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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 41been forbidden by Islam. ‘Umar ra said that this wastrue, but that the occasion was an exception. TheProphet sa had foreseen Chosroes' gold bangles on hiswrists; therefore he had to wear them now, even on pain<strong>of</strong> punishment. Suraqa ra was objecting out <strong>of</strong> deferenceto the Prophet's sa teaching; otherwise he was as eager asanyone else to provide visible pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the fulfilment <strong>of</strong>the great prophecy. He put on the bangles and Muslimssaw the prophecy fulfilled (Usud al-Ghaba). The fugitiveProphet sa had become a king. He himself was no longerin this world. But those who succeeded him couldwitness the fulfilment <strong>of</strong> his words and visions.THE PROPHET sa ARRIVES AT MEDINATo return to our narrative <strong>of</strong> the Hijra. After theProphet sa had dismissed Suraqa ra he continued hisjourney to Medina unmolested. When he reachedMedina, the Prophet sa found the people waitingimpatiently. A more auspicious day could not havedawned for them. For, the sun which had risen forMecca had come instead to shine on Medina.News that the Prophet sa had left Mecca had reachedthem, so they were expecting his arrival. Parties <strong>of</strong> themwent miles out <strong>of</strong> Medina to look for him. They went inthe morning and returned disappointed in the evening.When at last the Prophet sa did reach Medina, he decidedto stop for a while in Quba, a nearby village. A Jew hadseen the two camels and had decided that they werecarrying the Prophet sa and his Companions. He climbedan eminence and shouted, "Sons <strong>of</strong> Qaila, he for whomyou waited has come." Everyone in Medina who heardthis cry rushed to Quba, while the people <strong>of</strong> Quba,overjoyed at the arrival <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa in their midstsang songs in his honour.The utter simplicity <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa is illustrated byan incident which took place at this time at Quba. Mostpeople in Medina had not seen the Prophet sa before.

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