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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 19<strong>of</strong> what was clean and what was unclean, <strong>of</strong> right andwrong. They did not honour their mothers. They treatedsavagely their sisters and daughters, and denied themtheir due. They did not treat their wives well. Theytormented widows, exploited orphans, the poor and theweak, and sought to build their prosperity on the ruins<strong>of</strong> others. Of lying and cheating they were not ashamed,nor <strong>of</strong> burgling and loot. Gambling and drinking weretheir delight. For culture and national advance they didnot care. How long were they going to ignore the OneTrue God, and continue to lose and lose, and suffer andsuffer? Had they not better reform? Had they not bettergive up all forms <strong>of</strong> exploitation <strong>of</strong> one another, restorerights to whom they were due, spend their wealth onnational needs and on improving the lot <strong>of</strong> the poor andthe weak, treat orphans as a trust and regard theirprotection as a duty, support widows and establish andencourage good works in the whole community, cultivatenot merely justice and equity, but compassion andgrace? <strong>Life</strong> in this world should be productive <strong>of</strong> good."Leave good works behind", the Message further said,"that they may grow and bear fruit after you are gone.There is virtue in giving to others, not in receiving fromthem. Learn to surrender that you may be nearer toyour God. Practise self-denial for the sake <strong>of</strong> your fellowmen,that you may multiply your credit with God. True,the Muslims are weak, but do not go after theirweakness, Truth will triumph. This is the decree <strong>of</strong>Heaven. Through the Prophet sa a new measure and anew criterion <strong>of</strong> good and evil, <strong>of</strong> right and wrong, will beset up in the world. Justice and mercy will reign. Noconstraint will be allowed in the matter <strong>of</strong> religion, andno interference. The cruelties to which women andslaves have been subjected will be obliterated. TheKingdom <strong>of</strong> God will be instituted in place <strong>of</strong> thekingdom <strong>of</strong> Satan."When this Message was preached to the people <strong>of</strong>Mecca and the well-meaning and reflective among thembegan to be impressed by it. The elders <strong>of</strong> Mecca took a

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