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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 229you seem to have brought upon yourself what I hadfeared.' I then went to the Holy Prophet sa and found himlying down on a rough matting. He was at that timewearing no shirt and his body bore the marks <strong>of</strong> thepattern <strong>of</strong> the matting. I sat down near him and said: ‘OMessenger <strong>of</strong> Allah! the Kaiser and the Chosroes do notdeserve any <strong>of</strong> God's favours and yet they pass theirlives in great comfort and you who are His Messengerpass your days in such discomfort.' The Prophet sareplied: 'That is not so. The Messengers <strong>of</strong> Allah are notexpected to spend their time in comfort. That kind <strong>of</strong> lifebefits only secular monarchs.' I then related to theProphet sa all that had passed between me and my wifeand daughter. Hearing me, the Prophet sa laughed andsaid: ‘It is not true that I have divorced my wives. I havemerely thought it advisable to spend a little time awayfrom them' " (Bukhari, Kitabun Nikah).He was so careful concerning the sentiments <strong>of</strong>women that on one occasion when he was leading theprayers he heard the cry <strong>of</strong> a child and concluded theservice quickly, explaining thereafter that as he hadheard the cry <strong>of</strong> the child he imagined that the child'smother would be distressed at its cry and he hadtherefore concluded the service quickly so that themother could go to the child and look after it.When during any <strong>of</strong> his journeys women were alsoamong the party he always gave directions that thecaravan should move slowly and by easy stages. On onesuch occasion when the men were eager to pushforward, he said: "Take care <strong>of</strong> glass! Take care <strong>of</strong> glass!"meaning thereby that women were <strong>of</strong> the party and thatif camels and horses were put to the gallop they wouldsuffer from the joltings <strong>of</strong> the animals (Bukhari, KitabulAdab). During a battle confusion arose among the ranks<strong>of</strong> the mounted soldiers and the animals became unmanageable.The Holy Prophet sa fell from his horse andsome <strong>of</strong> the women also fell from their mounts. One <strong>of</strong>his Companions ra , who was riding a camel immediatelybehind the Prophet sa jumped down and ran towards him

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