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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 25prayer." ‘Umar's ra mind was made up. He asked wherethe Prophet sa was and made straight for him at DariArqam, his bare sword still in his hand. As he knockedat the door, the Prophet's sa Companions could see‘Umar ra through the crevices. They feared lest he shouldhave some evil design. But the Prophet sa said, "Let himcome in." ‘Umar ra entered, sword in hand. "What bringsyou?" inquired the Prophet sa . "Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God," said‘Umar ra , "I am here to become a Muslim." Allahu Akbar,cried the Prophet sa . Allahu Akbar, cried the Companions.The hills around Mecca echoed the cries. News <strong>of</strong> theconversion spread like wild fire and henceforward‘Umar ra , the much-feared persecutor <strong>of</strong> Islam, himselfbegan to be persecuted along with other Muslims. But‘Umar ra had changed. He delighted now in suffering ashe had delighted before in inflicting suffering. He wentabout Mecca, a much harassed person.PERSECUTION INTENSIFIESPersecution became more and more serious andmore unbearable. Many Muslims had already left Mecca.Those who stayed behind had to suffer more than everbefore. But Muslims swerved not a bit from the paththey had chosen. Their hearts were as stout as ever,their faith as steadfast. Their devotion to the One Godwas on the increase and so was their hatred for thenational idols <strong>of</strong> Mecca. The conflict had become moreserious than ever. The Meccans convened another bigmeeting. At this they resolved on an all-out boycott <strong>of</strong>the Muslims: The Meccans were to have no normaldealings with Muslims. They were neither to buy fromthem, nor to sell them anything. The Prophet sa , hisfamily and a number <strong>of</strong> relations who, though notMuslims, still stood by him, were compelled to takeshelter in a lonely place, a possession <strong>of</strong> Abu Talib.Without money, without means and without reserves,the Prophet's sa family and relations suffered untold

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