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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 227company <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa and who had repeatedly heardthe Prophet's sa injunctions regarding the treatment <strong>of</strong>slaves, has said: "I call God to witness in Whose handsis my life that were it not for the opportunities that I get<strong>of</strong> joining in holy war and <strong>of</strong> performing the Pilgrimageand were it not that I have opportunities <strong>of</strong> serving myold mother, I would have desired to die a slave, for theHoly Prophet sa constantly insisted upon slaves beingwell and kindly treated" (Muslim). Ma‘rur bin Suwaid rarelates: "I saw Abu Dharr Ghaffari ra (a Companion ra <strong>of</strong>the Holy Prophet sa ) wearing clothes exactly similar tothose worn by his slave. I inquired <strong>of</strong> him the reason <strong>of</strong>this and he said: 'During the lifetime <strong>of</strong> the HolyProphet sa I once taunted a man with his mother havingbeen a slave. Upon this the Holy Prophet sa rebuked meand said: "You still seem to entertain pre-Islamicnotions. What are slaves? They are your brethren andthe source <strong>of</strong> your power. God in His wisdom conferstemporary authority upon you over them. He who hassuch authority over his brother should feed him with thekind <strong>of</strong> food he himself eats; clothe him with the kind <strong>of</strong>clothes he himself wears and should not set him a taskbeyond his strength and should himself help him inwhatever he is asked to do".' "On another occasion theProphet sa said: "When your servant cooks food for youand sets it out before you, you should ask him to sitdown with you to eat or at least to partake <strong>of</strong> a portion<strong>of</strong> it in your company, for he has established a right in itby working on it' (Muslim).TREATMENT OF WOMENThe Holy Prophet sa was very keen on improving thecondition <strong>of</strong> women in society and on securing for thema position <strong>of</strong> dignity and fair and equitable treatment.Islam was the first religion which conferred upon womenthe right <strong>of</strong> inheritance. The Qur’an makes daughtersalong with sons heirs to the property left by their

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