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156<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saworthy <strong>of</strong> worship, we might have had some help againstyou from him.""Has it not also dawned upon you that I am aMessenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ?""My father and my mother be a sacrifice to you, onthis I still have some doubts."While Abu Sufyan ra hesitated to acknowledge theProphet sa as Messenger <strong>of</strong> God, two <strong>of</strong> his companionswho had marched out <strong>of</strong> Mecca with him to doreconnoitring duty for the Meccans, became Muslims.One <strong>of</strong> them was Hakim bin Hizam ra . A little later, AbuSufyan ra also joined, but his inner conversion seems tohave been deferred until after the conquest <strong>of</strong> Mecca.Hakim bin Hizam ra asked the Prophet sa if the Muslimswould destroy their own kith and kin."These people," said the Prophet sa , "have been verycruel. They have committed excesses and provedthemselves <strong>of</strong> bad faith. They have gone back on thepeace they signed at Hudaibiya and attacked theKhuza‘a savagely. They have made war in a place whichhad been made inviolate by God.""It is quite true, O Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, our people havedone exactly as you say, but instead <strong>of</strong> marching uponMecca you should have attacked the Hawazin,"suggested Hakim ra ."The Hawazin also have been cruel and savage. Ihope God will enable me to realize all the three ends: theconquest <strong>of</strong> Mecca, the ascendancy <strong>of</strong> Islam and thedefeat <strong>of</strong> the Hawazin."Abu Sufyan ra , who had been listening, now asked theProphet sa : "If the Meccans draw not the sword, will theyhave peace?""Yes," replied the Prophet sa , "everyone who staysindoors will have peace.""But O Prophet sa ," intervened ‘Abbas ra , "Abu Sufyan rais much concerned about himself. He wishes to know ifhis rank and position among the Meccans will berespected."

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