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142<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saThree interesting incidents took place in this siege <strong>of</strong>Khaibar. One <strong>of</strong> them constitutes a Sign <strong>of</strong> God and twoafford insight into the high moral character <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa .A widow <strong>of</strong> Kinana, a chief <strong>of</strong> Khaibar, was marriedto the Prophet sa . The Prophet sa saw that her face boresome marks, the impression <strong>of</strong> a hand. "What is this onyour face, Safiyya ra ?" asked the Prophet sa ."It was like this," replied Safiyya ra . "I saw the moonfall in my lap in a dream. I related the dream to myhusband. No sooner had I related the dream than myhusband gave a heavy slap on my face and said, 'Youdesire to marry the King <strong>of</strong> Arabia'" (Hisham). The moonwas the national emblem <strong>of</strong> Arabia. The moon in the lapdenoted some intimate connection with the King <strong>of</strong>Arabia. A split moon or a dropping moon meantdissensions in the Arab State or its destruction.The dream <strong>of</strong> Safiyya ra is a sign <strong>of</strong> the truth <strong>of</strong> theHoly Prophet sa . It is also a sign <strong>of</strong> the fact that Godreveals the future to His servants through dreams.Believers have more <strong>of</strong> this grace than unbelievers.Safiyya ra was a Jewess when she saw this dream. It sohappened that her husband was killed in the siege <strong>of</strong>Khaibar. This siege was a punishment for the Jewishbreach <strong>of</strong> faith. Safiyya ra was made a prisoner and, inthe distribution <strong>of</strong> prisoners, was given to a Companion.It was then found that she was the widow <strong>of</strong> a chief. Itwas, therefore, felt that it would be more in accord withher rank if she were to live with the Prophet sa . TheProphet sa , however, chose to give her the status <strong>of</strong> a wifeand she agreed. In this way was her dream fulfilled.There were two other incidents. One relates to ashepherd who looked after the sheep <strong>of</strong> a Jewish chief.This shepherd became a Muslim. After his conversion hesaid to the Prophet sa , "I cannot go back to my peoplenow, O Prophet <strong>of</strong> God sa . What shall I do with the sheepand goats <strong>of</strong> my old master?""Set the faces <strong>of</strong> the animals towards Khaibar andgive them a push. God will lead them back to their

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