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228<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saparents. In the same way a mother is made an heir toher son's or daughter's property and a wife is made anheir to her husband's property. When a brother becomesan heir <strong>of</strong> his deceased brother's property a sister is alsoan heir to that property. No religion before Islam had soclearly and firmly established a woman's right <strong>of</strong>inheritance and her right to possess property. In Islam awoman is the absolute owner <strong>of</strong> her own property andher husband cannot obtain any control over it by virtuemerely <strong>of</strong> their relationship. A woman is at full liberty todeal with her property as she chooses.The Holy Prophet sa was so careful with regard to thekind treatment <strong>of</strong> women that those around him whohad not previously been accustomed to looking uponwomen in the light <strong>of</strong> helpmates and partners found itdifficult to accommodate themselves to the standardsthat the Prophet sa was anxious to see set up andmaintained. ‘Umar ra relates: "My wife occasionallysought to intervene in my affairs with her counsel and Iwould rebuke her, saying that the Arabs had neverpermitted their women to intervene in their affairs. Shewould retort: ‘That is all past. The Holy Prophet sa letshis wives counsel him in his affairs and he does not stopthem. Why don't you follow his example?' My reply usedto be: As for ‘A’isha ra the Prophet sa is particularly fond <strong>of</strong>her but as regards your daughter (Hafsa ra ), if she doesthis she will one day have to suffer the consequences <strong>of</strong>her impertinence.' It so happened that thereafter on oneoccasion the Holy Prophet sa , being upset oversomething, decided to spend a period <strong>of</strong> time apart fromhis wives. When I learnt <strong>of</strong> this I said to my wife, What Ihad feared had come to pass. Then I went to the house<strong>of</strong> my daughter Hafsa ra and found her crying. I inquired<strong>of</strong> her what the matter was and whether the Prophet sahad divorced her. She said: 'I don't know about divorce,but the Prophet sa has decided to remain away from usfor some time.' I said to her: 'Did I not <strong>of</strong>ten tell you notto take the same liberties with him as ‘A’isha ra does, forthe Holy Prophet sa is particularly fond <strong>of</strong> ‘A’isha ra , but

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