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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 35Meccans were warned that all their fond hopes wouldbe smashed. The Prophet sa was neither a poet, nor asoothsayer nor a pretender. The Qur’an was a readingfor the pious. True, it had its deniers. But it also had itssecret admirers, those who were jealous <strong>of</strong> its teachingand its truths. The promises and prophecies containedin it would all be fulfilled. The Prophet sa was asked toignore all opposition and go on celebrating his MightyGod.The third Hajj arrived. Among the pilgrims fromMedina was a large party <strong>of</strong> Muslims. Owing to Meccanopposition these Muslims from Medina wished to see theProphet sa in private. The Prophet's sa own thoughts wereturning more and more to Medina, as a likely place formigration. He mentioned this to his closest relations butthey tried to dissuade him from all thoughts <strong>of</strong> thiskind. They pleaded that though Mecca was full <strong>of</strong>opposition, it <strong>of</strong>fered the support <strong>of</strong> several influentialrelations. The prospects at Medina were all uncertainand, should Medina prove as hostile as Mecca, wouldthe Prophet's sa Meccan relations be able to help? TheProphet sa , however, was convinced that migration toMedina had been decreed. So he rejected the advice <strong>of</strong>his relations and decided to migrate to Medina.FIRST PLEDGE OF ‘AQABAAfter midnight, the Prophet sa again met the Muslimsfrom Medina in the valley <strong>of</strong> ‘Aqaba. His uncle ‘Abbas rawas with him. The Muslims from Medina numberedseventy-three, out <strong>of</strong> whom sixty-two belonged to theKhazraj tribe and eleven to the Aus. The party includedtwo women, one being Ummi ‘Ammara ra , <strong>of</strong> the BanuNajjar. They had been taught Islam by Mus‘ab ra , andwere full <strong>of</strong> faith and determination. They all proved tobe pillars <strong>of</strong> Islam. Ummi ‘Ammara ra is an example. Sheinstilled in her children undying loyalty to Islam. One <strong>of</strong>her sons, Habib ra , was taken prisoner by Musailima, the

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