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232<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sapeople would be inclined to pray for him (Bukhari). Heinsisted upon a deceased person's debts being paidbefore he was buried. He very <strong>of</strong>ten satisfied theliabilities <strong>of</strong> a deceased person himself, but if he was notable to do this, he exhorted the heirs and relatives <strong>of</strong> thedeceased or other persons to discharge his liabilities andwould not say the funeral prayers over a deceasedperson till his liabilities had been discharged.TREATMENT OF NEIGHBOURSHe always treated his neighbours with extremekindness and consideration. He used to say that theangel Gabriel had emphasized consideration towardsone's neighbours so <strong>of</strong>ten that he sometimes began tothink that a neighbour would perhaps be includedamong the prescribed heirs. Abu Dharr ra relates that theHoly Prophet sa said to him: "Abu Dharr ra , while broth isbeing cooked for your family, add a little more water to itso that your neighbour might also share in it." This doesnot mean that the neighbour should not be invited toshare in other things but, as the Arabs were mostly amigratory people and their favourite dish was broth, theHoly Prophet sa referred to this dish as a typical one andtaught that one should not think so much <strong>of</strong> the taste <strong>of</strong>the food as <strong>of</strong> the obligation to share it with one'sneighbour.Abu Huraira ra relates: "On one occasion the HolyProphet sa exclaimed: ‘I call God to witness that he is nota believer! I call God to witness that he is not a believer!I call God to witness that he is not a believer!' TheCompanions inquired: ‘Who is not a believer, OMessenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ?' and he replied: ‘He whoseneighbour is not secure against injury and ill-treatmentat his hands.' On one occasion when he was addressingwomen, he said: ‘If anybody finds only the foot <strong>of</strong> a goatto cook, that person should share it with his or herneighbour.' He asked people not to object to their neigh-

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