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124<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saKhalifah <strong>of</strong> Islam) to the Meccans. ‘Uthman ra had manyrelatives in Mecca. They came out and surrounded him,and <strong>of</strong>fered to let him perform the circuit, but declaredthat they would not let the Prophet sa do so until thefollowing year. "But," said ‘Uthman ra , "I will not performthe circuit unless it is in the company <strong>of</strong> my Master."‘Uthman's ra talks with the chiefs <strong>of</strong> Mecca becameprolonged. A rumour was mischievously spread that hehad been murdered. It reached the ears <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa .Upon this the Prophet sa assembled the Companions andsaid, "The life <strong>of</strong> an envoy is held sacred among allnations. I have heard that the Meccans have murdered‘Uthman ra . If this is true, we have to enter Mecca,whatever the consequences." The Prophet sa 's earlierintention to enter Mecca peacefully had to be changed,under the changed circumstances. The Prophet sa wenton, "Those who promise solemnly that if they have to g<strong>of</strong>urther, they will not turn back save as victors, shouldcome forward and take the oath on my hand." TheProphet sa had hardly finished speaking, when all thefifteen hundred Companions stood up and jumped overone another to hold the Prophet's sa hand and take theoath. This oath possesses a special importance in thehistory <strong>of</strong> early Islam. It is called the "Pledge <strong>of</strong> theTree". When the oath was taken, the Prophet sa wassitting under a tree. Everyone <strong>of</strong> those who took the oathremained proud <strong>of</strong> it to the end <strong>of</strong> his days. Of thefifteen hundred present on the occasion, not one heldback. They all promised that if the Muslim envoy hadbeen murdered, they would not go back. Either theywould take Mecca before dusk, or they would all diefighting. The taking <strong>of</strong> the oath was not over when‘Uthman ra returned. He reported that the Meccans didnot agree to let the Muslims perform the circuit until thefollowing year. They had appointed their delegates tosign a settlement with the Muslims. Soon after, Suhail,a chief <strong>of</strong> Mecca, came to the Prophet sa . A settlementwas reached and recorded.

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