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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 235her and make presents to her, to which the HolyProphet sa replied: "Certainly, for she is thy mother"(Bukhari, Kitabul Adab).He treated not only his near relatives but evenremote ones and anybody connected with them withgreat consideration. Whenever he sacrificed an animalhe would send a portion <strong>of</strong> the meat to the friends <strong>of</strong>Khadija ra (his deceased wife) and told his wives never tooverlook them on such occasions. Many years afterKhadija's ra death when he was sitting with some <strong>of</strong> hisCompanions, Khadija's ra sister, Halah ra , came to see himand asked permission to enter. Her voice sounded in theProphet's sa ears very much like that <strong>of</strong> Khadija ra andwhen he heard it he said: "Oh Lord! This is Halah ra ,Khadija's ra sister." Indeed, true affection alwaysmanifests itself thus that one becomes fond <strong>of</strong> andconsiderate towards all those who may be connectedwith a person whom one loves or holds in high esteem.Anas bin Malik ra relates that during the course <strong>of</strong> ajourney he found himself in the company <strong>of</strong> Jarir bin‘Abdullah ra and observed that the latter busied himselfin looking after him as a servant looks after his master.As Jarir bin ‘Abdullah ra was older than Anas ra , the latterwas embarrassed and protested that Jarir ra should notput himself out on his account. Jarir ra replied: "I used toobserve how devotedly the Ansar served the HolyProphet sa and, being impressed with their devotion toand love for the Holy Prophet sa , I had resolved in mymind that if I ever happened to be in the company <strong>of</strong> anAnsari, I would serve him like a servant. I am, therefore,only carrying out my resolve and you should not seek todissuade me" (Muslim). This incident affirms that whereone person truly loves another, his affection extendsalso to those who sincerely serve the object <strong>of</strong> hisattachment. In the same way those who truly honourtheir parents are always deferential and consideratetowards those who may be connected with their parentsthrough bonds <strong>of</strong> affection or relationship. On oneoccasion the Holy Prophet sa stressed it as the highest

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