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102<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saMuslims so cruelly. They were <strong>of</strong>fered what would havebeen a compassionate award. But, instead <strong>of</strong> acceptingthis, they insisted on an award by Sa‘d ra . Sa‘d ra decidedto punish the Jews in accordance with the Law <strong>of</strong>Moses as . Yet Christians to this day continue to defamethe Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> Islam and say that he was cruel to theJews. If the Prophet sa was cruel to the Jews, why was henot cruel to other people or on other occasions? Therewere many occasions on which the Prophet's sa enemiesthrew themselves at his mercy, and never did they askin vain for his forgiveness. On this occasion the enemyinsisted on a person other than the Prophet sa makingthe award. This nominee <strong>of</strong> the Jews, acting as umpirebetween them and the Muslims, asked the Prophet sa andthe Jews in public whether they would accept his award.It was after the parties had agreed, that he proceeded toannounce it. And what was his award? It was nothingbut the application <strong>of</strong> the Law <strong>of</strong> Moses as to the <strong>of</strong>fence<strong>of</strong> the Jews. Why then should they not have accepted it?Did they not count themselves among the followers <strong>of</strong>Moses as ? If any cruelty was perpetrated, it was by theJews on the Jews. The Jews refused to accept theProphet's sa award and invited instead the application <strong>of</strong>their own religious law to their <strong>of</strong>fence. If any crueltywas perpetrated it was by Moses as , who laid down thispenalty for a beleaguered enemy and laid this down inhis book under the command <strong>of</strong> God. Christian writersshould not pour out the vials <strong>of</strong> their wrath on theProphet sa <strong>of</strong> Islam. They should condemn Moses as whoprescribed this cruel penalty or the God <strong>of</strong> Moses as , Whocommanded him to do so.The Battle <strong>of</strong> the Ditch over, the Prophet sa declaredthat from that day onwards pagans would not attackMuslims; instead, Muslims would now attack pagans.The tide was going to turn. Muslims were going to takethe <strong>of</strong>fensive against tribes and parties which had so farbeen gratuitously attacking and harassing them. Whatthe Prophet sa said was no empty threat. In the Battle <strong>of</strong>the Ditch the Arab confederates had not suffered any

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