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198<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saTHE PROPHET'S sa SIMPLE LIFEThe Prophet sa was extremely simple in the matter <strong>of</strong>food and drink. He never expressed displeasure with illpreparedor ill-cooked food. If he could eat such food hewould do so to save the person who had prepared itfrom disappointment. If, however, a dish was uneatable,he merely refrained from partaking <strong>of</strong> it and neverexpressed his disapproval <strong>of</strong> it. When he sat down to ameal he paid attention to the food placed before him andused to say that he did not like an attitude <strong>of</strong>indifference towards food as if the person eating wasabove paying attention to mere matters <strong>of</strong> food anddrink. When any eatable was presented to him healways shared it with those present. On one occasionsomebody presented him with some dates. He lookedround and after making an estimate <strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong>people present divided the dates equally among them,each <strong>of</strong> them receiving seven. Abu Huraira ra relates thatthe Holy Prophet sa never ate his fill even <strong>of</strong> barley bread(Bukhari).On one occasion while he was passing along a roadhe noticed some people gathered round a roast kid readyto enjoy the feast. When they saw the Holy Prophet sathey invited him to join them, but he declined. This wasnot due to his not having a liking for roast meat but tothe fact that he did not approve <strong>of</strong> people indulging in afeast in the open where they could be observed by poorpeople who had themselves not enough to eat. It isrelated <strong>of</strong> him that on other occasions he did partake <strong>of</strong>roast meat. ‘A’isha ra has related that the Holy Prophet sadid not, till the day <strong>of</strong> his death, on any occasion, eat hisfill on three consecutive days. He was very particularthat a person should not go to a meal in anotherperson's house uninvited. On one occasion somebodyinvited him to a meal and requested that he might bringfour other persons with him. When he arrived at thehouse <strong>of</strong> his host he found that a sixth person had alsojoined his party. The host came to the door to receive

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