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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 133LETTER TO THE KING OF IRANThe letter to the King <strong>of</strong> Iran was sent through‘Abdullah bin Hudhafa ra . The text <strong>of</strong> this letter was asfollows:In the name <strong>of</strong> Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.. Thisletter is from <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa , the Messenger <strong>of</strong> God, toChosroes, the Chief <strong>of</strong> Iran. Whoever submits to a perfectguidance, and believes in Allah, and bears witness thatAllah is One, and has no equal or partner, and that<strong>Muhammad</strong> sa is His Servant and Messenger, on him bepeace. O King, under the command <strong>of</strong> God, I invite you toIslam. For I have been sent by God as His Messenger sa toall mankind, so that I may warn all living men andcomplete my Message for all unbelievers. Accept Islam andprotect yourself from all afflictions. If you reject thisinvitation, then the sin <strong>of</strong> the denial <strong>of</strong> all your people willrest on your head (Zurqani and Khamis).‘Abdullah bin Hudhafa ra says that when he reachedthe court <strong>of</strong> Chosroes he applied for admission to theroyal presence. He handed over the letter to the Emperorand the Emperor ordered an interpreter to read it andexplain its contents. On listening to the contents, theChosroes was enraged. He took back the letter and toreit to pieces. ‘Abdullah bin Hudhafa ra reported theincident to the Prophet sa . On hearing the report, theProphet sa said:What the Chosroes has done to our letter even thatwill God do to his Empire (i.e., rend it to pieces).The fit <strong>of</strong> temper which the Chosroes showed on thisoccasion was the result <strong>of</strong> the pernicious propagandacarried on against Islam by Jews who had migrated fromRoman territory to Iran. These Jewish refugees took aleading part in anti-Roman intrigues sponsored in Iran,and had, therefore, become favourites at the Iraniancourt. The Chosroes was full <strong>of</strong> rage against theProphet sa . The reports about the Prophet sa which theJews had taken to Iran, it seemed to him, wereconfirmed by this letter. He thought the Prophet sa was

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