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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 135from Iran anchored at the port <strong>of</strong> Yemen. It brought aletter from the Emperor <strong>of</strong> Iran to the Governor <strong>of</strong>Yemen. The letter bore a new seal, from which theGovernor concluded that the prophecy <strong>of</strong> the ArabianProphet sa had proved true. A new seal meant a new king.He opened the letter. It said:From Chosroes Siroes to Badhan, the Governor <strong>of</strong> Yemen.I have murdered my father because his rule had becomecorrupt and unjust. He murdered the nobles and treatedhis subjects with cruelty. As soon as you receive this letter,collect all <strong>of</strong>ficers and ask them to affirm their loyalty tome. As for my father's orders for the arrest <strong>of</strong> an ArabianProphet sa , you should regard those orders as cancelled(Tabari, Vol. 3, pp. 1572–1574 and Hisham p. 46).Badhan was so impressed by these events that heand many <strong>of</strong> his friends at once declared their faith inIslam and informed the Prophet sa accordingly.THE LETTER TO THE NEGUSThe letter to the Negus, King <strong>of</strong> Abyssinia, wascarried by ‘Amr bin Umayya Damri ra . It ran as follows:In the name <strong>of</strong> Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful,<strong>Muhammad</strong> sa , the Messenger <strong>of</strong> God, writes to the Negus,King <strong>of</strong> Abyssinia. O King, peace <strong>of</strong> God be upon you. Ipraise before you the One and Only God. None else isworthy <strong>of</strong> worship. He is the King <strong>of</strong> kings, the source <strong>of</strong>all excellences, free from all defects, He provides peace toall His servants and protects His creatures. I bear witnessthat Jesus, son <strong>of</strong> Mary as was a Messenger <strong>of</strong> God, whocame in fulfilment <strong>of</strong> promises made to Mary by God.Mary had consecrated her life to God. I invite you to joinwith me in attaching ourselves to the One and Only Godand in obeying Him. I invite you also to follow me andbelieve in the God Who hath sent me. I am His Messenger.I invite you and your armies to join the Faith <strong>of</strong> theAlmighty God. I discharge my duty hereby. I havedelivered to you the Message <strong>of</strong> God, and made clear to

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