Hisham).This was the spirit <strong>of</strong> devotion and sacrifice whichearly Muslims displayed, and the like <strong>of</strong> which is not tobe found in the history <strong>of</strong> the world. The example <strong>of</strong> thefollowers <strong>of</strong> Moses as has been cited above. As for thedisciples <strong>of</strong> Jesus, we know they abandoned Jesus at acritical time. One <strong>of</strong> them gave him away for a paltrysum. Another cursed him, and the remaining ten ranaway. The Muslims who joined the Prophet sa fromMedina had been in his companionship only for a yearand a half. But they had attained to such strength <strong>of</strong>faith that, had the Prophet sa but ordered, they would

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