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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 247the leader <strong>of</strong> the deputation asked permission to departfrom the mosque and to hold their religious service atsome convenient spot. The Holy Prophet sa said thatthere was no need for them to go out <strong>of</strong> the mosque,which was itself a place consecrated to the worship <strong>of</strong>God, and they could hold their service in it (Zurqani).BRAVERYSeveral instances <strong>of</strong> his courage and bravery havebeen set out in the biographical portion. It suffices torelate one here. At one time Medina was full <strong>of</strong> rumoursthat the Romans were preparing a large army for itsinvasion. During that time Muslims were always on thequi vive at night. One night sounds <strong>of</strong> an uproar camefrom the desert. Muslims hurried out <strong>of</strong> their homes andsome <strong>of</strong> them collected in the mosque and waited for theHoly Prophet sa to appear and to give them directions tomeet the contingency. Presently they saw the HolyProphet sa on a horse coming back from the direction <strong>of</strong>the sounds. They then discovered that at the very firstsound <strong>of</strong> alarm the Prophet sa had mounted a horse andgone in the direction from which the sounds had cometo find out whether there was any reason for alarm andhad not waited for people to collect together so that hecould proceed in company. When he came back heassured his Companions that there was no cause foralarm and that they could return to their homes and goto sleep (Bukhari, chap. on Shuja‘at f il Harb).CONSIDERATION TOWARDS THE UNCULTUREDHe was particularly considerate towards those wh<strong>of</strong>rom lack <strong>of</strong> cultural training did not know how tobehave. On one occasion a dweller <strong>of</strong> the desert who hadonly recently accepted Islam and who was sitting in thecompany <strong>of</strong> the Holy Prophet sa in the mosque got up andwalking away a few paces sat down in a corner <strong>of</strong> the

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