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140<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sawith consideration, but did not accept Islam. Still otherstreated them with ordinary courtesy. Still others showedcontempt and pride. But it is true also—and history iswitness to the fact—that the recipients <strong>of</strong> these letters ortheir peoples met with a fate in accordance with theirtreatment <strong>of</strong> these letters.FALL OF KHAIBARAs we have said above, the Jews and otheropponents <strong>of</strong> Islam were now busy inflaming the tribesagainst the Muslims. They were now convinced thatArabia was unable to withstand the rising influence <strong>of</strong>Islam and that Arab tribes were unable to attackMedina. The Jews, therefore, began to intrigue with theChristian tribes settled on the southern frontier <strong>of</strong> theRoman Empire. At the same time they started writingagainst the Prophet sa to their co-religionists in Iraq. Bymalicious propaganda carried on throughcorrespondence they sought to excite the Chosroes <strong>of</strong>Iran against Islam. As a result <strong>of</strong> Jewish machinationsthe Chosroes turned against Islam, and even sent ordersto the Governor <strong>of</strong> Yemen to arrest the Prophet sa . It wasby special divine intervention and divine grace that theProphet sa remained safe, and the foul plan <strong>of</strong> theEmperor <strong>of</strong> Iran was brought to nought. It should beobvious that, but for the divine help which attended theProphet sa throughout his career, the tender movement <strong>of</strong>early Islam would have been nipped in the bud underthe hostility and opposition <strong>of</strong> the Emperors <strong>of</strong> Romeand Iran. When the Chosroes ordered the arrest <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa , it so happened that before the orders could becarried out the Emperor was deposed and put to deathby his own son and his orders for the arrest <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa cancelled by the new ruler. The <strong>of</strong>ficials <strong>of</strong>Yemen were impressed by this miracle; so the province<strong>of</strong> Yemen readily became part <strong>of</strong> the Muslim Empire. Theintrigues which the Jews kept on hatching against

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