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202<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saa point above his ankles. He did not approve <strong>of</strong> the kneeor any portion <strong>of</strong> the body above the knee being exposedwithout extreme necessity. He did not approve <strong>of</strong> theuse, whether as part <strong>of</strong> dress or in the way <strong>of</strong> curtains,etc., <strong>of</strong> cloth which had figures embroidered or paintedon it, especially if the figures were large and might beinterpreted as representing gods or goddesses or otherobjects <strong>of</strong> worship. On one occasion he found a curtainhanging in his house bearing large figures and hedirected it to be removed. He, however, saw no harm inthe use <strong>of</strong> cloth bearing small figures which could not beso interpreted. He never wore silk himself and did notconsider it permissible for Muslim men to wear it. Forthe purpose <strong>of</strong> authenticating the letters that he wroteto certain sovereigns inviting them to accept Islam hecaused to be prepared a signet-ring, but directed that itshould be made <strong>of</strong> silver and not <strong>of</strong> gold, for he said thatthe wearing <strong>of</strong> gold had been prohibited to Muslim men(Bukhari and Muslim). Muslim women are permitted towear silk and gold but in their case also the HolyProphet's sa direction was that excess should be avoided.On one occasion he called for subscriptions for the relief<strong>of</strong> the poor and a lady took <strong>of</strong>f one <strong>of</strong> her bracelets andplaced it before him as her contribution. Addressing her,he said: "Does not your other hand deserve to be savedfrom the Fire?" The lady thereupon removed her braceletfrom the other hand also and <strong>of</strong>fered it for the purposethat he had in view. None <strong>of</strong> his wives possessedornaments <strong>of</strong> any considerable value and other Muslimwomen also very seldom possessed any ornaments. Inaccordance with the teachings <strong>of</strong> the Qur’an hedeprecated the hoarding <strong>of</strong> money or bullion, as he heldthat this was harmful to the interests <strong>of</strong> the poorersections <strong>of</strong> the community and resulted in upsetting theeconomy <strong>of</strong> a community and was thus a sin.‘Umar ra suggested to the Holy Prophet sa on oneoccasion that as he had to receive Embassies from greatmonarchs, he should have a rich cloak prepared forhimself which he could wear on such ceremonial

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