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190<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saupon this very theme, he said, "If a man make amistake, it is better he should make amends for it inthis very world so that he should have no regrets in thenext. Therefore I say, if I have done any wrong to any <strong>of</strong>you, it may be only unwittingly, let him come forwardand ask me to make amends. If even unknowingly I haveinjured any one <strong>of</strong> you, let him come forward and takehis revenge. I do not wish to be put to shame when Iface my God in the next world. The Companions ra weremoved. Tears sprang to their eyes. What pains had henot taken and what sufferings had he not endured fortheir sake? He put up with hunger and thirst in orderthat others might have enough to eat and to drink. Hemended his own clothes and cobbled his own shoes inorder that others might dress well. And yet here he was,eager to right even fancied wrongs he might have doneto others; so much did he respect the rights <strong>of</strong> others.All the Companions received the Prophet's sa <strong>of</strong>fer insolemn silence. But one came forward and said, "OProphet sa <strong>of</strong> God, I once received an injury from you. Wewere lining up for battle when you passed by our lineand while passing you dug your elbow in my side. It wasall done unwittingly, but you said we could avenge evenunintentional wrongs. I want to avenge this wrong." TheCompanions, who had received the Prophet's sa <strong>of</strong>fer insolemn silence, were full <strong>of</strong> wrath. They became enragedat the insolence and stupidity <strong>of</strong> this man who hadfailed completely to understand the spirit <strong>of</strong> theProphet's sa <strong>of</strong>fer and the solemnity <strong>of</strong> the occasion. Butthe Companion seemed adamant—determined to takethe Prophet sa at his word.The Prophet sa said, "You are welcome to take yourrevenge."He turned his back to him and said, "Come and hitme as I hit you.""But," explained this Companion, "when you hit memy side was bare, because I was wearing no shirt at thetime."

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