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234<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saservice <strong>of</strong> one's parents particularly when they reach oldage attracts the grace and favour <strong>of</strong> God and, therefore,a person to whom is afforded the opportunity <strong>of</strong> servinghis aged parents and who avails himself <strong>of</strong> theopportunity to the full is bound to become confirmed inrighteous ways and a recipient <strong>of</strong> the grace <strong>of</strong> God.A man once complained to the Holy Prophet sa thatthe more benevolence he exercised towards his relationsthe more hostile they became towards him; and that themore he treated them with kindness the more theypersecuted him; and the more he demonstrated affectiontowards them the more they frowned upon him. TheProphet sa said: "If what you say is true you are veryfortunate, for you will ever be the recipient <strong>of</strong> God'ssuccour" (Muslim, Kitabul Birr Was Sila). On oneoccasion when the Holy Prophet sa was exhorting peopleto give alms and charity one <strong>of</strong> his Companions, AbuTalha Ansari ra , came to him and <strong>of</strong>fered to dedicate anorchard for charitable purposes. The Prophet sa was verypleased and exclaimed, "What an excellent charity! Whatan excellent charity! What an excellent charity!" andadded: "Having dedicated this orchard to the service <strong>of</strong>the poor, I want you now to divide it among your poorrelatives" (Bukhari, Kitabut Tafsir). A man came to himon one occasion and said: "O Messenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ! I amprepared to make a covenant <strong>of</strong> Hijrat and I amprepared to make a covenant to take part in the holywar, for I am anxious to win the pleasure <strong>of</strong> God." TheHoly Prophet sa inquired whether either <strong>of</strong> his parentswas alive and the man told him that both were alive. Hethen asked: "Are you indeed anxious to win the pleasure<strong>of</strong> God?" and on the man replying in the affirmative theProphet sa said: "Then go back to your parents and servethem and serve them well." He pointed out that one'snon-Muslim relations were equally entitled to be treatedkindly and with consideration along with one's Muslimrelations. One <strong>of</strong> Abu Bakr's ra wives, who was a non-Muslim, visited her daughter Asma’ ra and the latterinquired <strong>of</strong> the Holy Prophet sa whether she might serve

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