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152<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saTHE PROPHET sa MARCHES ON MECCA WITHTEN THOUSANDFOLLOWERSIn the eighth year <strong>of</strong> the Hijra in the month <strong>of</strong>Ramadan (December, 629 A.D.) the Prophet sa set out onthat last expedition which definitely established Islam inArabia.At Hudaibiya it was agreed between Muslims anddisbelievers that Arab tribes should be allowed to jointhe disbelievers as well as the Prophet sa . It was alsoagreed that for ten years the parties would not go to waragainst each other unless one party should violate thepact by attacking the other. Under this agreement, theBanu Bakr joined the Meccans, while the Khuza‘aentered into an alliance with Muslims. The Arabdisbelievers had scant regard for treaties, especially fortreaties with Muslims. It so happened that the BanuBakr and the Khuza‘a had some outstanding differences.The Banu Bakr consulted the Meccans about settlingtheir old scores with the Khuza‘a. They argued that theHudaibiya treaty had been signed. The Khuza’a feltsecure because <strong>of</strong> their pact with the Prophet sa . Now,therefore, was the time for them to attack the Khuza’a.The Meccans agreed. They and the Banu Bakr,accordingly, joined in a night attack on the Khuza’a andput to death many <strong>of</strong> their men. The Khuza’a sent forty<strong>of</strong> their men mounted on fleet camels to Medina toreport this breach <strong>of</strong> agreement to the Prophet sa . Theysaid it was up to Muslims now to march on Mecca toavenge this attack. The delegation met the Prophet sa andthe Prophet sa told them unambiguously that he regardedtheir misfortunes as his own. He pointed to a risingcloud in the sky and said, "Like the rain drops whichyou see yonder, Muslim soldiers will drop down to youraid." The Meccans were perturbed over the news <strong>of</strong> theKhuza‘a delegation to Medina. They sent Abu Sufyan raposthaste to Medina to restrain Muslims from theattack. Abu Sufyan ra reached Medina and began to urge

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