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208<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saheavenly and terrestrial manifestations took place tomark occasions <strong>of</strong> joy and sorrow for Prophets, saintsand other great men and that even the movements <strong>of</strong>the heavenly bodies could be controlled by them. Forinstance, it is related <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> them that they causedthe sun to become stationary in its course or stoppedthe progress <strong>of</strong> the moon or caused running water tobecome still. Islam taught that such notions werebaseless and that references to phenomena <strong>of</strong> this kindin religious Scriptures were only by way <strong>of</strong> metaphorwhich, instead <strong>of</strong> being interpreted in accordance withits correct significance, had given rise to superstitions.Nevertheless, some among Muslims were prone toattribute these phenomena to events in the lives <strong>of</strong> thegreat Prophets as . In the closing years <strong>of</strong> the HolyProphet's sa life his son Ibrahim died at the age <strong>of</strong> twoand a half years. An eclipse <strong>of</strong> the sun occurred on thesame day. Some Muslims in Medina gave currency tothe idea that the sun had been darkened on theoccasion <strong>of</strong> the death <strong>of</strong> the Prophet's sa son as a mark <strong>of</strong>divine condolence. When this was mentioned to the HolyProphet sa he expressed great displeasure and severelycondemned the notion. He explained that the sun andthe moon and other heavenly bodies were all governedby divine laws and that their movements and thephenomena connected with them had no relation to thelife or death <strong>of</strong> any person (Bukhari).Arabia is a very dry country and rain is alwayswelcome and is eagerly waited for. The Arabs used toimagine that the coming <strong>of</strong> rain was controlled by themovements <strong>of</strong> stars. Whenever anybody gave expressionto that idea, the Holy Prophet sa used to be very upsetand admonished his people not to attribute favoursbestowed upon them by Providence to other sources. Heexplained that rain and other natural phenomena wereall governed by divine laws and that they were notcontrolled by the pleasure or displeasure <strong>of</strong> any god orgoddess or <strong>of</strong> any other power (Muslim, Kitabul Iman).

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