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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 11achieve great things but could take no pride in hisachievement. After this great experience he reachedhome greatly agitated, his face drawn. On Khadija's raenquiry, he narrated the whole experience to her andsummed up his fears, saying, "Weak man that I am, howcan I carry the responsibility which God proposes to puton my shoulders." Khadija ra replied at once:God is witness, He has not sent you this Word that youshould fail and prove unworthy, that He should then giveyou up. How can God do such a thing, while you are kindand considerate to your relations, help the poor and theforlorn and bear their burdens? You are restoring thevirtues which had disappeared from our country. Youtreat guests with honour and help those who are indistress. Can you be subjected by God to any trial?(Bukhari).Having said this, Khadija ra took the Prophet sa to hercousin, Waraqa bin Naufal, a Christian. When he heardthe account Waraqa said:"The angel who descended on Moses as , I am sure, hasdescended on you" (Bukhari).FIRST CONVERTSWaraqa evidently referred to the prophecy inDeuteronomy 18:18. When the news reached Zaid ra , theProphet's sa freed slave, now about thirty years <strong>of</strong> age,and his cousin ‘Ali ra , about eleven, they both declaredtheir faith in him. Abu Bakr ra , friend <strong>of</strong> his childhood,was out <strong>of</strong> town. As he returned he began to hear <strong>of</strong> thisnew experience which the Prophet sa had had. He wastold that his friend had gone mad and had begun to saythat angels brought him messages from God. Abu Bakr ratrusted the Prophet sa completely. He did not doubt for aminute that the Prophet sa must be right—he had knownhim to be both sane and sincere. He knocked at theProphet's sa door and on admission into his companyasked him what had happened. The Prophet sa , fearing

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