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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 9Young Zaid ra , newly freed, saw at once that it wasbetter to sacrifice freedom for the sake <strong>of</strong> slavery to theProphet sa . When the Prophet sa set the slaves free, Zaid rarefused to be freed and asked leave to continue to livewith the Prophet sa . He did so, and as time went on hisattachment to the Prophet sa grew. But in the meantimeZaid's ra father and his uncle were on his track and theyultimately heard that he was in Mecca. In Mecca theytraced him in the house <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa . Coming to theProphet sa , they asked for the liberty <strong>of</strong> Zaid ra and <strong>of</strong>feredto pay as much ransom as the Prophet sa shoulddemand. The Prophet sa said that Zaid ra was free andcould go with them as he liked. He sent for Zaid ra andshowed him his father and uncle. After the parties hadmet and dried their tears, Zaid's ra father told him thathe had been freed by his kind Master and, as his motherwas much afflicted by the separation, he had betterreturn home. Zaid ra replied, "Father! who does not lovehis parents? My heart is full <strong>of</strong> love for you and mother.But I love this man <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa so much that I cannotthink <strong>of</strong> living elsewhere than with him. I have met youand I am glad. But separation from <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa Icannot endure." Zaid's ra father and his uncle did theirutmost to persuade Zaid ra to return home with them butZaid ra did not agree. Upon this the Holy Prophet sa said,"Zaid ra was a freedman already, but from today he willbe my son." Seeing this affection between Zaid ra and theProphet sa , Zaid's ra father and uncle went back and Zaid raremained with the Prophet sa (Hisham).THE PROPHET sa RECEIVES HIS FIRSTREVELATIONWhen the Prophet sa was over thirty years <strong>of</strong> age, love<strong>of</strong> God and love <strong>of</strong> His worship began to possess himmore and more. Revolting against the mischiefs,misdeeds and the many vices <strong>of</strong> the people <strong>of</strong> Mecca, hechose a spot two or three miles away for his meditations.This was on top <strong>of</strong> a hill, a sort <strong>of</strong> cave shaped out <strong>of</strong>stone. His wife Khadija ra would prepare food enough for

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