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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 209He had perfect trust in God which no combination <strong>of</strong>adverse circumstances could shake. On one occasion anenemy <strong>of</strong> his, finding him asleep and unguarded, stoodover his head with drawn sword and threatened todespatch him at once. Before doing so he asked: "Whocan rescue you from this predicament?" The HolyProphet sa calmly replied: "Allah." He uttered this wordwith such perfect assurance that even the heart <strong>of</strong> hisdisbelieving enemy was forced to acknowledge thel<strong>of</strong>tiness <strong>of</strong> his faith and trust in God. The sword fellfrom his hand, and he, who a moment before was bentupon his destruction, stood before him like a convictedcriminal awaiting sentence (Muslim, Kitabul Fada’il andBukhari, Kitabul Jihad).At the other end <strong>of</strong> the scale was his sense <strong>of</strong> perfecthumility vis-a-vis the Divine. Abu Huraira ra relates: "Oneday I heard the Holy Prophet sa say that no man wouldattain salvation through his own good deeds. ThereuponI said: ‘O Messenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ! 'Surely you will enterParadise through your own good actions,' to which hereplied: ‘No, I too cannot enter Paradise through my ownactions save only that God's Grace and Mercy shouldenvelop me' " (Bukhari, Kitabur Riqaq).He always exhorted people to choose and follow theright path and to be diligent in their search for meanswhereby they could attain nearness to God. He taughtthat no man should desire death for himself, for if he isgood he will, by living longer, be able to achieve greatergood; and if he is evil, he may, if given time, be able torepent <strong>of</strong> his evil ways and start on a good way. His lovefor, and devotion to, God found expression in manyways. For instance, whenever after a dry season the firstrain-drops began to descend, he would put out histongue to catch a rain-drop and would exclaim: "Here isthe latest favour from my Lord." He was constantlyoccupied in praying for God's forgiveness andbeneficence, more particularly when he was sittingamong people so that those who were in his company orwere connected with him and Muslims generally should

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