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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 207approaching and he was in the grip <strong>of</strong> the death agonyhe turned from side to side exclaiming: "May the curse<strong>of</strong> God descend upon those Jews and Christians whohave converted the graves <strong>of</strong> their Prophets into places<strong>of</strong> worship" (Bukhari ). He had in mind those Jews andChristians who prostrated themselves at the graves <strong>of</strong>their Prophets and saints and addressed their prayers tothem, and he meant that if Muslims fell into similarpractices they would not be deserving <strong>of</strong> his prayers butwould, on the contrary, cut themselves asunder fromhim.His extreme sense <strong>of</strong> jealousy for the honour <strong>of</strong> Godhas already been referred to in the biographical portion.The people <strong>of</strong> Mecca sought to place all sorts <strong>of</strong>temptations in his way to persuade him to give up hisopposition to idol-worship (Tabari). His uncle Abu Talibalso tried to dissuade him and expressed his fear that ifhe persisted in his denunciation <strong>of</strong> idol-worship, AbuTalib would have to choose between ceasing to give himhis protection and the bitter opposition <strong>of</strong> his people.The only reply that the Prophet sa made to his uncle onthat occasion was: "If these people were to place the sunon my right hand and the moon on my left, I would notdesist from proclaiming and preaching the Unity <strong>of</strong> God"(Zurqani ). Again, during the Battle <strong>of</strong> Uhud when aremnant <strong>of</strong> wounded Muslims were grouped round himat the foot <strong>of</strong> a hill and their enemies were giving vent totheir feeling <strong>of</strong> jubilation at having broken the Muslimranks in shouts <strong>of</strong> victory and their leader Abu Sufyan racalled out: "May Hubal (one <strong>of</strong> the idols worshipped bythe Meccans) be exalted! May Hubal be exalted!" theHoly Prophet sa , in spite <strong>of</strong> realizing that his own safetyand that <strong>of</strong> the small band <strong>of</strong> Muslims who weregathered round him lay in keeping silent could restrainhimself no longer and directed his Companions to shoutin reply, "To Allah alone belongs victory and glory! ToAllah alone belongs victory and glory!" (Bukhari ).It was a common misconception among the followers<strong>of</strong> different religions before the advent <strong>of</strong> Islam that

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