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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 125TREATY OF HUDAIBIYAIt ran as follows:In the name <strong>of</strong> Allah. These are the conditions <strong>of</strong>peace between <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa , son <strong>of</strong> ‘Abdullah, andSuhail ibn ‘Amr, the envoy <strong>of</strong> Mecca. There will be n<strong>of</strong>ighting for ten years. Anyone who wishes to join<strong>Muhammad</strong> sa and to enter into any agreement with him,is free to do so. Anyone who wishes to join the Quraishand to enter into an agreement with them is also free todo so. A young man, or one whose father is alive, if hegoes to <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa without permission from his fatheror guardian, will be returned to his father or guardian.But should anyone go to the Quraish, he will not bereturned. This year <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa will go back withoutentering Mecca. But next year he and his followers canenter Mecca, spend three days and perform the circuit.During these three days the Quraish will withdraw tothe surrounding hills. When <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa and hisfollowers enter into Mecca, they will be unarmed exceptfor the sheathed swords which wayfarers in Arabiaalways have with them (Bukhari).Two interesting things happened during the signing<strong>of</strong> this peace. After the terms had been settled theProphet sa started to dictate the agreement and said, "Inthe name <strong>of</strong> Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful."Suhail objected and said, "Allah we know and believein, but what is this ‘the Gracious and the Merciful?' Thisagreement is between two parties. Therefore thereligious beliefs <strong>of</strong> both parties will have to berespected."The Prophet sa agreed at once and said to his scribe,"Only write, 'In the name <strong>of</strong> Allah'." The Prophet sa thenproceeded to dictate the terms <strong>of</strong> the agreement. Theopening sentence was, 'These are the conditions <strong>of</strong> peacebetween the people <strong>of</strong> Mecca and <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa , theProphet sa <strong>of</strong> God'. Suhail objected again, and said, "If wethought you a Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, we would not havefought you." The Prophet sa accepted this objection also.

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