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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 153that as he was not present at Hudaibiya, a new peacewill have to be signed by Muslims. The Prophet sathought it unwise to answer this plea. Abu Sufyan rabecame excited, went to the mosque and announced:"O People, I renew, on behalf <strong>of</strong> the Meccans, ourassurance <strong>of</strong> peace to you" (Zurqani).The people <strong>of</strong> Medina did not understand thisspeech. So, they only laughed. The Prophet sa said to AbuSufyan ra , "Your statement is one sided and we cannotagree to it." In the meantime, the Prophet sa had sentword to all the tribes. Assured that they were ready andon the march, he asked the Muslims <strong>of</strong> Medina to armthemselves and prepare. On the 1 st January, the Muslimarmy set out on its march. At different points on theirway, they were joined by other Muslim tribes. Only a fewdays' journey had been covered, when the army enteredthe wilderness <strong>of</strong> Faran, Its number—exactly as theProphet as Solomon had foretold long before—had nowswelled to ten thousand. As this army marched towardsMecca, the silence all around seemed more and moreominous to the Meccans. They persuaded Abu Sufyan rato move out again and find out what the Muslim designwas. He was less than one day's journey out <strong>of</strong> Meccawhen he saw at night the entire wilderness lit up withcamp-fires. The Prophet sa had ordered a fire in front <strong>of</strong>every camp. The effect <strong>of</strong> these roaring fires in thesilence and darkness <strong>of</strong> the night was awful. "Whatcould this be?" Abu Sufyan ra asked his companions,"Has an army dropped from the heavens? I know <strong>of</strong> noArab army so large." They named some tribes and atevery name Abu Sufyan ra said, "No Arab tribe or peoplecould have an army as large." Abu Sufyan ra and hisfriends were still speculating when a voice from the darkshouted, "Abu Hanzala ra "! (Hanzala was a son <strong>of</strong> AbuSufyan ra .)"‘Abbas, are you here?" said Abu Sufyan ra ."Yes, the Prophet's sa army is near. Act quickly orhumility and defeat await you," replied ‘Abbas ra .

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