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214<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saup their faults and to acquire merit in the eyes <strong>of</strong> othersby assuming false virtues. The object <strong>of</strong> the HolyProphet sa <strong>of</strong> Islam, however, was to attain to real virtueand to win the pleasure <strong>of</strong> God. He was, therefore,completely free from pretence and make-believe. Thatthe world should regard him as bad or should appraisehim as good was a matter <strong>of</strong> complete indifference tohim. All that mattered to him was how he found himselfand how God would judge him. If in addition to thetestimony <strong>of</strong> his conscience and the approval <strong>of</strong> God healso won the true testimony <strong>of</strong> mankind he was grateful,but if men looked upon him with jaundiced eyes he wassorry for them and attached no value to their opinion.ATTITUDE TOWARDS HIS WIVESHe was extremely kind and fair towards his wives. Ifon occasion any one <strong>of</strong> them failed to comport herselfwith due deference towards him he merely smiled andpassed the matter over. He said to ‘A’isha ra one day: "‘A’isha ra , whenever you are upset with me I always get toknow it." ‘A’isha ra enquired: "How is that?" He said: "Ihave noticed that when you are pleased with me and inthe course <strong>of</strong> conversation you have to refer to God, yourefer to Him as the Lord <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa . But if you arenot pleased with me, you refer to Him as the Lord <strong>of</strong>Ibrahim as ." At this ‘A’isha ra laughed and said he wasright (Bukhari, Kitabun Nikdh). Khadija ra was his firstwife and had made great sacrifices in his cause. She wasmuch older than the Prophet sa After her death hemarried younger women but never permitted thememory <strong>of</strong> Khadija ra to become dim. Whenever any <strong>of</strong>Khadija ra 's friends visited him he would stand up toreceive her (Muslim). If he chanced to see any article thathad belonged to or had been connected with Khadija ra ,he was always overcome by emotion. Among theprisoners taken by the Muslims in the Battle <strong>of</strong> Badrwas a son-in-law <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa . He possessed nothing

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