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12<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> salest Abu Bakr ra should misunderstand, began a longexplanation. Abu Bakr ra stopped the Prophet sa fromdoing so, and insisted that all he wanted to know waswhether an angel had really descended upon him fromGod and had given him a Message. The Prophet sawanted to explain again, but Abu Bakr ra said he wantedto hear no explanation. He wanted only an answer to thequestion whether he had had a Message from God. TheProphet sa said, "Yes" and Abu Bakr ra at once declaredhis faith. Having declared his faith, he said, argumentwould have detracted from the value <strong>of</strong> his faith. He hadknown the Prophet sa long and intimately. He could notdoubt him, and he wanted no argument to be convinced<strong>of</strong> his truth. This small group <strong>of</strong> the Faithful then werethe first believers <strong>of</strong> Islam: a woman full <strong>of</strong> years, aneleven-year-old boy, a freed slave living amongstrangers, a young friend and the Prophet sa himself. Thiswas the party which made the silent resolve to spreadthe light <strong>of</strong> God all over the world. When the people andtheir leaders heard <strong>of</strong> this, they laughed and declaredthat these men had gone mad. There was nothing to fearand nothing to worry about. But as time went on, thetruth began to dawn and as the Prophet Isaiah as (28:13)said long ago, precept upon precept, precept uponprecept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, andthere a little; began to descend upon the Prophet sa .THE FAITHFUL PERSECUTEDGod began to talk to <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa in "anothertongue". The youth <strong>of</strong> the country began to wonder.Those in search <strong>of</strong> truth became excited. Out <strong>of</strong> scornand derision began to grow approval and admiration.Slaves, young men, and hapless women began to collectaround the Prophet sa . In his Message and in histeaching there was hope for the degraded, the depressedand the young. Women thought the time for therestoration <strong>of</strong> their rights was near. Slaves thought theday <strong>of</strong> their liberation had come and young men thoughtthe avenues <strong>of</strong> progress were going to be thrown open to

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