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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 33Nations <strong>of</strong> the East and the West were agog. Theywanted to hear the Last Great Message <strong>of</strong> God. In thosevery days the Kaiser and the Chosroes <strong>of</strong> Iran went towar with each other. Chosroes was victorious. Syria andPalestine were overrun by Iranian armies. Jerusalemwas destroyed. Egypt and Asia Minor were mastered. Atthe mouth <strong>of</strong> the Bosphorus, only ten miles fromConstantinople, Iranian Generals were able to pitchtheir tents. Meccans rejoiced over Iranian victories andsaid the judgement <strong>of</strong> God had been delivered—the idolworshippers<strong>of</strong> Iran had defeated a People <strong>of</strong> the Book.At that time, the Holy Prophet sa received the followingrevelation:The Romans have been defeated in the land nearby, andthey, after their defeat, will be victorious in a few years—Allah's is the command before and after that—and on thatday will the believers rejoice with the help <strong>of</strong> Allah. Hehelps whom He pleases; and He is the Mighty, theMerciful. Allah has made this promise. Allah breaks notHis promise, but most men know not (30: 3-7).The prophecy was fulfilled in a few years. TheRomans defeated the Iranians and recovered theterritories they had lost to them. The part <strong>of</strong> theprophecy which said, "On that day the believers shallrejoice with the help <strong>of</strong> God", was also fulfilled. Islambegan to advance. The Meccans believed they had putan end to it by persuading people not to listen toMuslims but to show active hostility instead. Right atthis time the Prophet sa received in his revelations news<strong>of</strong> victories for Muslims, and destruction for Meccans.The Prophet sa announced the following verses:And they say, "Why does he not bring us a Sign from hisLord?" Has there not come to them the clear evidence inwhat is contained in the former books? And if We haddestroyed them with a punishment before it, they wouldhave surely said, "Our Lord, wherefore didst Thou notsend to us a Messenger that we might have followed Thycommandments before we were humbled and disgraced?"

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